Chapter 14

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1 Day Time Skip: Hinata's POV

"Thank you both, again." Asahi said before rushing off. Kageyama closed the door with a sigh as I held Katsumi. I hope that Asahi finds Noya... 

"Hey, you okay?" Kageyama asked, gently petting my ears that were flattened back.

"...I'm worried about Noya. You heard what Asahi said.. What if he was taken by a breeder?? Noya is pregnant again..! He can't be taken, the breeder, or trainer, or whatever, will kill the baby..!" I said, trying to not be too loud or cry too much since Katsumi was awake. Kageyama nodded, giving my forehead a small kiss.

"I know. I hope that they find him and that he and that baby are okay. But right now we have to focus on keeping Katsumi healthy and safe for when they come back.." He said, wiping a tear that fell from my eye. I sniffled and nodded. He was right. Asahi trusted us to take care of his baby while he would be working tirelessly to find Noya.

I just wish that I could help. Well, I guess I was technically helping since Asahi wouldn't be able to take care of his daughter while also looking for Noya, but I didn't feel like I was doing enough. I shook off the thoughts and followed Kageyama to our room where he set up the little portable crib that Asahi brought over.

While Kageyama was figuring out how to set it up, I sat on the bed and watched. Katsumi's ears twitched a bit and she started to whine. I smiled faintly, holding her in one arm and using my free hand to massage her little ears. 

My breeder never did this for me, or any of the others. But I clearly remember that my ears and tail would hurt when I was really little and the only way to help would be to gently massage or fluff the fur. I wasn't entirely sure myself why it happened. Maybe like, growing pains or something? But I wanted to make sure that Katsumi was as comfortable as she could be.

I felt bad for Katsumi too. I mean, for who knows how long, she's going to be separated from both her parents. And with Kageyama and I. And it isn't like we're strangers to her, but we aren't her parents. Not to mention I couldn't provide her milk naturally, so she'd have to make due with formula which I'm sure isn't nearly as good or nutritious as natural. 

Katsumi's whines settled down, making me smile slightly and gently kiss her nose. I leaned over and grabbed one of the few shirts that Asahi gave us to give her so she could cuddle or have something that smells like her dads. Katsumi was quick to grab onto the shirt, holding it close to her face before drifting off.

"...Don't worry. I promise to keep you safe until your dad comes home.."

Noya's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, looking around slowly. My body still felt spent and it wasn't helping that I felt morning sickness coming on.. I sat up, being reminded what position I was in when the metal chains clinked.

"Finally awake?" I glanced over, the man sitting next to me. He put a hand on my head, the slight movement making me gag. And not just from disgust.

"Oh yes, here. Use this." He said, leaning over the side of the bed and putting a small plastic bucket in my lap. I wanted to hit the guy over the head with it, but I quickly grabbed it and threw up what little remnants of anything left in my stomach out. Once I was done, the man took the bucket and walked away to clean it out. 

When he came back, he set it down by the bed within reach in case I got sick again. I wiped my mouth in disgust, laying back down with a tiny groan. I shivered when I felt the man's hand petting my tail before letting his hand rub against my bare thigh. I wanted to bite him again, but I was almost to tired to just keep my eyes open.

"You were a good boy. I'll give you a reward." He said, walking off and returning with a small cup of water. This man, who I didn't even know his name since he was supposed to be "master" to me, helped sit me up. He brought the cup to my lips and told me to lean my head back.

Too tired and too thirsty to argue, I did as he said and parted my lips slightly as he tilted the cup back. The water felt nice in my dry mouth and raw throat. The drink was over too soon, it didn't feel like enough to drink but I knew I'd get in trouble if I were to ask for more. 

"What do you say?"


"I just gave you a reward, don't you think you should say a thank you to your master?"


"Mm. Perhaps you need another punishment until you're ready to listen."

"...T..thank you... Master." I said between gritted teeth. The man smiled in satisfaction, giving my ears a gentle scratch before he left. I heard the door close and the lock click. I laid back down quietly, staring at the wall. 

I have no idea how much time has passed, but I started crying. I was scared. Not for me.. but for my baby, for Katsumi, and for Asahi. I wanted to go home and see my baby and my boyfriend.. and I knew that a trainer had no real intentions of letting me keep my baby.

No. He'd let me think that I'd get to keep it if I listened. But a pet couldn't have a baby. Unless he planned to train and sell my own child. Which he may do... Whatever way will hurt me the most. He'll make sure that I'm numb and have nothing left to live for. And with nothing left to live for... I would become the perfect pet.

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