Chapter 22

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Another Large Time Skip (Sorry I can't work with babies they don't do anything- Well idk I don't have one but the ones I work with just scream at me so they're growing up REAL fast): Katsumi = 6, Takeo = 5, Aku = 3

Hinata's POV

Noya sighed, thanking me and Kageyama for watching Aku. He left quietly while I picked up Aku. He was pretty cute. Asahi explained to me and Kageyama about what happened... I felt awful when I heard. But it's been years. And Noya seemed to be doing just fine. Except for one little thing...

"I wanna go with daddy..!" Aku said, starting to cry. I frowned gently, holding him close and walking away from the door.

"I'm sorry Aku... you can't. But we can have fun right??" I said with a cheerful smile. Aku just kept crying for Noya, which broke my heart. 

I never ended up having children. Kageyama and I tried, but we just kept getting negative results. So I always loved babysitting. I would give anything to have as many kids as Noya, but, I also understood his dilemma with Aku.

I never saw the breeder, but Noya has told me that Aku looks like his father. A little too much like his father. And none of us blamed him for being a little, I guess distant. But Aku didn't deserve it. And Noya knew this. So he tried, he really did. But there were days like today he couldn't take it. 

Kageyama came over, giving me a kiss and saying he had to work in his study. I nodded and watched him walk off before turning my attention back to Aku. 

"Hey, do you wanna paint??"


"Do you want to read a story?"


"Doooo you want to-"

"I want my daddy." He said, trying to smack me with his tail. I sighed and shook my head apologetically.

"Your daddy will come back to pick you up in a few hours.. come on.. let's go do something fun, okay? How about we paint or draw your daddy a picture for when he comes back to get you?"


Noya's POV

I sighed and got back in the car, checking on my two other little ones in the backseat. Katsumi and Takeo were fighting with each other. Like usual. I smiled faintly, taking us all back home. 

Part of me felt guilty leaving Aku with Hinata while I kept his brother and sister with me. But.. I couldn't take it. As he gets older, he just keeps looking more and more like his father. And I didn't want to get angry at Aku.. so I'd leave him with Hinata and Kageyama so I could calm down.

Once we were home, I watched both kids run into the house. I shook my head, making sure the door was locked behind me before walking to the kitchen to start making them lunch. I hummed to myself when Takeo tumbled into my leg.

"And what are you doing mister." I said, setting aside the spatula and picking him up. He laughed as I kissed his cheek.

"Katsumi pushed me!" He accused while pointing at his sister.

"I did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!" 

"Did too!"

"Did n-"

"Okay you two!" I said with a laugh, setting Takeo down. I told them both to be careful, but of course, with their levels of energy, they didn't listen. Takeo wiggled his tail before pouncing on his sister, the two wrestling on the kitchen floor. I could already hear the neighbor complaints now.

After the food was ready, they both calmed down long enough to eat. I cleaned up with a small smile, humming to myself when Katsumi asked.

"Daddy? When are we gonna go shopping?"

"Shopping? For what sweetheart?"


"...For Aku?"

"Yeah! His birthday we gotta get him something cool. What about a new truck!" She said, Takeo talking with her about toys now. I sighed, putting the clothes I had gathered into a laundry basket before shaking my head. I had nearly forgotten his birthday was coming up.. 

I grabbed my phone to check the date. Wait, his birthday is tomorrow.. he's turning 4. Well, all my kid's birthdays weren't too far apart so I guess I should've been more aware. I sighed and looked at Katsumi.

"We'll go shopping tomorrow okay?" I said, the two nodding with smiled before going back to eating. Both of them spent the rest of the day practically destroying the apartment by playing until Asahi got home.

I smiled as they both ran at their father, Asahi smiling tiredly and picking them both up. He gave them each kisses on the cheeks before walking over to me and kissing me gently.

"Hi Noya.."



"Why don't you rest.. I need to go pick up Aku and then I'll come home and start some dinner okay?" 

"Where's Aku?"

"Hinata and Kageyama's."

"Oh. Alright. Yeah sounds good. Okay, both of you, nap time." Asahi said, walking off to our room with our two kids in his arms. I laughed and watched them all go to nap. Or at least Asahi naps, and then wakes up with a drawing done in washable marker on his arms.

I grabbed my coat and left quietly. The drive wasn't long. Once at Hinata and Kageyama's, I turned the car off and walked to the door to knock. Kageyama swung the door open, looking down at me.

"Oh, hey."

"Hey. Aku ready to go?" I asked, Kageyama letting me step inside while he went to go get Hinata. I waited patiently, Hinata wandering over while holding Aku's hand.

"Alright, let's go." I said, turning my back when Hinata spoke up.

"Wait! Aku has something to give you!"


"Go ahead." He said with a smile as I turned back around. Aku wandered over and held up a drawing. I looked down at it, glancing at Hinata who gave me a pointed look. I took in a breath before nodding.

"..It's nice, thank you. Now come on so I can start dinner." I said, thanking Hinata and Kageyama again before taking Aku home. I put away his jacket with mine before going to the kitchen. Aku hopped after me, latching onto my leg as I got out some pans.

"Can I help??" He asked, looking up at me. I looked down at him for a moment before looking away.

"No. Go check on your dad and brother and sister." I said, Aku slowly letting go of my leg and walking off. I sighed, gritting my teeth. I should just suck it up and let him help me.. I should pick him up and kiss his head and ask him about his day. But I can't. I just can't.

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