Mini Epilogue

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Years Later: Noya's POV

"Asahi I'm gonna go visit Aku."

"Alright, just make sure that you're back in time for when Katsumi and Takeo get here." Asahi said, giving me a kiss as I rushed out the door. Katsumi and Takeo were gonna come over for dinner, and of course we had invited Aku. But he's been working his tail off.

Finally I made it to his law firm. I smiled at his secretary who clicked a button on her desk to let Aku know he had a visitor. A little light lit up to let the secretary know he got the message. I thanked her and went to my son's office. 

I clicked a little button before opening and entering. Aku looked up, smiling and waving at me as he set his pen down to 'talk' to me.

Hi dad

Hello. How are you doing?

I'm alright. Busy and working on this case. 

Are you sure you can't spare one evening to come to dinner with us?

I'm sorry dad. I really am sorry. But this is very, very important to me. And for our entire family.

I smiled faintly, very proud of my son's dedication and ambition to his work. It must have been incredibly difficult going through school and especially law school while being deaf. And a Neko. But against every single odd against him, he did it. 

Well, I guess I knew that he wasn't gonna come to dinner, so I had brought him something. I reached into the bag I brought with me and set it on an empty spot on Aku's desk.

What is this dad?

I brought you some dinner to make sure you're at least eating properly.

Thank you, I'm sure it's good. I'll eat it later.

I smiled and nodded, spending a bit more time with him before needing to head home. By the time I got home, Katsumi and Takeo were already there. Katsumi laughing as she was sitting on the couch, rubbing her stomach gently.

"There you are dad. Visiting Aku?"

"Yeah, I had to deliver him some dinner. How're you doing?" I asked, walking over and giving her head a kiss. She hummed, glancing down at her stomach.

"I feel like I've been pregnant forever."

"Well, this is going to be your first child. They'll always give you the most trouble. Even after they're born."

"Hey! I'm your first born!" 

"I know." I said, Katsumi laughing as I sat with her. Takeo smiled faintly and got up to go help Asahi in the kitchen. 

I was proud of all my children. Aku was working night and day on a special case. Katsumi had gotten married to a wonderful man. Takeo is currently only dating someone, but he seems happy. 

Once the dinner was done, I helped my daughter to her feet and we all sat together to eat. We discussed some things, but the biggest topic of the evening was about Aku's case. It has been televised and broadcasted for a while now, and people were unsure which way it would go. 

And it was very important to us all, so we were all behind Aku 100%. And he had many many supporters as well, more than we thought originally. But I was thankful for that. Daichi and Suga supported him as well. They even decided to have a child, and they adopted a Neko girl. She was an adult now, but she was adorable when I first got to meet her.

After dinner, I gave each child a hug as they left together. They both wound up living in the same apartment building so they'd be near each other. Aku lived nearby as well, but in a separate building. Asahi helped me clean up when my phone dinged.

I dried my hands quickly and checked my phone, excited to see that Aku had messaged me. Asahi walked over, tilting his head and reading the message as well. It would all be decided tomorrow night.

The next day

I sat on the couch, staring at the television anxiously. My tail kept tapping Asahi and probably poking him. He pulled me into his lap to try and keep me calm as I watched the news.

I started tapping my fingers against Asahi's leg until he grabbed my hands and held them. He laughed faintly, kissing my cheek until finally what I was waiting for was announced.

"And our last topic. The legality and ethicality of Neko breeding, training, and selling. It has been settled. The breeding, training, and selling of Nekos has been considered inhumane and unethical. Breeder and trainer methods of shock and medication has been deemed dangerous, hazardous, and a form of unusual punishment. All licenses will be confiscated, and all nekos under the care of breeders will be released and rehabilitated. The penalty for illegal selling or treatment will be punishable by prison. And here are the hardworking teams that have provided the information for our cause." The news reporter said, saying several names.

I smiled, tearing up when Aku's name was said. The camera panned over to where my son was. He wasn't looking at the camera, rather at a translator who was provided so he may "hear" the trials and decisions. But he smiled. He had done it. He made the world safer for our family.

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