Chapter 4 - Hermione's POV

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I was in so much pain I could barely walk, but I knew if I thought about taking anything off I would be in a world of trouble. I hobbled my way to the entrance of the store and grabbed a cart. I was glad I had something to lean on while walking. I began to make my way through the list and before I knew it I was done. I absentmindedly scrolled through my phone while waiting to pay. When I got to the register, I quickly paid and shrunk everything except the bread and eggs.

I apparated to my favorite coffee bar and made my way inside to order.  The good thing about this place was that they had an actual bar area where I could stand and not worry about the plug. Almost as if it knew, I felt it expand and tried not to scream out loud. When I felt the pain begin to slowly dissipate, I began to pick up my stuff. I looked at the time and panicked. It was already 5pm and I had been out of the house for 6 hours. I was going to be in so much trouble. I threw my trash away and walked outside to apparate home.

I was speed walking while looking in my bag for my keys when I ran head first into a wall. I felt hands at my waist and looked up ready to apologize when I was met with beautiful, stormy gray eyes. Draco Malfoy, stood in front of me, with his hands on my waist making sure I didn’t land flat on my ass.

“Oh! H-Hi Malfoy” I said sheepishly.

“Granger. Fancy meeting you here. Do you live here? I haven’t seen you around the building. I live up on 15A”

I looked up at him in shock. “No way! I live in 15B. We’ve been living in the building since after the war.” I could feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. It was surely Ron and the longer I took, the worse is would be for me. I quickly thought of an excuse to leave.

“Well we’ll have to catch up! If you need anything, just knock on the door. Bye Malfoy!” I said hurrying off and pressing the elevator buttons.

“Wait! I left my phone upstairs. I’ll ride with you and help with your groceries” he said smiling.

We stood silently in the elevator, I was consumed by my pain when we finally reached the correct floor. We walked to my door and he handed me my groceries. I opened the door and slammed the door in his face before he could say anything else. When I turned around I was met with angry blue eyes.

“Where the fuck have been? Where you off whoring around? Is that why you’re so late?” Ron asked. I was absolutely terrified of what was about to happen. The last thing I saw was Ron cocking his fist as far back as he could and the fist flying towards me. Then, nothing but darkness.

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