Chapter 1

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Asahi's POV

"ASAHI!" I felt my boyfriend, Noya, crash into me. I looked down at him as he smiled, making me smile slightly. I picked him up, which almost always resulted in him whining. I kissed his cheek, sitting him on my lap while I went back to trying to do my homework.



"I'm bored." 

"Don't you have work to do, too?"

"No." He said with a pout. I smiled faintly, trying to focus on the assignment in front of me while Noya wiggled around until he was facing me. You'd think that it would be disruptive, but considering that Noya was a little over a foot shorter than me, it hardly made a difference. Plus, Noya was a Neko so that made him even smaller than a normal person. Noya grinned, starting to kiss my neck.



"I have an assignment.."

"Aw come on, you've been busy on this stupid thing for a week." He complained while resting his chin on my chest with his head tilted back to look up at me. His tail swaying gently.

"Well I'm almost done with school. And this is basically my final." I said. Noya and I both graduated, but I had gone to grad school for business and apparel design. Noya decided to do undergraduate work, which was perfectly fine with me. We were quite happy together in our apartment and we both worked, so we had enough money.

"You earn straight A's in your class. Can't you spare a little bit of timeeee?" He asked with a pout. I sighed, giving in when Noya reached up with his arms around my neck and tangling his fingers in my hair. I've always had my hair longer, ever since high school.

I considered cutting it once, but I discovered that when Noya and I would cuddle, he'd play with my hair and it was quite pleasurable.. as embarrassing as it is to admit, I liked when he'd tug my hair gently.

Noya smiled happily as I carefully put away my book, notebooks, and sketchbooks before lying down in our bed. I watched as he grabbed my arm and held it up with one hand, wiggling his way on top of me before letting my arm drape over his tiny body. 

Noya's POV

I smiled contently, finally getting a good cuddle session with my giant of a boyfriend. He's been really busy with this final assignment. I think it was supposed to be something along the lines of planning some type of apparel line. And he's shown me his work, and it was really good. So I had no doubt he'd ace it.

As much as I wanted this little cuddle, I also wanted something more. He was really good at keeping himself calm, but I could tell Asahi was stressed about this final assignment. Ever since high school, he'd always obsessively brush his fingers through his hair when he was stressed. And he's been doing it a lot lately. And I think that he could use some, stress relief. 

I glanced up at my boyfriend, seeing he let his eyes close and was just resting calmly. I hummed to myself, wondering if I should disturb him. But then I remembered, stress relief. Plus. It's been a while since we've done anything. And I was getting near my heat which always made me feel needier. With a slight smirk, I wiggled my way out from his grip. Asahi glanced at me before just closing his eyes again. 

I scooted up higher, pressing a kiss to his lips. Asahi let out a soft sigh, wrapping both his arms around me and kissing me back. I let my hands reach up and let my fingers tangle in his hair. Gentle at first, I gave a little tug. Asahi opening his mouth in a soft sigh as I used the opportunity to stick my tongue in his mouth.

It was rare for us to do anything beyond kissing. Mostly because Asahi always seemed to shy to do anything with me. But I always craved more of him. Even during my heats, I'd beg for him. But he always told me he was scared he'd hurt me. So I'd have to settle for suppressants and toys.


"Don't you want to?" I asked with a smile, reaching one of my hands down to where there was an obvious bulge. Asahi bit his lip and mumbled.

"I don't know if we should."

"Aw pleaseee? I prepped myself already." I said, wiggling my hips. Asahi's face went red at the thought.

"...You did..?" He asked, looking flustered. I nodded with a grin. Well, I had intended to get some tonight, so I thought why not. Besides... Asahi was big. And if I don't prep myself beforehand, Asahi spends sooooo long prepping me to make sure it doesn't hurt. Which I appreciate, but at some point I just get too impatient.

Asahi gulped slightly but gave into my request. I smiled, sitting up and pulling my shirt off, Asahi sitting up a bit as I tried to pull his off. Huffing when he had to lean forward more just so I could pull it all the way off of him. He chuckled faintly, helping me discard both of us of our pants and briefs.

I turned, letting my boyfriend get a view of exactly how I had prepped myself. I twisted a bit to see his face, laughing to see him looking so flustered.

"Remove it for me??" I asked, Asahi slowly taking the toy I still had inside me. I bit back a moan as he slowly pulled it out, my tail unconsciously wrapping around his arm. Once the toy was out, I turned back around and licked my lips.

"Noya, are you sure?" He asked as I tossed the toy aside. I nodded eagerly, kissing him with a smile. I loved this man with everything I had. He never looked at me strangely for being a Neko. In high school, I'd always try and hide my ears and tail but there were times it was impossible. Some people tried to ignore it, but most of them looked at me like I was a freak.

Nekos, especially male nekos, were kind of rare to find. Even then, we didn't "occur naturally". We were bred to be sold. I was lucky to have escaped my breeder and find Asahi who took care of me. He and his family didn't treat me strangely. And I couldn't wait for one day to marry him.

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