Chapter 5

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Asahi's POV

After a bit of petting, Noya and the other Neko both ran off to go wrestle with each other. I was glad that they were getting along well. Nekos had a lot of energy. And it was supposed to be for sexual purposes, but since Kageyama and I had no intention of using them that way, it'd be good for them to play to burn off that extra energy.

"So, where did you get him?" I asked, leaning back.

"I found an underground breeder and Hinata was one of the older ones. And he looked pitiful. So. I bought him"

"Is he okay?"

"I took him to a doctor right after I Brough him home, and the doctor said that he's physically healthy."

"He seems a bit shy."

"Well, not with Noya. But yeah when he's just with me. He ran off and hid as soon as we walked into the house. I'm glad that Noya found him. I looked all over."

"Noya understands I'm sure. He ran away and hid for the first few, I don't know. Maybe weeks, when I found him."

"I didn't know that."

"Yeah. The breeders really are awful. I feel terrible for all the nekos that are sold and treated so poorly." I said quietly, Kageyama nodding in agreement. We spent a bit longer talking before I mumbled I should get going. Kageyama and I got up to go find Noya. Kageyama said they were probably in his room where he was letting Hinata stay.

I opened the bedroom door, smiling softly to see Noya and Hinata who must have tired themselves our and were curled up on Kageyama's bed. Both were asleep, Hinata curled up tightly with Noya slightly more sprawled out on top of the boy. 

"Sorry, I'll get him." I said quietly, walking over and being careful to pick Noya up. Noya's face nuzzled to my chest as he started purring in his sleep. I smiled slightly and said goodbye to Kageyama before carrying my little boyfriend home. 

Noya was still asleep by the time we got home, so I just went to our room and let him curl up in my lap while I looked on my phone for a bit. It wasn't to long until Noya woke up. He sleepily stared at me before yawning and arching his back.

"Mm.. where are we?"

"Back home. When did you and Hinata fall asleep?" I asked with a small chuckle. Noya just shrugged, moving so he was straddling my lap. He reached up, needing to pull me down a little bit to kiss me properly. I smiled faintly as he tried to turn the kiss into something more.

"Not now baby.."


"I have to get up in the morning for school. And you and I know that you're going to pounce on me to make you some breakfast before I leave." I said, Noya blushing before huffing and hopping out of my lap. I watched as he climbed into his nest while still pouting. 

"Are you going to give me the blanket back?" I asked, Noya turning his head and curling up so his back was to me. His tail flipping at me as he snuggled into the mix of our bedding and my clothes. I smiled faintly, shaking my head and sighing. I could do without the blanket for a night.

Early Morning: Noya's POV

I yawned, glancing around the room. I sat up quickly, looking over at Asahi who was asleep. And without the blanket I had refused to return to him last night. I felt kind of bad, I hope he wasn't cold. After stretching some more, I climbed out of the nest and over to the bed. 

Asahi let out a snore, indicating he was out cold. I poked his arm. At least he didn't feel cold or anything. I climbed on top of my boyfriend, sitting on his chest with a tilted head. What time was it. Hm. Asahi would have to leave in about an hour. Normally he'd be up now. Did he forget to set his alarm? I leaned down so my face was practically touching his, my butt up in the air with my tail swaying.





Hmph.. I looked around, wondering if I should wake him up nicely or in a fun way. Well, I did steal the blanket from him, so I'd be nice. I gently kissed his lips before leaving little kisses on his cheeks until he began waking up. 

"Morning!" I said with a smile. Asahi looked at me for a few moments before smiling slightly.

"Morning... wait, what time is it..?"

"8 am."

"Oh, okay." He said, starting to sit up after I scooted off his chest and down to his lap.

"I think you forgot to set your alarm clock or something, so I woke you up." I said with a smile, Asahi smiling faintly and thanking me. He leaned over and picked up his alarm clock and turned it off. Oh, whoops. I guess he did set it, just for a little bit later. Asahi gave me a little kiss before picking me up and setting me down next to him on the bed before getting up.

"Do you want me to help you get ready?" I asked with a smile, Asahi glancing back at me.

"If you'd like to." He said, smiling slightly when I hopped off the bed and told him to get dressed and then come into the bathroom. I sat on the counter, swinging my legs while waiting. Once Asahi walked in, I smiled and let him stand between my legs while they wrapped around his waist. I had to reach up to do it, but I got busy brushing his hair.

I found it fun getting to mess with my boyfriend's hair. And he never seemed to complain. So, once all the tangles were out, I grabbed a hair tie and a few bobby pins. Asahi normally wore his hair in a bun, or just down since it was easy. But honestly, I found it really hot when he'd occasionally have it half up, half down. So, that's what I was gonna do.

I wasn't great at doing his hair, but I learned how to do this hairstyle very well considering I loved it on him. Once I was done, Asahi looked in the mirror with a small smile.

 Once I was done, Asahi looked in the mirror with a small smile

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"Looks perfect. I need to leave though now."


"Yeah, I need to be there early." He said, making me pout.

"I promise that I'll be home as soon as possible, okay?" He said and gave me a little kiss. I nodded and watched him rush off. I knew his class would be a while. And that today was supposed to be his final I think. Or at least the day he turned it in. I hopped off the counter with a smile and waited until I heard the front door shut. Now I could surprise him for when he comes home.

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