Chapter 8

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Noya's POV

I headed back towards the bedroom to go back to sleep until I nearly collapsed when a sudden pain and cramping hit my stomach. Thankfully, I didn't fall and leaned against the wall in pain. 

"A-ASAHI!" I cried out, Asahi quickly waking up and running out into the hallway. When he spotted me, he ran over and gently and cautiously helped hold me up.

"Noya what is it-"

"Ngh... I think our little one has decided that they're ready." I mumbled, my tail curling around my boyfriend's leg in search of support. Asahi looked panicked but nodded to calm himself down. 

"Okay. Okay come on let's get you to the hospital." He said in a rush, carefully to hold onto me and get me out to the car. I was so thankful I had Asahi or I think I would've just fallen and had to call the hospital to come help me.

Time Skip and After a lotta pushing

"Mr. Azumane, Mr. Nishinoya. It's a girl." The doctor said with a smile. Asahi smiled, gently petting my ears to calm and relax my body after what it just went through. I reached my arms out, taking my new baby girl in my arms. The doctors and nurses left the room after cleaning up and making sure I was alright.

"Asahi... Look." I said, not taking my eyes off of my daughter. Asahi smiled faintly, commenting how cute her ears were. I nodded in agreement, pulling her closer and kissing her head before carefully making sure that her tail wasn't being uncomfortably squished in the blanket or anything. 

"Asahi, wanna hold her?" I asked, Asahi looking anxious, like always. I laughed, telling him to not worry and calm down. He took in a breath and moved slowly as he took our daughter. Once she was fully in his arms and I knew he was supporting her head and body right, I let my body relax into the bed. Asahi pulled a chair over and sat down slowly, smiling at the little baby in his arms.

"She's so tiny." He mumbled, making me smile and tiredly shake my head.

"Nah. You're just giant." I said, Asahi smiling slightly with a nod.

"Have you thought of a name?" He asked curiously. I nodded with a sigh, laying my head back against the pillow and looking up at the ceiling.

"Yeah. Katsumi."

"Katsumi. I think that's a perfect name."

"Me too.."

"Oh Noya, you must be exhausted.. Why don't you sleep?" Asahi said. I shook my head and reached out to take Katsumi back. Asahi sighed and gave me our daughter back. Katsumi cried, opening her mouth and searching for something. I hummed softly, asking Asahi's help to pull my hospital gown down a bit. Once my chest was exposed, Katsumi was quick to find what she was looking for and suckle.

When I first got pregnant, I was embarrassed that my chest had swelled a bit to produce milk. But Asahi always would tell me that I looked beautiful, and that I had no reason to be embarrassed. And now that I had my baby here, I didn't feel embarrassed at all. I was just so happy I had her. Yeah her tiny little fangs hurt a little, but any and all of the pain was 100% worth it just to see her little face. 

Never in my life did I think I'd get to have a baby of my own. I was young when I was with my breeder, but I remembered a lot more of that life than I wanted to. Asahi's done his best to help me, and he has for the most part. But he can never help me with what I never told him. All he knew is that when I found him, I was scared. He was never aware of the things I had to see or go through. I was too scared to tell him, but I guess it was all in the past now.

Once Katsumi was finished, she pulled her mouth away while Asahi helped me re-adjust the gown. I smiled, cuddling my baby close to me and letting out gentle purrs naturally. It wasn't too long until she fell asleep, her brown eyes closing with her messy bit of brown hair framing her face. Once she was asleep, Asahi got up.

"Noya, why don't you rest. Our baby and I aren't going to go anywhere." He offered. My body felt spent and I just wanted to crash, but I was scared to let Katsumi leave my sight.

"No, I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I wanna hold her longer." I said with a tiny smile before carefully and gently rubbing my nose against her cheek. Asahi looked a little bit worried, but he also knew not to take a baby away from his or her parent. I might've just had to give birth but I was more than ready and willing to attack anyone who tried to take her.

Asahi's POV

I just quietly sat back down, watching Noya. I was happy, I was very happy that our daughter was finally here. But I was worried about Noya. His body just went through a lot, and I think he should sleep. I'm actually surprised he hasn't fallen asleep yet, he looked really tired and I know his body must be physically tired too after so much strain. And it didn't help he was kinda small. 

But, if I learned anything in all that research I did about Nekos, you DON'T take away their baby. Especially if the baby came from their own body, male or female. As much as I wanted Noya to rest, I also didn't want to get attacked by him, so I just sat and watched him to make sure he was alright. Or to be here if he decided to finally sleep. But, he didn't sleep a wink.

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