Chapter 23

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Asahi's POV

Well. I never got to nap. But Katsumi and Takeo did.. I sighed, staring at the ceiling with one child over my stomach and the other one practically over my head. I turned my head when the door open, Aku peaking in.

"Hey Aku, how was Hinata's and Kageyama's?"

"...Fine." He said quietly, looking upset. I furrowed my brows, about to ask what was wrong when he mumbled that Noya told him to get us. I nodded, waking both kids up. Luckily, Katsumi and Takeo spotted Aku and asked him to follow them to their room.

The three of them walked off to their shared room. Well, Katsumi and Takeo shared a room. And I gave up an office space to give Aku a room. I sighed and took the time to try and get at least a little bit of sleep.

Noya's POV

I kept an eye on the food until it was done. I got the plates out and put the food on the table before heading off to go find everyone. Poor Asahi was asleep.. I didn't want to wake him. He could always eat later and the meal would heat up well. I checked Katsumi and Takeo's room, finding all 3 kids in there.

"Guys it's time to eat." I said, the 3 of them going to the kitchen and sitting at the little table we put there. I sat down, all of us eating while Katsumi would sometimes ramble on about silly kid things. Takeo would join her. I was glad they both got along very well. They were close to the same age anyway.

I glanced at Aku who didn't look very hungry. Or if he was he wasn't eating.

"Hey, eat your dinner." I said, Aku poking the bit of food on his plate.

"I don't like broccoli."

"Well it's healthy for you. So eat it."

"...It tastes funny." He said, poking at it again. I growled slightly to myself, tapping my fork against my plate.

"Your brother and sister ate theirs." I said, Katsumi and Takeo glancing at each other before going back to silently eating. Aku pouted, refusing to eat it. I grew frustrated quickly with him. In my head, I knew I should be patient like I was with his siblings. But it was too easy for me to give in to my anger.

"Then you will sit here until you eat it." I said, standing up and telling my other two to clean off their plates and then go start getting ready for bed. Both of them did as they were told, talking with each other as they ran to the bathroom to brush their teeth and comb their hair.

Aku watched them go before looking up at me. I just cleaned off the table and put Asahi's leftovers away before cleaning up. Aku was still sitting there, just poking the vegetables. I rolled my eyes to myself and walked off to go make sure that Katsumi and Takeo didn't get toothpaste everywhere.

Asahi's POV

I yawned, waking up from my nap. I would like to sleep longer, but I was hungry. I made my way to the kitchen, confused to see Aku sitting there along.

"Hey, what're you doing there??"


"Where's your dad and brother? And sister??"

"Daddy took them to bed."

"So, why are you here?" I asked, sitting down next to him. Aku poked his dinner with his fork.

"Daddy said I have to sit here until I eat this. But I don't wanna eat it." He said, making me furrow my brows. I sighed, picking up his plate and ruffling his hair.

"Go ahead and go get ready for bed, okay?" I said, Aku nodding and running off. I put away the plate before going to the fridge and finding the leftover. I warmed it and ate quickly. I cleaned up what mess was still in the kitchen before heading to go back to my room. But I saw Aku standing outside of his brother and sister's room and peaking inside the room through the cracked open door.

I walked up behind him, sighing softly to see that he was looking at Noya cuddling and reading bedtime stories to Katsumi and Takeo. I picked Aku up as he held onto me, burying his face into my chest as I took him to his room.

"Why doesn't daddy ever read me bedtime stories too..?" He asked, looking like he was going to cry. I took in a deep breath, hugging him tightly.

"I don't know.. he just, gets busy..."


"...I'll go talk to him, and he'll come read you a story, okay?" I said with a small smile, Aku nodding eagerly. I kissed his forehead before getting up and heading to the other bedroom. I let Noya finish tucking in Takeo and telling Katsumi goodnight. He stepped out into the hallway with me before smiling.

"You're up, did you get your food?"

"Yeah, thank you.. Noya, Aku wants you to read him a story too."

"...Why. I've never done it before."

"Well he saw you cuddling and reading to your other children."


"Noya. I know.. I understand how you feel about Aku. But he is still our child. I think you should go read him a story." I said, Noya looking away before sighing. He walked off to Aku's room. I followed and just peaked through the crack in the door.

Aku looked so excited, trying to jump into his dad's arms. But Noya just caught him and laid him back down. Aku looked disappointed but his smile returned when Noya grabbed one of the books in the room and sat on the foot of the bed. 

After the story, Aku asked for another, but Noya just shook his head and said it was time to go to sleep. Noya got up and left the room, walking past me and into our own as Aku laid there pouting. I sighed, walking in and tucking him in before leaving as well.

Noya seemed bothered and upset, so I left him alone as we laid down together to sleep. I just hope that Noya remembers our own son's birthday is tomorrow.

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