Chapter 2 - Hermione's POV

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*TW for abuse*

I could feel the sun warming my face from my position on the floor. Last night's beating was so bad I couldn't move afterwards and just passed out after Ron pushed me off the bed. I slowly opened my eyes, sat up, and looked around. I could see Ron's red hair peeking up from underneath the blanket. I got up as quietly as possible and made my way to the bathroom.

In the mirror I could see he had stayed away from my face thankfully and last week's bruises had finally disappeared. I looked down at my body; guess I was wearing long sleeves again. I sighed and made my way to the closet. I picked up some skinny jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and my favorite pair of red sneakers.

I walked to the kitchen to work on breakfast and write out the shopping list for the grocery trip. Saturdays were the only days I was allowed to leave the house alone and enjoy some time away from Ron. By the time I was finished with the list, breakfast was done. I put it on a plate, put the plate on a tray with juice and coffee and made my way back to the bedroom.

“Master” I said gently, “I have your breakfast”
He rolled over to a sitting position and glared at me.
“I was sleeping you bitch. Couldn’t you see that?”
“I-I’m so-sorry but you told me to have breakfast ready by 9 since you have quiditch practice. Do you want me to keep it warm for you while you sleep in longer?” I stuttered.

He glared at me once again “NO! I guess I’ll fucking eat it so I can finally leave and not have to look at your disgusting face. I don’t want to look at you for at least 5 hours. And don’t forget, if I catch you trying to run away again, I’ll fucking kill you.”
“Ye-Yes Ro-Yes Master” I answered.
“Master…I need the credit card to pay for the groceries and the shopping. And I need to know if there’s anything specific you’d would like me to buy today”

He reached into the night table to retrieve the card and threw it across the room. “Here, buy whatever the fuck you want today. The food was actually good so I guess you’re not as useless as 8 thought you were. But, you’ll still be punished for waking me up and almost calling me the wrong name.”

He walked over to me, grabbed me by the neck and squeezed hard, leaving me without any breath. “Today when you get home, I'm going to fuck you so hard, you're gonna beg me to kill you. I’m going to make you scream in so much pain today and I’m going to savor every fucking second of it. Then I'm going to heal you and do it all over again and again. Then I'm going to fuck my favorite hole so hard it'll never be the same again. And while you're gone I'm going to think of more ways to break your disgusting body. I'm going to break you, you little bitch. Now get on your knees for the first part of your punishment.” He let go of my neck and shoved me away.

I quickly gasped for breath while I struggled to get on my knees before I pissed him off even more. He walked over to the dresser and opened the torture drawer. He pulled out a rope, a gag, a new plug, nipple clamps, a clit clamp, his thickest leather belt and a chain. This was going to hurt so much and it was only the beginning.

He grabbed his wand, walked over to me and grabbed me by the hair. He waved his wand over me and suddenly I could feel the cold air against my skin. He dragged me to the edge of the bed. He roughly inserted the gag making it reach the back of my throat and tied it behind my head tightly. I started choking on the gag while trying to catch my breath. This only angered him further so he waved his wand again and I could feel the gag thicken in my throat making it harder to breathe but effectively quieting me. He attached the nipple clamps and tightened them until they couldn’t be tightened anymore.

“We're going to get my favorite hole ready for tonight. Do you see this?” he held up the plug and his wand. “I'm going to enchant this and it's going to hurt you so much. Have fun shopping today.” he lifted me by the hair and bent me over the bed so my ass was in the air. He waved his wand again; the rope came to life and bound me tightly to the bed, part of it making its way around my neck. I tried to struggle against it but the more I moved the more the rope tightened until I was seeing spots. I stopped moving and noticed that thankfully the ropes loosened.

“Pucker your asshole as hard as you can” he growled at me. I did what I was told and felt his wand poke at my entrance. I felt the spell melt against my skin and started to freak out. He had cast a tightening spell, meaning the plug was going to hurt even more.

“This is going to hurt you so much and I'm going to enjoy it” he laughed cruelly before shoving the plug as hard as he could into me. I tried to scream against the gag but couldn’t and started jerking around in pain making the rope tighten again. I started seeing spots and could hear him laughing behind me. I felt a rush of wind and then felt the sting of the belt on my ass. I felt the plug expand inside of me causing me even more pain. I struggled to stay still so the rope could loosen. When I finally felt it loosen I felt the belt hit me again, this time hitting part of my pussy. The rope tightened again as I struggled once again to stay still.
I felt his wand at the entrance of my pussy and another spell melt into my skin. I cringed when I felt the tip of his member poke at the entrance.

“So, since you want to wake me up and interrupt my sleep, I’m going to dry fuck you. That little spell I just did? Makes sure your disgusting pussy feels wet to me but stays completely dry for you. Not a drop of moisture or pleasure. You don’t deserve anything but pain. Disgusting whore. I hate you so much” Suddenly he slammed into me. The ropes tightened cutting off any air. I could feel him thrusting in and out, in and out and getting rougher. My vision started getting blurry and I could hear him muttering spells behind me. The more he muttered the tighter the ropes got. The more spells he chanted the more pain I felt coming from the plug. He was right. I did want to die. And we were only beginning.

Please let me die, was my last thought before completely passing out.

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