Chapter 21

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Another 9 month time skip bc, we're pushing all the babies out (Someone save Noya): Noya's POV

Things were slightly better. Most of my nightmares subsided, thanks to Asahi. He's done everything to take care of me, even with his work. Even though it's been a full 9 months, I still felt wary around him, but I tried to ignore the feelings of doubt since I knew he'd never hurt me or Katsumi, or our son who I've name Takeo.

But now, we had a new addition to our family. Another little boy. He was of course Neko.. but he looked just like his father. I wanted to love him. He came from my body. But it almost scared me to look at him. 

Asahi was gone at work right now. Katsumi was asleep in her little crib with Takeo. I was glad both of them were good sleepers and very little trouble. Our third born was crying, so I dragged myself out of bed to get him before he would wake up his siblings and get them crying too.

I went into his room, picking him up with a sigh. 

"Oh.. what is it now..." I mumbled, walking around the room with him. I stared down at his little face. 

"You know. I really considered giving you away. Maybe even never having you. But I couldn't.. you were still mine.... but I didn't know that just.. just looking at you would be this hard." I said quietly. It was true. When I told Asahi, he told me we could do whatever I wanted. And we talked about it for a long time.

But in the end, I couldn't do it. I wanted children, I loved kids and I wanted to get to take care of them. I love Katsumi and Takeo, and they were both growing up so fast. Katsumi would be turning 2 soon, and Takeo would be turning 1 soon. But this baby. I resented him.

He reminds me of everything I want to forget. But I tried to not let that affect me. He was still my baby.. he... he reminded me to much of his father. I gave his ears a gentle rub to avoid them hurting before just putting them back in his crib. 

His was smaller than Katsumi's and Takeo's, but that was also because his siblings had to share theirs. After I set him down, I just stared at him before making my way out of the room and shutting the door. 

Asahi's POV

I groaned, walking into the apartment feeling exhausted. I've been working full time at one job and part time at another. 3 babies were no joke... I slipped my shoes off and went to the bedroom, smiling faintly to see Noya curled up and asleep with Katsumi and Takeo. 

I put the blanket over them more comfortably before walking across the little hallway into what we made our youngest's room. Noya still hasn't decided a name for him yet. I creaked open the door and walked over to his crib.

I furrowed my brows to see he was fussing. So I picked him up with a small sigh. His crying and whines calmed down as I held him. I know Noya hated this child. He tried so hard to love him. He treated him no differently when he first gave birth.

He had held this little boy in his arms and fed him from his body. He tried to bond and cuddle this boy in his nest. He's let him sleep on his body and he's rocked him when he would cry. But it was getting to hard for Noya.

He still tried to take care of the baby. But I noticed his slow neglect. He never cuddled this baby in his nest anymore. He only would hold him if he had to. He started feeding him from bottles instead of his body. And it seems like our baby has noticed too. 

He'd cry more, at least that I would notice. And Noya would get him most times since I was tired from work. And the crying would settle immediately. But whenever I would get him, he'd take longer to calm down or he'd just keep crying until Noya would get him.

And it made sense. The baby develops a connection with the parent who's womb they are in. It hurt to see Noya hurting. He's been trying to forget what happened to him about a year ago now. But now he has a permanent reminder. 

I told Noya we could... give him up for adoption. But Noya didn't want to. As much as he hated this child, he didn't want a breeder to get their hands on him. 

Once the baby stopped crying, I slowly laid him back down and walked to the door. There were times I felt guilty. He didn't get to sleep in the bedroom with his parents. He was alone in a dark room by himself.. One of us would always come to him if he cried, so he knew we were here. But it wasn't the same treatment his brother and sister got. 

The next morning

I woke up, wondering where Noya was. I found him in our youngest son's room, standing over the crib and just holding the bottle since the baby wasn't capable of holding it yet.

"Morning Noya.."

"...Morning. Hey. Can you finish feeding him. I'm going to go feed Katsumi and Takeo."

"Sure.. Hey Noya? Are we ever going to name this one." I asked with a small smile, trying to lighten the mood. Noya just stepped away as I took his place and held the bottle. My boyfriend glanced at the baby before looking at the door.


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