Chapter 18

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Asahi's POV

I barely waited for Hinata and Kageyama to come over to watch Katsumi before I left for the address pasted on the paper my father gave me. I pray no one has already gone there and tried to buy this baby.. Once I was there, I knocked, loudly and impatiently. The door swung open, a man looking at me with a smile.


"I've come here about this." I said, holding up the paper. He looked at it before smiling and asking me to come in.

"You're the first to come about the baby. Are you a trainer?"

"Uh.. No, but, I've always been interested in buying."

"Mm, well then perhaps a baby would be a good choice for you. Neko kittens can be low maintenance. If they cry, you can leave them be and it will stop. When they grow to the age of 5 is when you can begin training them. I have books you may purchase on how to properly train a Neko as a baby." The man explained while leading me up some stairs. 

I was disgusted by him. You don't leave your baby, human nor Neko, to cry. And when they turn 5.. you don't 'train' them. They're still babies at that age. But I said nothing and just nodded along as we reached a room. I looked down at the little baby.

"..May I see his mother..?" I asked, trying to not sound to eager.

"Actually, it would be father."

"..Well, than may I see his father?"

"Whatever for?"

"I'd like to see what this baby could look like when it gets older.." I said, the man smiling with a nod. My heart felt like it could fall out of my chest as he unlocked a door. I followed him slowly over to the bed where Noya was laying.

He was hardly recognizable though. He looked starved to death. He turned his head to look at me and the man. He barely looked like he could recognize me. His eyes were no longer full of his excitement and happiness. They looked dull. This man broke him. 

"Here is the father. I'm uncertain what the baby's other parent looks like, unfortunately, but it is likely the baby has inherited a majority of his father's genes."

"Would. Would you sell me both of them?" I asked, the man tilting his head.

"You want both?"


"Mm.. I apologize sir, but the baby is the only one for sale. I need this one to continue to breed." He said. I couldn't take it anymore. Never in my life have I felt angrier. Never have I even thought of swinging my fist at someone. But this man was an exception.

Before he knew what happened, I hit the man in the back of his head as hard as I could. He collapsed on the ground, a little bit of blood on my fist but I ignored it and rushed over to Noya.


"..." He didn't say anything. He didn't move when I took the collar off of him and picked him up. All he did was go limp in my arms. As if he were lifeless.

Noya's POV

None of this was real. It couldn't be. I had no reason to even try and believe I was being saved, or get my hopes up. I was probably just passed out, having more wishful dreaming of seeing Asahi again. So, I just let whatever was going to happen, happen.

Asahi carried me to the room my baby was in and he carefully set me down on my feet. I just let my body give in and I slid to the ground exhaustedly. Asahi looked at me quietly before picking up my baby and giving him to me... Dream or not. I wanted to hold him. I cradled my baby close as Asahi ended up picking me up again.

But I wasn't paying attention to him anymore. I kept my eyes on my baby, looking at his little face that was too innocent for this. It was enough to make me cry again. But my body was too drained. I haven't been able to cry anymore for a while.

The next thing I knew, I was placed down onto a mattress. I don't what what was going on or where I was. We passed two other men on our way to this room. One had black hair. The other had orange hair. They looked familiar. But I didn't really look at either of them.

Everything around me suddenly disappeared when I saw Asahi walked over to me.. my.. my baby girl in his arms.

"..Katsumi..." I muttered out in a whisper. My arms could barely take it, but I shifted my baby boy into one arm and silently reached out for my baby girl with the other. Asahi allowed me to hold her. She's already grown up so much..

Asahi stayed in his spot as I sat on the bed, not taking my eyes off either of my babies. I was afraid if I did, I'd lose them again. Asahi sat down next to me, slowly. His movements were all cautious and slow.

"Noya... I-"

"Get away from me." I said with a hiss. Asahi looked at me surprised. I wasn't angry at him. But he was too close. He was too close to my babies. He scooted further away at my words.

"Noya, it's me."


"You know I would never... never hurt you or our children."

"They're MINE." I said angrily, my eyes turning dark in aggression. Asahi looked shocked once again but said nothing. I wanted to trust the man sitting in front of me. I wanted to believe he was the man I fell in love with and had these babies with. I wanted everything to go back to how it was.

But it couldn't. How did I know he wasn't an illusion or hallucination from the incredible amounts of "medicine" my master had given me during my training. How did I know he hasn't changed or he isn't like the master I was  just taken from. I couldn't trust him. I couldn't trust anyone, not anymore.

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