Chapter 2

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Asahi's POV
I yawned, looking down at Noya who was curled up and asleep in my arms. I smiled to myself when I heard him start to purr. His purring might be one of my favorite things about him. Well, everything about him was my favorite, but his purring was special. I gently scratched his head, near the base of his ears. His tail flipped over onto my leg, making me laugh faintly.

Gee, he must be getting near his heat. Every time he was, he'd get really really needy like he was just a bit ago. And then he'd crash. Almost like it was an adrenaline rush. Well, now that he was asleep, maybe I could finally work some more on my final project. I sat up, leaving my hair down since it was still damp from our shower and it was a pain to put up when it was wet.

I grabbed my notebook and leaned back against the headboard of our bed, reading my notes quietly when Noya let out a little mewl in his sleep. Arching his back and stretching before managing to find his way back on my lap in his sleep. I smiled slightly, just putting my arms around him and tucking my knees up a bit so I could see over him.

After a couple hours into my studying, Noya began to wake up. He blinked a few times before yawning, stretching again and clinging onto me. His ears turned back a bit, showing me he was in a completely relaxed and happy state.



"I'm hungry." He said, nuzzling his face into my chest.

"Heh.. what do you want to eat?"

"Mmmm. Ice cream."

"Shouldn't you eat a proper meal first?"


"I think you should eat real food, Noya."

"Pweaseeeeeeee????" He asked, looking up at me with sad eyes. I bit my lip before sighing and setting my notebook down.

"..Okay. Fine. Ice cream." I said, picking him up and carrying him to the kitchen. Noya would never admit it, but he liked to be carried around and taken care of. Of course he'd always say he could do things himself and claim he wasn't that short whenever I'd try and help him reach things. But he never would stop me from helping or picking him up.

Noya wrapped his legs around my waist, his arms loosely around my neck as I had one arm around him before leaning over to look in our fridge. I handed him a popsicle which he quickly unwrapped and got busy eating. His sweet tooth was out of control sometimes. But he was healthy and would eat vegetables and meat. When I made him. I sat down on the couch, Noya happily licking the popsicle with his tail swaying.

"You really should eat less sweets." I said, Noya shrugging with a purr.

"You know how I am. Besides, it makes me feel better during my heats." He said. I suppose he had a fair point. Noya looked adorable in my lap, his ears perked and tail flipping... but I swear he was doing something else on purpose. Every time, he'd take the popsicle in his mouth and make a little moan of pleasure before pulling it from his lips with a pop. He also made absolute sure to lick his lips every time with the red juice making them glossy.

Finally, Noya finished his popsicle. I took the stick from him and got up with him still clinging onto me. I discarded the wooden stick before returning to our room to finish my assignment while Noya spent the evening purring on me until he passed out.

Middle of the night: Noya's POV
I woke up, looking down to see I was still on top of my giant boyfriend. He was asleep, his notebooks neatly set aside on the nightstand. I didn't wanna wake him up. But. I really. Really. Really wanted cake.



"Asahiiiii." I said a little bit louder. I huffed when all he did was let out a snore. I moved so my face was right by his ear, my hips up in the air as I started purring. Asahi stirred a little bit, but didn't wake up. Finally, I gave in and sat up, firmly planting both my hands on his chest.

"Asahhhhhiiiiiiiiiiii." I whined, finally that waking him up. He rubbed his eyes half asleep, looking at me wen I leaned back down and kissed his cheek with the end of my tail flipping.

"Is something wrong Noya?" He asked still half asleep. I shook my head, smiling and purring some more when he gently reached his hand down and messed with my tail.

"I want cake."

"...Noya. It's 3 am."


"Where are we even going to get cake."

"We can buy some to make from the store."

"...It. Is. 3. Am."

Mini Time Skip
I smiled happily, looking at each different flavor and brand of cake mix in front of me. Asahi yawned slightly, holding a container of frosting and a chocolate cake mix after I picked one out.

"That everything?" He asked. I hummed, grabbing his free hand and pulling him towards the freezers where the ice cream was.

"I think you want ice cream." I said, Asahi looking down at me while I looked up at him.

"No I want sleep." He said with a small smile.

"No I think you want ice cream."

"No I want sleep not ice cream."

"I think you need ice cream." I said, giggling uncontrollably when Asahi leaned down. He was laughing a bit himself.

"Noya just get the ice cream." He said, giving the tip of my nose a kiss. I turned around, grabbing some vanilla ice cream. I nodded in satisfaction, my tail almost wagging as we were at the checkout. I perked my ears when I heard someone whispering about me. Slowly, I glanced over to see someone looking at me. Making fun of my ears and tail from afar.

I flatted my ears, feeling ashamed suddenly. I let my tail hang between my legs while I pulled my hood up over my ears. Asahi looked down at me when I mumbled I was ready to go. He looked around, spotting the person and giving them a disapproving look. The person quit their teasing and left with their friend as Asahi put the bag of groceries in one hand and held my hand with the other.

"Come on baby. I'll help you make the cake, okay?" He said with a gentle smile. My mood suddenly lifted as he gave me a little kiss. My tail started swaying again and my ears stood like normal when Asahi lifted our hands and knocked the hood off my head.


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