Chapter 17 - Hermione's POV

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“I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tonight?” asked Draco. Did I hear him correctly? He wanted to take me, probably one of the most broken people there was, out on a date. I nodded my answer while a smile formed on my face and the next thing I knew, I was straddling his lap and kissing him. I didn’t know what had overcome me, but I was feeling brave. When our lips touched, it was like something inside of me clicked. It was like fire and ice at the same time. I could feel the electricity where our skin met. I felt his hands snake around my waist tentatively as I tangled my fingers in his hair. He deepened our kiss and I could feel the desire pooling at the base of my stomach. I pulled away to catch my breath and he moved to kiss my neck. My head was starting to cloud with my arousal and I could feel his. I knew if I didn’t stop it soon there was no going back.

Before I could say anything, it was like he read my mind and moved away from my neck. He placed a soft kiss against my mouth and gently set me on the bed. I looked at him curiously, wondering why he didn’t just take what he wanted. “You’re not ready yet love and when I take you, and believe me I will have you, I want you to be 100% ready. Not just because you think it’s what I want. I want you to be completely healed with no pain when it comes time. I can be patient, but in the meantime, we can at least date.” His eyes had gone dark with desire and I could tell he wanted me. “Thank you” was all I could muster. He winked at me as he got up and walked towards the door. When he got there he turned to look at me, “I’ll knock on this door at 6pm sharp, so you best start getting ready. The dress code for the restaurant says you have to wear a dress, please don’t wear heels through, I don’t want you to hurt yourself” He waited for me to respond. I nodded before he walked out.

I looked at the time, 3pm, I had 3 hours to get ready and my date would begin. I looked down at my arm, I was glad I had chosen a clear, waterproof cast now. It made picking an outfit easier. I walked to the closet I had in this room, my clothes was divided between his room and mine and this one had all my dresses. I looked through to see what I could wear tonight. I looked and looked until I finally found the perfect dress. It was Slytherin green and short. It stopped halfway down my thighs. It was spaghetti strapped with a pretty low neckline. I had owned it since before the 6th month anniversary of the war. I wore it once and when the hitting started I never wore again. It would be perfect for my date with Draco. I chose to wear no necklace since I had nothing to match it. I chose a pair of simple, strappy gold sandals to go with my outfit. I went with a dark smokey eye and simple nude lip. I decided to curl my hair into loose beach waves and leave it untied.

I looked at the time and saw I still had another 10 minutes before he knocked on my door. I went to go put my dress on and saw it was too big. The dress literally fell off my shoulder from how big it was on me. I looked at the time an panicked, he would knock on the door at any minute now and I couldn’t go out like this. I sank down to the door and brought my knees to my chest and began sobbing. I heard a faint knock on the door, “Go away Draco. I can’t do this right now.” I heard my door open and close and felt him pick me up and set me down on his lap. “What’s wrong love? You look beautiful.” He asked confused. “I look horrible Draco. Look at me! My dress is way too big for me because Ron decided to starve me and I lost too much weight! I wore the dress ONCE and now I can’t wear it anymore! What the fuck am I supposed to do?” I ranted. He sighed and pulled his wand out before standing me in front of him. He stood up and waved it around me. I could feel the dress shrinking and tightening. When he finished, he guided me to the mirror and stood behind me. “You see how beautiful you look? A little bit of magic and now the dress fits you perfectly! Do you feel better now?” I sniffed and nodded. I could feel his eyes roaming over me and turned to finally look at him.

This man would be the death of me. He was wearing a dark gray suit with a black shirt and a tie the exact same color as my dress. We had inadvertently matched and we looked good standing next to each other. He smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me towards him and kissed me lightly. Before one of us could deepen the kiss, he let go, grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. “Sorry love but we have to apparate to the restaurant and back.” I grimaced and readied myself for the pressure.

When we landed I was immediately light-headed and swayed. Before I could fall, I felt Draco’s hands catch me and pull me towards him. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe calmly. When I opened my eyes I could see his were filled with concern. “We need to get to the bottom of your apparating problem love. I’m starting to get worried. What if you have to apparate by yourself and you get dizzy? You could seriously hurt yourself and we can’t have that.” I nodded in agreement. “My appointment is the day after tomorrow. We’ll figure it out.” He didn’t say anything more but he didn’t exactly look convinced with the solution. I knew he wanted to find out why I couldn’t apparate, and so did I, but I had some of the best doctors in London working on me. It would be fine.

We walked hand in hand to the entrance. The hostess greeted us and asked if we had a reservation. “Hello. Malfoy, table for 2. Can we make sure it’s not dead in the middle of the room though? “ The hostess nodded and escorted us to a table in the far left corner of the restaurant. He helped me take my seat and sat in front of me. “Why so private?” I asked curiously. He smirked at me before answering, “I don’t want anyone ogling you while we’re on our date love. You might not see yourself correctly, but just walking through the restaurant to get here, I could tell that everyone in this room would have liked to bend you over this table and fuck you.” I gasped slightly before composing myself. “Even you?” I asked feigning innocence. He chuckled darkly, “Especially me, but I already told you. When I have you, and I will, it’ll be when you’re completely healed. I’ll not be the cause of another injury.” I swallowed dryly when the waitress appeared.

She seemed to have taken a liking to Draco because all through the meal she kept hovering over him. He kept ignoring her and stayed paying attention to everything I said. At one point, he leaned over to kiss me while she was cleaning up our table and from the corner of my eye I could see her face fall. From that point on she made herself scarce. I was having a great time.

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