Chapter 7

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Asahi's POV

After a nice, warm, long bath, I dried off Noya and let him wear my clothes again for bed. He passed out as soon as he was curled up in my arms. He purred as I held him, fluffing his tail and ears for him like he liked. 

I wonder what it would be like to have children with him. There was no doubt Noya would be a good parent. But what if I messed up?? I wasn't sure how to handle children. What if I held the baby wrong? What if it didn't like me?? What if it was scared of me???

When Noya nuzzled me, I snapped out of my thoughts. Well.. with noya at my side, it'd be alright. 

The next day

Noya and I were anxious. I had just bought him a pregnancy test and we were waiting for a result. Noya wouldn't leave the bathroom. I was just quietly downstairs making us some dinner. I put down the ladle and was drying hands with a towel when my little boyfriend shouted my name.

I didn't even have time to look over when he actually ran at me with enough force to knock us over. We both fell to the ground, Noya landing on top of me with a laugh.

"What is it???"

"It's positive!" He said happily. I smiled before huffing.

"Hey then you really shouldn't have fallen!" I said with worry, Noya waving his hand and saying that he fell on his back, not stomach. I mean, true, he did manage to twist to lay on me face up but still. Noya laughed happily, kissing me deeply with his tail swishing around in the air non-stop. 

"Asahiiii, we're gonna have a baby.." He said in a little bit of a happy daze. I smiled, giving his head a kiss before helping him to his feet. Noya wouldn't let go of me, so I just chuckled and let him cuddle me for the evening until his stomach argued for some dinner.

Large Time Skip (9 months) Middle of the night: Noya's POV

I'm hungry. 

I huffed, struggling, but managing to get up. My stomach was properly swollen, and getting up and down was hard. But I was also due anytime soon. And I was excited. But right now. I was really just hungry.

"Asahi?" I said, looking down at him. He opened his eyes, rubbing them slowly before yawning.

"Are you okay Noya..??" He asked half asleep. Ever since I got pregnant, he seems to wake up a lot faster when I say his name. He sat up, looking down at me as I carefully sat on his lap.

"I'm hungry."

".....What would you like..??"

"Can we go out and get chicken nuggets?"

"Alright baby.. get dressed." He said with a tiny smile. I kissed him and climbed off the bed and to his closet. Now I wore Asahi's clothes because they fit me better than my own at this point. After we were both changed, Asahi drove us to a nearby little store that was open all night. 

It wasn't busy since it was the middle of the night, but the people who were there still stared. Seeing a Neko was weird enough. A male Neko was even weirder. And a pregnant male Neko, well now it was just venturing into the realms of a mysterious and creepy sights to a lot of humans.

I did my best to ignore them, and Asahi would glare at people who stared too long. Something I loved about him was Asahi was becoming very protective. It's not that he wasn't before, but now he seemed to be acting even more protective of me and our soon-coming baby.

After I got what I wanted and we were back home, Asahi yawned while I quickly turned the oven on to make my food.

"Want any??"

"No baby.. you can have them." Asahi mumbled, giving me a kiss. I giggled and nodded as he went back off to bed. Well, at least he'd be able to sleep in tomorrow. He finally graduated, and top of his class too. Just like I knew he would. 

He had internship work, but a fair amount of it was only done in the afternoons and he had tomorrow off anyway. I waited kind of impatiently until the food was done, but once it was, I happily climbed onto the counter with the plate and ate. Every once in a while looking down at my stomach. 

There was no doubt that our baby was gonna be a Neko like me. I still wasn't sure if it was gonna be a boy or girl yet though. But it didn't matter to me, I knew I was gonna love the baby to death. I already did actually. 

As much fun as it is waking up with morning sickness and weird cravings, I kinda wish that this baby would decide to be born already. I feel like I've pregnant forever. And I just really wanted to meet this little one already. My only worry was how they would deal with being a Neko and all. 

Of course Asahi and I would treat him or her like normal. But of course.. very few others would. Our baby was undoubtedly going to be alienated by a lot of people. Which made me upset, but I couldn't change anyone else's behavior. 

After I finished my food, I set the plate into the sink and carefully slid off the counter. I rested my hands on my stomach as I was making my way back to the bedroom when I felt a little kick. I giggled, humming gentle with a sigh.

"Don't you worry either. Your dad and I will be here to protect you."

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