Chapter 12

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Asahi's POV

Where was Noya? I checked Katsumi's room and he isn't there. He isn't in the kitchen or in our room. I was getting worried until I saw the tip of his tail poking out from the bathroom door. I let out a small breath of relief and walked over, smiling faintly to see Noya was looking at himself in the mirror in disapproval.



"Am I fat." He said with a huff. I shook my head, walking closer and gently reaching around him and pulling his hands away from the slight stomach he had gained during his last pregnancy.

"No, you're absolutely perfect."

"No you can just it, I'm fat now." He whined. I laughed faintly, leaning down and kissing his cheek. Looking at him in the mirror as well.

"You are not fat, Noya. Every inch of you is absolutely perfect and beautiful. And it always will be." I said honestly. Noya leaned into my chest with a small huff as I pulled his shirt back down. 

"You promise to tell me if I do get fat?" He asked, looking up at me. I laughed slightly and nodded.

"Yes I promise to tell you. Now, how are you feeling?"

"No morning sickness yet. But if this little one is gonna be like they're big sister then that's going to change REAL soon." Noya said with a smile. I nodded in agreement, carefully picking him up and kissing him when his tail wrapped around my arm. He only found out he was pregnant a few days ago, but both of us were excited to meet our second baby.

Next Day: Noya's POV

I hummed to myself while grabbing one of my boyfriend's shirts. I wasn't showing yet since I was only a few days pregnant, but I was still a little bit self conscious about the slight fat I had gained and haven't lost yet. I didn't bother getting new clothes last time, I always just wore Asahi's because they were also comfier and smelled like him. 

After I got changed, I walked into Katsumi's room to check on her. She was still sound asleep, using one of my shirts as a blanket. I smiled, kissing my finger before gently pressing the kissed finger to her cheek and leaving silently.

"Hey Asahi."


"I'm going to the store. I'll be back in about an hour." I said, giving him a kiss. He nodded, kissing me back before giving my stomach a kiss.

"Okay. I'll see you later." He said as I waved and rushed off. It was getting kinda cold out, so I pulled my jacket around me tighter as I walked to the store. Once I was there, I took my jacket off and just tied it around my waist. Well. More like hips since I obviously wasn't going to tie it over my stomach.

Okay, what do I need. Need some more diapers.. fruit for baby food, and just some general groceries. After getting what I needed, I paid for the items and started heading home. On my way home, I could hear someone walking kind of close behind me. For a while I thought we were just headed in the same direction, but they weren't going away. 

I tried picking up the pace, but so did they. Before I could do anything else, the person's hand firmly rested on my shoulder. I panicked and looked up at them. A tall man grinning at me.

"Male Neko and pregnant. You'll fetch a good price."

"D-don't touch me."

"Try and scream and I'll kill your baby. Besides. Who will save you. No one's around, it's dark, and who would want to save you. You're meant to be sold." He said with a smirk. I growled at him, trying to look intimidating with my fangs showing. Just anything to avoid him hurting my unborn baby.

The man clicked his tongue, pulling something from his pocket and clicking a button. I nearly fell to the ground to try and avoid the awful, awful loud and high pitched noise. My ears flatted as I dropped the bags and tried to cover my ears. The noise did more than just hurt my ears, it felt like it was making me dizzy from its frequency.

"I am so glad that they have come out with these silent whistles for trainers." I barely heard the man say as I stumbled. The awful noise finally stopped, and I felt like my head was going to explode. When my senses cleared, I noticed there was a collar around my neck.

The man smiled, pulling another thing from his pocket and clicking another button. The collar buzzed, an awful and painful shock going through my body. I felt tears build up from the pain and my legs go weak. I couldn't fall to the ground, so I ended up grabbing onto this stranger for support. The terrible pain finally stopped, but it left my body exhausted. It left me vulnerable as the man picked me up as I passed out.

Ugh. Where was I. I glanced around, finding myself in someone's bed. I still had this collar around my neck, a chain attached to it that was also attached to a post on the bed. I tugged at it, growling to try and get out of here. The door opened, a man clicking his tongue as he watched me.

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk. I paid a lot of money for you. You should be flattered and behave." I looked over, growling angrily at this new man walking over. He smiled as I went back to tugging at the chain. I only stopped when the collar began buzzing again and I collapsed onto the bed. The man kept holding down the button, the pain getting worse until I was crying.

"Are you going to listen now kitty?"

"P-Please m-m-make it stop...!"

"Are you willing to be a good pet?" He said, turning up the shock's intensity when I didn't answer. 

"YES.. YES I PROMISE... PLEASE...!" I cried out loudly, the shocks stopping. My whole body felt like it was fried. I was scared, how was this going to affect my baby.. But I had to get home to Asahi and Katsumi...

The man leaned over, taking off the awful shock collar before replacing it with a normal one and switching chains. I shivered in pain when he pet me, praising me for taking such a punishment.

"If you behave. I may even let you keep your unborn baby."

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