Chapter 24

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The Next Morning: Noya's POV

I sighed and returned home. I had to go out really early to go get Aku a present since I didn't go out yesterday. And I had to go so early so Asahi would still be here to watch the kids while I was gone.

I found a gift bag and put the toy in it before putting some tissue paper of it to hid it. Asahi walked over, taking a look at what I got Aku.

"Now that you're back, I've got to get going to work."

"Okay. I'll see you later okay?" I said with a small smile, Asahi leaning down and kissing me before saying.

"Oh. And Noya?"


"Aku knows what you did for Katsumi and Takeo's 5th birthdays."

"...And I'm guessing that he's now expecting me to do the same for him?" I said a bit bitterly. Asahi looked a bit upset. Maybe even angry, at my words. For both Katsumi and Takeo's 5th birthdays, I got them a gift and then took them out wherever they wanted to go for the whole day. As long as I could afford it. I'd make it a special day for them with me, but I didn't want to spend that time with Aku.

"Noya. He's your son. He came from your body. He's attached to you, and he loves you. He loves you a lot. He doesn't expect anything from you except for you to love him, like you love his brother and sister."


"He watches you cater and love Katsumi and Takeo all the time. He sees you reading them stories. He's seen you cuddle them. He's seen you invite them to sleep with you in your nest when they have nightmares or just want to be with you. But you've never done any of that for him."


"And he's heard you tell his brother and sister that you love them to the ends of the earth. And he's asked me why don't you tell that to him too. And I don't have an answer for him." He said. I clenched my fists before shouting, a lot louder than I meant to.

"Because I don't love him! I can't even look at him, all he does is, is make me angry..! I love Katsumi and Takeo. And I love you. But I can't love him. And I never will!" I said in a spurt of anger, starting to cry. Asahi looked at me quietly before looking past me.

I turned around, widening my eyes to see Aku standing in the hallway staring at me. He didn't say anything. He just looked at me..

"..Aku-" He ran away from me. I heard his bedroom door slam shut. Asahi  mumbling quietly.

"....He woke up extra early this morning. He was waiting for you to come home to tell you where he wanted to go with you for his birthday." 

Asahi's POV

Noya grit his teeth and wiped away the few tears he let slip. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder before walking past him and to Aku's room. Aku had locked the door, making me sigh.

"..Aku.. It's me. Can I come in..?" I said, hearing a little click. I stepped inside,  seeing a lump underneath the blanket. I walked over, sitting next to the little lump.

"Wanna come out of there?" I asked, the side where his head would be shaking a no for an answer.

"Want me to come in there?" I offered. Aku didn't move for a moment before lifting the edge of his blanket and poking his hand out. I smiled faintly, holding his hand and lifting the blanket over my head to be underneath it with him.

Of course I didn't fit, so I moved to kneel beside the bed and just let my upper body lay underneath the blanket while Aku was sitting all curled up. His tail wrapped tightly around his leg and his ears pressed flat.

I looked at him quietly before he sniffled and grabbed onto me. I held him close, standing up and sitting on his bed with the blanket still draped over us both. Aku started crying into my chest. And he was crying hard.

"...Do you want to come with me to work? Or stay here with daddy..." I said, not wanting to leave him alone. But I also really had to get going or I'd be late. And with 3 kids, I can't afford that.

"...I wanna go with you." He said quietly, starting to settle down. I nodded, taking the blanket off and carrying him to the door. Noya was sitting quietly, glancing at me as I walked past. 

"I'm taking him to work with me. We'll be back normal time." I said, Noya just nodding as I left. I made sure Aku was safely buckled in before taking him to work with me. He stayed so quiet the whole ride there..

Once at the building I worked at, I picked my son back up and took him inside. People looked curious but didn't say anything. Luckily, it wasn't long until I reached my own little office where I could work privately. Aku stayed attached to me as I sat down to work. 

I wished I could make him feel better, but what could I do..? I wanted him and Noya to feel better.. No one would blame Noya for being hurt or angry over the child of the man who raped, sold, and abused him. But Aku was still an innocent child who knew no better.

Aku didn't deserve to be hated because of who his father was. And he was so little. And he was constantly compared to his big brother and sister. I'm glad Katsumi and Takeo treated him like normal, though. They just saw him as their little brother. 

I couldn't hate Noya. Not after what he went through. But he has to make a decision on how to treat or handle Aku. Because if Noya continues this, he'll be no better than the others who abused and hurt him. And it could lead to something dangerous.

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