Chapter 26

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Noya's POV

I held Aku close and walked into his room. Once I opened the door, I glanced at the bed and pointed.

"Hey.. What's that?" I said softly, Aku looking over curiously. He saw the gift bag with his present in it that I never got to give him earlier. 

"Wanna go take a look at it?" I suggested, Aku nodding while clinging onto me. I sat down on the side of the bed, my son in his lap as he reached over and grabbed the bag. He was slow to remove the tissue paper, but he finally did and reached inside curiously.

I watched as he let the bag drop to the floor as he pulled out the gift inside. He held close the black stuffed crow I had bought him. 

"Do you like it?"


"Good.. Aku... I.. I'm so sorry... You.. you don't deserve to be treated like I've treated you. I'm so, so sorry. Can you forgive me..?" " I said, trying to not cry. Aku looked up at me quietly as I held him closely.

"I forgive you." He said, hugging me tightly. I sniffled, nodding before pulling away and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"Thank you.. Aku, I promise. I'm going to do better for you. You're my son.. you're a part of me.. not your father. You're nothing like who your father was.." I mumbled quietly, but meaning every word. Aku may have come from someone who was a true evil bastard, but that doesn't mean he was like that at all. 

Aku stayed in my lap for a while, letting me hold him. His tail flipped slightly as he played with the little crow. I know the gift wasn't much and it probably sucked, but he seemed to like it. And that's all that mattered.  

"Hey Aku? I know today was your birthday, but, how about tomorrow we can do or go wherever you would like? I'll have Hinata and Kageyama babysit your brother and sister. And it'll be just us."

"Okay!" Aku said with some excitement. I nodded, getting ready to tuck him in for bed before stopping.

"Would you like to cuddle with me tonight?" I offered, Aku nodding quickly as I set him on the floor. He watched me curiously as I told him I was going to borrow his blanket, pillows, and sheet. He watched as I dragged the things off the bed and made a nest in the corner of his room.

Once the nest was made, I climbed into it and extended my arms. Aku bounced over and climbed into it with me. This nest was smaller than the one in my and Asahi's room, but it was a perfect fit for just Aku and I. 

He curled up into my side happily, little purrs coming from him as I held him with one arm and gently massaged his ears with the other. It wasn't too long until he fell asleep, one hand holding his toy and the other holding onto my shirt. I gave the top of his head another gentle kiss.

Aku is my son, flesh and blood. He is also Asahi's son. He's Katsumi and Takeo's little brother. He's part of our family.

Asahi's POV

I laid in bed, waiting for Noya to return but he never did. I got a bit worried, so I got up and went to go check on him. He was taking Aku to bed, so I checked there first. I creaked open the door slowly and peaked inside. Why was Aku's bed bare??

I took a glance and saw the two curled and cuddled up in the corner. Ah.. Noya used Aku's bedding to make a nest for the two of them... I smiled gently, closing the door and leaving them be. It was nice to see the two making up. And I hope it would do both of them some good. 

The Next Morning

"Asahi?"I looked over, seeing Noya wander over. I smiled faintly as he hugged me.

"Morning baby.. how're you feeling..?"

"I'm okay.."

"I saw you with Aku."

"Yeah.. I promised him I'll do better. And I will. I'm going to take him out today to do whatever he wants to do. So, could you drop Katsumi and Takeo off at Hinata's before you go to work?? I called him earlier and he said he'd love to watch them."

"Of course. You two have fun, okay?" I said with a smile, Noya nodding as I kissed him softly. He walked off to go make a special breakfast for him and Aku while I went to go get Katsumi and Takeo. Both of them were still asleep, but they both woke up quickly when I told them who would be babysitting them.

Hinata had as much energy as they did, and he loved to play like a kitten with the kids. I helped the two little ones get ready before taking them to Hinata's for the day and promising to get them on my way home from work. I hope that Noya's day with our son goes well.

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