Chapter 11

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Noya's POV

I yawned, stretching and looking around before panicking. How long was I asleep, and where was Katsumi..! I sat up, Asahi sitting up as well.

"Hey calm down.. Noya-"

"Where's Katsumi..!"

"She's still at Hinata and Kageyama's." He said while holding me. I held onto him, letting out a slightly relieved breath before huffing.

"How long has it been it's dark out..!"

"It's been a couple hours."

"I said ONE hour!"

"Noya you've been neglecting your own health ever since you had Katsumi."

"Because she's important!"

"Of course she's important, and I'm not saying to not take care of her. I'm saying you must take care of yourself as well." 


"Noya... you're important too. You're too important to me. And I don't know what I'd do if you got ill.. or worse... so please, let me take care of you." Asahi said, cupping my cheeks. I looked away before slowly nodding and smiling slightly when he gave me a little kiss. 

"Okay... Asahi?"


"I love you."

"I love you too.."

Hinata's POV

I smiled, wandering around the room while feeding Katsumi. She was suckling the bottle while looking around when Kageyama walked in.

"Hey, Asahi called again."

"Uh huh?"

"He asked if we were willing to keep Katsumi overnight."

"Really?" I asked a bit excitedly. Kageyama nodded and said he'd call Asahi back to let him know. I watched him walk off before smiling and kissing the little baby's forehead. She was so adorable, and I liked getting to take care of her. It made me want to have a baby of my own even more! I really.. really hope I can...

After she was done eating, I wandered to the kitchen while humming. Carefully, I shifted the baby in one arm and rinsed out the bottle using the other. I'm glad Noya gave me some spare bottles, they'd come in use if she was gonna be staying with us over night tonight. 

While I was setting the bottle to dry, Kageyama wandered over and gently ruffled my hair. His fingers scratching slightly at my ears which made me purr.

"Okay Hinata. I made you an appointment for tomorrow after we drop Katsumi off, okay?"



"Thank you!" I said, turning a bit and giving him a little kiss on the cheek. I went back to humming and cuddling Katsumi before taking her up to my nest to sleep for the night.

The next day

I was a nervous wreck. Well, anxious, scared, and kinda excited all at the same time. Kageyama and I had dropped off Katsumi before coming here to the doctor. Kageyama was in the waiting room thingy while a doctor was here doing some kinda tests. The needles scared me to death, but the weird scanning thing with the cold gel was cool. I had no idea what was on the screen but it felt funny. 

After the tests, the doctor said I could wait with Kageyama. So I hopped over to where he was sitting and made myself comfortable on his lap. Kageyama looked at me a bit surprised and his face turned a little red. I giggled and just curled up comfortably, letting my tail flip happily. Kageyama grumbled something under his breath as he watched my tail flip.

I shrugged, beginning to notice that other people were staring at me with dirty looks... I suddenly felt ashamed and embarrassed, my tail curling up and staying still to try and not draw attention. Kageyama glanced around before pulling me closer and kissing my cheek.

"Are you okay Hinata?"

"Uh huh.."

"Don't look at anyone else, just me." He said seriously. I blushed, keeping my eyes on him. After a few moments, I giggled at our almost staring contest. My tail swishing around again when a nurse called our names. I hopped off Kageyama's lap and followed the lady inside while dragging Kageyama behind me.

We sat down together in a little room and waited patiently for a doctor to walk in. Once the doctor knocked and wandered in, he sat down and talked with us. I think I nearly cried when he said that there was a potential that I could have a baby. Kageyama smiled slightly, talking a bit more before thanking the doctor and leaving with me.

Once we were home, I excitedly pounced on Kageyama while laughing. He glanced over his shoulder at me with a small smile.

"Kageyama did you hear that! There's a chance that I could have a baby!" I said ecstatically. Kageyama nodded and hugged me when I climbed off of him. He tilted my chin up, kissing me deeply. A lot more passionately than he ever has before.

"Wanna get started?"

Noya's POV

I smiled, cuddling Katsumi while curled up in my nest. The little bit of a break was nice, I will admit. But I was really happy to have my baby back. My butt and back were sore though.. thanks to Asahi. Well. I was the one who asked for it but I'm going to blame him for being so big. 

As I laid there, I felt kinda sick. So I climbed out and made sure Katsumi was comfortably in her crib before I went to the restroom and ended up throwing up. I brushed my teeth afterwards, disgusted by the taste. My first thought was I wondered if I was sick or maybe ate something bad.

But, my second thought was... Asahi and I didn't use protection last night. I tapped the counter a bit anxiously. I had absolutely no problem having another baby, in fact I would love to have a second. But how would Asahi react?? I checked on Katsumi quickly before returning to the bathroom and taking a pregnancy test from the extra ones we had bought when I first got pregnant.

I bit my lip when I saw it was positive. I was excited.. but nervous. And it isn't like I could keep it any kinda secret. And there was no way I was getting rid of it. I took in a deep breath, slowly making my way out of the room and finding Asahi in the living room working quietly. He glanced over at me with a small smile before furrowing his brows.

"Are you alright Noya??"

"...Um.. Asahi? Would you hate me if we had another baby.."

"Of course I wouldn't.. Why would I ever hate you for that." He said, getting up and walking over to me. I showed him the little test strip, Asahi looking down at the positive test before chuckling slightly.

"...Another, huh?"


"Do you want the baby?"

"Of course I do.. do you?"

"Of course. I love Katsumi dearly. And I know that we'll love our next one."

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