Chapter 19

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Noya's POV

Asahi left the room, saying he was going to go start making food for both me and for the babies. It made me sad I couldn't feed either of them naturally, but as long as they were safe, I didn't care. I got off the bed, shutting the bedroom door and locking it. I then locked the window and then pulled the curtains shut so no one could see inside. 

Once I was sure that everything was locked, I laid my babies down into the crib and made sure they were 100% comfortable before taking a few steps away. I walked to the bed, sniffing it before dragging the blanket, sheet, and pillows off of it. I looked at my babies again before dragging the materials over to a corner of the room away from the bed. 

I curled the materials into a nest. I hadn't gotten to sleep in a nest for a long time, and it'd feel a lot safer than that bed. Once the nest was done, I got back up and took my two little ones into the nest with me. I curled up, laying them both down in the soft blanket with me.

I pressed kisses on each of their cheeks and slowly reached each of my hands up to their heads and gently massaged their ears. Katsumi had grown a lot more than I remember. Now she has a baby brother. What should I name him..??

"Noya?? Are you in there, why is the door locked..!" I heard Asahi say on the other side of the door. He tried opening the door before I hissed at him.

"Stay out." I said as a warning. Asahi sighed and stopped trying to open the door.

"Alright, alright as long as I know you're in there and okay." 

"I'm fine."

"Okay. There's food in the kitchen for you and I have the baby formulas made."

"...Leave the bottles for the babies outside the door then leave." I said, listening attentively. I heard his footsteps leave, then return, and then a little clink outside the door. Once the footsteps left, I slowly got up and unlocked the door.

I looked down the hall before grabbing the bottles and locking the door again. With the bottles in hand, I crawled back into the nest and picked my baby boy up first. I tilted the bottle to his lips. It took a couple of minutes for him to understand what to do, but soon he got the hang of it and began sucking hungrily. 

I smiled faintly while watching him eat. I don't know how much, or if at all he's been fed since I had him. He had natural baby fat, but not as much as he should. He was malnourished too. Once he was done, I burped him and put aside the empty bottle. I then laid him back in the soft blankets and picked up his sister.

I did the same to her, watching her eat hungrily while she looked around. Both of them were fed and taken care of, so I laid back down and pulled them closer. My own stomach ached from hunger, but it was such a routine feeling that I felt a comfort in the pain. I yawned, waiting for both my babies to be slumbering peacefully before drifting off with my arms securely around them both.

Asahi's POV

I sighed, eating a little bit of what I had made. I don't know what happened to Noya.. I wish I did so I could help him... Well, it was clear that he was entirely untrusting of me, and I don't blame him. Based on how he looked and was acting, it was going to take a long time for him to get back to himself. If he ever could.

By the time it was night, I went back to my room to check on Noya. The door was still locked. I sighed, and was terribly concerned that he hasn't eaten. I took some food and put it in a container, setting it by the bedroom door before just going to crash on the couch.

Just the fact that Noya was back helped me to sleep for once. I woke up the next morning to see Noya out of the room. He was trying to be quiet while getting more bottles for the babies.

"Noya, if-" Before I could finish the sentence, he grabbed the bottles and returned to the room quickly. I heard the door lock, which made me sigh. I took a glance, the food still in the container. He didn't eat. I knocked, pressing my ear against the door.

"Noya, you need to eat."


"..There's a possibility that if you nourish yourself, your body could heal itself to produce food for the babies.." I said. And I wasn't lying. His body would still naturally in a nurturing state since he just had the baby boy. But he was so starved, there was no way it could without healing first.

The door slowly creaked open, Noya glancing up at me from the door crack. I took a step back and watching him take the food and pull it into the room. He was quick to shut and lock the door on me again, but I didn't mind. As long as he was actually going to eat, I didn't care how he treated me. 

All that mattered to me is that he's alive and he's back home. And that Katsumi has her dad back. And now. There was a new little one. Noya was capable of taking care of the babies. But now, it was my job to take care of Noya. I would do anything to bring him back to how he was. I want him to be happy. I want him to feel safe.

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