Chapter 17

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4 Weeks Time Skip: Noya's POV

Has.. has it been 4 weeks already? I feel like my mind has been in a complete daze ever since I was caught trying to see the baby. My master has been giving me training. But I hardly remember it happening.

"Kitty, come here." My master said simply. I got on my hands and knees and crawled over to him on the bed. He grabbed my chin and pulled me into a deep kiss. I moaned into the kiss, swaying my tail and hips. My master grinned, looking happy with my reaction. I didn't want too.. but for some reason, my body felt pleased that I was pleasing him.

"Are you ready to have my baby in you now? Are you ready to be bred by your master?" He asked with a smile. I bit my lip and nodded, gasping when he grabbed me and pulled me closer. He pulled his jeans down just to his thighs and then moved my body so I was right above him.

I let out a loud moan as he slammed my body down. I haven't been made to have sex in so long. My body wasn't used to it again and the sudden stretch and fullness.. it felt so good. My master kissed my ears while his fingers dug into my hips, sure to leave bruises that I would feel days later. I sat there a moment before moving up and down quickly.

"A-ah.. master...!"

"Are you feeling good, Kitty?"

"Yes..! Yes it feels good..!" I moaned out. I don't know why this was happening. But my mind was blanking out. My master chuckled, continuing to roughly thrust up into me as I'd fall into his lap. Making him just go deeper inside of me. He leaned forward, biting the shell of my ear and whispering something to me.

"Good. Your training is finally working, kitty. You were a year long challenge, but finally your mind is breaking. All you can think of is me, right?"

"Master... master..." I moaned out, loosely holding onto him. I didn't know what he was saying, but all I could think of was my master.

"Heh, good boy. Ngh.. are you ready to have my baby?"

"Yes.! Yes, please I want your baby!" I sobbed out, moving my hips faster until I felt my master come inside of me. I moaned, feeling so incredibly stretched and full. And my master came so deep inside.. I was sure to get pregnant with his baby. My master's baby.

Asahi's POV

Were they finally here.. I got up, opening the front door.


"Hi mom... Hi dad." I said quietly. Both of my parents finally got enough time off from their jobs to come see me and Katsumi. I welcomed them both in, closing the door with a sigh. I barely got the door locked as my mom grabbed me in a hug.

"Oh sweetheart you look... sorry to say, but you look terrible.." My mom said, her voice full of concern. I mustered out a tiny smile as I looked down at her.

"...Sorry, mom.. I haven't been able to sleep much since Noya.."

"I'm so sorry about Yuu.. I and your father were worried sick when you told us he disappeared..." My mom said quietly. My dad gently patted my back as he looked at them both.

"I just wish I could have found him."

"I know sweetheart. Well, your father and I will be here a week. I want you to rest. We will take care of you and Katsumi."

"But mom-"

"That is an order young man. I'll make some dinner, your father will go get Katsumi. And you go sleep or rest." She said sternly. I slowly nodded, giving her another hug before leading my dad to my room where Katsumi's crib was. 

"Ah, she's grown so much." My dad said with a small smile as he picked my baby up. I nodded, Katsumi looking happy to see her grandpa again. She's only seen him once, but she seems to remember him.

"Yeah. They grow up fast..."

"Son, I know what you went through. Sitting through those auctions and dealing with those breeders must have been terrible.."

"None of them deserved to be sold."

"I know, but we can't save all of them.. Your mother and I will take a look around for you while we're here."

"Oh... dad.. I don't-"

"No objections. Now, you rest. Your mother and I will be in the kitchen." He said, walking off. I was so thankful for both of them. And I know it must be hard for them too, to have heard that Noya is.. gone. I know that they both cared about him as well, and they knew how much I loved him.

I quietly laid down in my bed and stared at the wall. I was tired, but couldn't sleep. But, I guess not having to calm Katsumi for a bit was nice. I had to look past this. I had to begin to do better. Katsumi is all I had left of Noya... 

A Week Later

My mom was waiting impatiently for my dad. He went out an hour or so ago and still hasn't come home yet. We knew he was safe since I called him just a little bit ago and he said he was on the way home now.

"If your father doesn't hurry up, we will miss our flight." My mom said with a sigh. I smiled slightly, watching her cradle and cuddle with Katsumi since we had the extra time. Finally, my dad showed up.

"There you are. What on earth were you doing?" My mom asked. My dad looked, not too great.

"Sorry love. But I need to talk to Asahi for a moment privately." He said. My mom looked concerned now as I followed my dad to my room and shut the door behind us.

"What is it dad..? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. And I do have to go or we'll miss our flight home. But I found this.." He said, handing me a paper. He hugged me tightly, whispering to me a good luck before rushing off. I was confused. I locked the front door behind them and looked down at the folded up paper.

I smoothed out the paper, my breath catching in my throat as I looked at the paper. It was a Neko for sale. A baby.. A baby boy who looked like Noya's.

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