Chapter 6 - Draco's POV

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I couldn’t believe I had left my phone. Now I would have to wait for the elevator AGAIN. Stupid Draco, I chastised myself. I let my mind wander to my encounter with Hermione. I hadn’t seen her in 3 years and she looked so different. Almost as if she was scared. After the what she saw in the war I wouldn’t think she’d be afraid of anything. She still looked beautiful though. I don’t think that would ever change.
As I locked my door behind me I heard screaming from 15B.

“SHUT UP” I heard Weasley scream at her. What the fuck was going in in there?
I conjured up my patronous to send to Harry the head auror.

“Potter, you’ll never believe it but I found Granger. Apparently she lives right next door to me. You need to come quick. I hear screaming and it sounds painful. Hurry!” I watched as the patronous floated away and hoped it got to him quick.

I put my ear to the door quietly to listen. I could hear shuffling and then heard Hermione scream again. I heard a pop behind me and looked to see that Harry had a arrived with 2 more aurors.

“Listen” I whispered. They got closer to the door and could hear Hermione screaming. Whatever was going on was not good.

“Alohamora” I said quietly. We opened the door and Harry threw Weasley across the room. Harry and the two other aurors went to work on restraining him so he couldn’t get away. I took one look at Hermione and sprang into action. There was blood all over her and the floor. I made sure to look at everything so we could document later. I looked closer and saw her left hand was broken, as was her right leg. She was covered from head to toe in bruises, all varying in color, meaning some were fresh and some were old. I could see she was struggling to breathe and did what was easiest to transport her. I took hold of her right hand and apparated straight to the trauma ward at St. Mungo’s.

When we arrived a gaggle of nurses and doctors came running to us. They loaded her unto the bed and took her straight to surgery. I turned and saw a small waiting room and decided to sit rather than pace back and forth. I sat and waited, and waited and sat. After almost 4 hours waiting, a doctor came out.

“Are you here for the girl that was brought in earlier?” he asked.

“I’m one of the aurors on her case. Is she- is she alive?” I asked, the color draining from my face.

“She’s…stable. She had a lot of damage done. We repaired almost all of it but some of her bones were so broken she’ll need to wear casts and she might need physical therapy. Her hand had the worst of the damage. She will need further surgery and another cast, but not right now. She’s too week right now. She had slight lung damage from prolonged choking but that should heal in a couple weeks. Her-Her private parts were very difficult to fix but we got it done. However she’ll need to stay inactive for at least 2 months while everything heals. If she’s stronger next week we will operate and monitor closely. She’s currently sedated and will remain sedated until her ribs heal. Whoever did this to her, broke 5 ribs and cracked 3. She has a severe concussion and the skull is cracked. We healed the bruises so those are gone at least, except for one under her eye and the cracked lip and eyebrow. She’s very lucky to be alive seeing as she’s extremely dehydrated and a little malnourished. The person who did this… really hurt her. She coded on the table multiple times and had to be brought back. We couldn’t save the pregnancy unfortunately, the wounds were too extensive. If you want to see her she’s in room 1114” I nodded my head at everything he said.

“Thank you” I said curtly and watched him walk away. I sent a quick patronous to Harry repeating everything the doctor had said and told him the room number before making my way down the hallway. When I arrived to her room I could see her from the doorway. She looked small and pale with all the tubes sticking out of her. I could see the plain black casts they had put on her hand and leg. I walked in and sat in the chair next to the right side of the bed.

“Granger I swear, that asshole is going to fucking jail. I will not let him get away with this and neither will Harry. He’s going to suffer and pay for ever laying a hand on you. He’ll rot before he ever sees the sun again.” I finished my rant and walked out to get started on the mountain of paperwork this would take, when I ran into Harry.

“Is she awake?” he asked worriedly. I shook my head and saw his face fall.

“I can’t believe she was right there the entire time. He fucking told me she left him! He said she ran away! HE FUCKING LIED. HE HAD HER LOCKED UP ALL THIS TIME! I haven’t seen her since the 6th month anniversary of the war. 2 and a half fucking years and she was right next to you! How many times did I visit you Malfoy? How many fucking times was I at your house drinking?!” I watched the tears fall from his eyes, and felt sad for him. He loved her and now she was suffering. Granger, you better hope this man doesn’t kill the Weasel before you wake up, I thought as I watched Harry walk towards the room to sit next to her.

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