Chapter 32

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Probably last chapter: Got an ice skating AU and considering doing a SakuAtsu story maybe???

After a month or so for Asahi and Noya's family to settle in: Asahi's POV

"Hey, Noya in bed?"

"Mhm.. Suga in bed?"

"Yeah. Kids in bed?" I chuckled slightly, nodding as I sat down next to Daichi. I sighed softly, running my fingers through my hair before staring at the television screen, just looks at whatever program Daichi was watching.

"Hey Daichi? Can I ask you something."

"Sure, what is it?"

"...Um. I was wondering if you and or Suga would be able to watch the kids for me tomorrow night..?"

"Of course. What for though?" He asked, watching as I reached into my pocket and handed him something. Daichi took the small box and opened it curiously before gasping sightly.

"A ring??"


"Mm, bet I can't guess who this is forrr." Daichi teased, giving me the ring back. I laughed slightly and tucked the ring back into my pocket.

"Yeah yeah yeah... but, I want to take Noya out tomorrow night on a date. And then that's when I'll give this to him."

"Wow. That's great Asahi. Suga and I will be more than happy to watch the kids." Daichi said, making me smile. I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I love Noya. And I know that he loves me. And I don't want anything to tear us or our family apart again. 

The Next Day: Noya's POV

I woke up to the feeling of Aku patting my head till I opened my eyes. I was thankful he was able to walk by himself. Not super comfortably and sometimes he'd have issues, but he was getting stronger each day and I faithfully took him to physical therapy appointments. And he loved his physical therapist, a man named Ennoshita.

The worst long term effect my poor baby has had is.. he did lose his hearing. Aku was devastated by it.. but he's learning to accept and live around it. All of us, even Daichi and Suga, are learning sign language along with Aku. Katsumi and Takeo were the best at it, aside from Aku himself.

(Italicized is going to be them using sign language)

What is it?

I'm hungry

What would you like to eat?


Want to help?


I yawned, picking Aku up and being careful to not wake up Asahi who was asleep next to me. Aku tugged at my ears boredom as I took him to the kitchen and set him on the counter. He flipped his tail against the counter, unaware that it was kind of loud.

I looked over, tapping his leg and pressing my finger to my lips. Signing to him that Asahi was still asleep. Aku stopped and started just boredly tugging at his own ears while I got the things to make pancakes out.

Aku helped me mix the batter while I washed and cut up some strawberries and cleaned the blueberries. Of course I handled the pan and the flame while cooking the pancakes. Once all the pancakes were done, I set Aku at the table and let him eat when Aku's big brother and sister wandered over to the smell of food.

I gave them some and smiled faintly to see the two signing a conversation with Aku. After a bit, Asahi wandered over. I smiled, accepting a kiss from him and watched as he said a good morning to Katsumi and Takeo and then signing a good morning to Aku.

"Hey, I talked to Suga and Daichi. I wanna go out on a date tonight." Asahi said as he walked over to me. I tilted my head back to look at him before shrugging with a nod. We hadn't had the chance to go on a proper date for a while, so this could be quite nice.

"Sounds good to me. Where're we going??"


"Asahhiiii.." I whined, but just got a kiss on the head as he pulled away. I smiled and just went back to cleaning up. I wondered where we were gonna go? Usually Asahi would tell me where we'd be going on our dates. 

That evening

Asahi seriously blindfolded me in the car..!! I'd say he would get arrested for kidnapping, but then I remembered that he really couldn't get arrested for kidnapping me. Besides, if he did get pulled over, I'd first of all laugh, and then clear it up. 

After the car stopped, Asahi helped me out of the car. I wrapped my arms and tail around him so I wouldn't fall.

"Asahi where are weeeeee??" I whined.

"I'll take the blindfold off in a minute.. be patient." He said with a small chuckle. I huffed and just followed him quietly. Finalllyyyyyy, we stopped walking and Asahi took the blindfold off of me. I looked around quickly, recognizing where we were. 

Asahi remembered this place! I coonnnnsstantly tried to get Asahi to skip classes with me so we could come here. But, being the ace student he always was, he'd never do that. But, he would come here with me any other time. And I always loved it. It was just a little secluded place with lots of flowers, grass, and a tiny little stream.

I giggled and pulled Asahi towards the little stream. We sat together and looked in the water. Since it was moving water, there weren't a lot of animals that lived in it, but every once in a while you'd see a fish or a turtle or something.

Once we grew tired of watching the water, I tackled Asahi and we cuddled in the grass. He laughed, wrapping is arms around me and holding me close. Some people wouldn't consider this a date, but I thought this was absolutely perfect. After a bit, Asahi asked me to stand up.

I curiously did as he asked and got up, closing my eyes when he told me to. I heard him get up himself before he told me to open his eyes. I widened my eyes when I saw him down on one knee and holding a ring up.

"Noya.. You mean everything to me. And you have ever since we met. I love you, and I love our children more than anything. And I wold be honored if you would accept my hand in marriage."

I stood there, shocked at what Asahi was doing and what he just said.. He waited patiently for an answer. I ended up nearly crying and nodding as he put the ring on my finger. He held me close as I tackled him and kissed him deeply.

"I love you Noya.. I love you so much..."

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