Chapter 16

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Few Days Time Skip: Noya's POV

I want to see my baby. I've given up hope of going home. But I know that my baby is here. I hear him cry at nights.. and my master never gets up to settle him. He just shuts the door to muffle the cries. It was the middle of the night. And I could hear him crying for me, right now.

My master was asleep next to me. Since I have been here for 9 months and have, mostly, listened, my master has given me more freedom. But if I remove my collar from the bed's chains, he would hear me and I would likely get punished. I had to get him out of the room for a while.

An idea popped into my head. I slid under the covers, moving slowly to not wake my master up early. Carefully, I slid his pants down slightly, just enough to free his member. I started with giving him tiny licks, hearing his rhythmic breathing hitch a little in his sleep.

Once he was fully hard, I slowly lowered my head down on his member. I flattened my ears and let my tail curl slightly as I bobbed my head up and down slowly at first. Soon, I picked up the pace. After a while of doing this, I felt a hand bury itself in my hair and the blanket be removed. 

"Mm... what are you doing kitty?" My master asked, pulling my head up so I could talk.

"I-I'm sorry master. But.. I cannot take you for a few weeks. And, I want to still make you feel good.." I lied, but said innocently. It was true, my master told me he would give me 4 weeks... 4 precious weeks, free of sex so I may recover. 

He smirked, tugging at my leash towards him. I got up, crawling up to meet his face. I let him kiss me and touch my tail.

"Are you finally broken, kitty?" He asked huskily. I whimpered slightly against his lips as he reached a hand up and played with my ears.

"Have you finally realized your sole purpose is to give me pleasure? That you have no other meaning in life."

"Y-yes... master."

"Who owns you."

"You, master."

"That's right, kitty. I own you. I own your body and your mind. And once your body is healed, I'll get you pregnant again. And you'll bear more little babies for me to train. You'll bear more until you no longer can. Do you Understand?"

"Yes master."

"Now, continue being a good boy." He said, letting go of my leash and letting me make my way back between his legs. I gave his member a few kitten licks again before taking him back into my mouth. Once he was close to coming, I took my mouth off and used my hand.

I watched my master come, and since I did not finish him in my mouth, it made a bit of a mess. Once his breath was caught, he pulled me in and kissed me again. Telling me some praises before saying he was going to shower. I watched him walk into the bathroom after grabbing a towel and extra clothes.

As soon as the door was shut and I heard the water turn on, I took my collar off and quietly and quickly went into the room my baby was in. If I could, I'd do this to escape. But he kept the doors locked and I was chipped. Once I reached my baby's room, I picked him up out of the crib.

"Hi baby.. I'm right here, don't cry." I mumbled, leaning my back against the wall and letting myself slide down until I was sitting on the floor. I rocked my baby, kissing his cheeks gently. I held him in one arm, using my other to softly massage his ears and to fluff and touch his tail to get it used to movement. 

My baby's cries calmed down as I hummed ever so quietly to him. I smiled gently at him, admiring his little face... It hurt to know that his fate would become the same as mine.. and that I could not protect him from it. I don't care what happens to me anymore. My master can do whatever he wants to me. But my heart was already aching for my little one.

"I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry for what, kitty." I turned my head, seeing my master swing the door open. He looked down at me and took my baby. Putting him back into his crib as the crying resumed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up before dragging me back to his bedroom. He put the collar back on my neck while shaking his head.

"That was a very dirty trick, kitty. What were you trying to do, hm?"

"I just wanted the crying to stop..."


"Yes master.. that is all. I promise."

"I'm not convinced. I think you need a punishment." He said, a chill running down my spine. He took the chain leash and tugged at it until I followed him to the room I always received my punishments. He reattached the chain to another post and made sure it was secure.

"Sit." He commanded. I slowly sat down on the uncomfortable and dirty mattress on the floor. My master walked off and grabbed something before returning. I bit my lip when I saw he had grabbed my pet ring.. He put it on, making sure it was tight so I would be unable to come. Then, he clicked a little switch on a remote and it began to vibrate.

"I will be back in the morning." He said, leaving me in the dark room and locking the door. I moaned softly to myself, falling over on the bed and trying to endure the vibrations on my member. It felt good right now, but I wouldn't be able to come until morning.

Morning must have finally come... My body was trembling, my stomach was aching and my member hurt so terribly from being stimulated for hours. My master unlocked the door and walked over. He wiped a few tears from my cheeks as he sat down next to me.

"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Y-y-yes master.. P-please make it s-stop..! I'm sorry.." I said in a choked sob, crying out when he stopped the vibrations and let me come. I laid there, crying while trying to catch my breath and keep consciousness. My master picked my limp body up and carried me towards the bathroom where he'd take care of me.

He ran a bath, setting me into the water and kneeling by the edge of the tub. He gently washed my body, using a soap that smelled of sweets. I let my consciousness start to fade out as the warm water was running down my abused body. A kiss was placed on my temple from my master.

"Be a good boy, and I may let you take care of that baby when it's noisy."

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