Chapter 20

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Week Time Skip: Noya's POV

I jolted awake with a cry, my sudden startle waking and scaring my babies. They both woke up as well and started crying.

"I-It's okay... I'm here.." I muttered, trying to steady my shaking voice and hands. I laid back down, pulling them each closer to me to try and calm them down.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you guys.." I mumbled, draping my tail over their little bodies to comfort them. I was still shaking though. I've been having nightmares. And not for just a week either.. I've had them for months. 

"Noya are you okay-" The door suddenly opened, the loud noise startling both babies again. I looked over to see Asahi. Did I forget to lock the door?

"Stay there.. Did I not lock the door..??"

"Oh... no, it was locked..."

"..So you broke it."

"..I'll replace it in the morning.. Are you okay..?" He asked with concern. I wasn't used to someone checking on me after I have nightmares.. My master would ignore me or send me to another room to sleep. 

I ignored Asahi and focused on calming both my little ones again. Once they were back to sleep, I glanced at Asahi who stayed in his spot. I... really wanted him to come cuddle. To tell me I was back home. But I was scared to let him anywhere near my children. And I wasn't going to leave them in their crib...

But, Asahi has done everything for me this past.. I don't know how long it's been. And I know I should trust him. These both were also his children.. I know I could trust him, I had loved him. But-


"...Please.." I muttered almost so quiet he probably hardly heard me. But he did hear me. He approached me carefully and slowly got down on his hands and knees. I wanted to hiss and tell him stay away, but I knew I shouldn't. But I still kept my arm over my babies to keep them safe. Just in case..

Asahi placed a hand into my nest, glancing at me for a reaction before continuing to climb into the nest behind me. My body stiffened as I felt him lay down behind me. He had to scrunch up a bit since, well, he's a giant. 

I felt uncomfortable for quite a long time, but Asahi didn't even make an attempt to try and touch me or the babies. Except occasionally his leg or elbow since it was now cramped in the nest. But eventually, I started relaxing. 

I still kept my back to him, but I slowly scooted back until my back was pressed against his chest. He felt really warm. I poked him with my tail and moved my arm a little so he could see Katsumi's and her little brother's faces. Asahi was cautious and slow, but he draped an arm over me and our babies.

And I didn't mind. At least not too much. I felt my heart beat out of my chest when a soft, but loving kiss was placed on my ear.

"You're safe here Noya.. I'm never letting anyone take you, or our children again. I promise. You can sleep.."

Asahi's POV

Noya fell asleep. I was tired, but I didn't want to sleep. Noya was finally letting me comfort him, and I wanted to savor getting to hold him again. I peaked over his shoulder to look at the babies. I'm glad Katsumi seemed very happy to have Noya back, and the little boy was clearly closely attached to Noya.

The little baby boy was very cute. And it broke my heart that his first few days, or weeks, alive were with that... that monster. And Noya was with him for 9 months. When I saw the breeder, that was probably the only time I've wanted to kill someone. 

And he would deserve it, but I couldn't spend my time worrying about that. I wasn't going to let Noya go again. I stayed awake for a long time, pretty much until morning, almost a bit scared to close my eyes. But Noya suddenly woke up again.



"You okay?" I asked with concern. Noya slowly got up, telling me to move. I got out of his nest and stood up as he struggled but got up to his feet. He walked to the bathroom and threw up. I followed him, Noya spitting into the toilet to try and get everything out of his mouth.

"Noya are you alright..?"

"..Yeah. Must have been from eating." He said, though he didn't sound convinced. I furrowed my brows as Noya glanced at me and mumbled.

"Can.. you leave me alone for a little bit and watch the babies.."

"Yeah. I'll be right outside the door." I said, stepping out of the bathroom as Noya shut the door behind me. I sighed, picking up the two little ones. Katsumi was comfortable since I was the only one taking care of her for months, but the little boy looked a bit startled as he saw me.

I smiled slightly, laying Katsumi in the crib and cradling the baby boy close to me. He seemed to calm down when I was gentle and carefully massaged his ears.

"You're safe too.."

Noya's POV

I shut and locked the door, rinsing my mouth out and brushing my teeth. The taste was still in my mouth, and it was disgusting. I used a bit more mouthwash before sighing and splashing my face with cold water. As I was drying my face off, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

I really didn't look like myself anymore. I didn't realize I had gotten so thin and.. sickly looking. Or so sad looking either. I looked away from my reflection and down at my hands before resting them on my stomach. 

I sat on the ground, staring at the wall. I knew I wasn't throwing up because I ate.. My stomach may be sensitive, but it wasn't a stomach ache. I was scared. This baby wasn't Asahi's. It was a stranger's. It was my master's.

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