Chapter 28

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Noya's POV

I was waiting, impatiently, for results to come back from some blood tests and x-rays. But of course because I was a Neko, I came second to all the other humans here. Finally, a doctor came in and I stood up.

"What is going on." I said, glancing down at Aku who still looked like he was in awful pain while laying in the little bed. Even with medicine to try and calm him, he still looked uncomfortable.

"Do you or your son have a breeder?"

"..What the hell- no we don't."


"What kind of fucking questions are these- WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM."

"Sir calm down. I'm asking because he as a chip implant."

"...What?" I said in confusion, the doctor showing me the x-ray. He pointed to a little dot on the picture. 

"It is a pet chip that usually are not implanted in children nekos. Normally we find them in adults."

"...Okay.. what do those chips do..?"

"They are created for disciplinary and training purposes. They can send an electrical shock through the pet. Much like a pet collar, but it is more internal and more intense than a pet collar. That is why they are not recommended for children, but we cannot chose what an owner decided to do." The doctor said. 

The bastard chipped Aku and then basically tried to fucking fry him from the inside. He stunned Aku to give him a shot..! I'm gonna-

"We can remove the chip, but it has already sent a rather strong shock, especially for his age, weight and height, through him."

"..Is he okay?"

"Well electrical shocks can cause all types of issues. We will have to do more tests to see if there has been any other damage."

"Then do it." I said, glancing at Aku. The doctor told me what they'd be doing and looking for. I was worried since it all sounded kind of, not pleasant, but I wanted to know. So I signed a consent form and they took my son off to do the tests.

I sat in the room waiting quietly, tapping my foot and tail anxiously when Asahi texted me.

Asahi: So what's happening? Is he okay?

Me: Aku was chipped with a shock chip

Asahi: A chip?

Me: Yeah. Nekos can be implanted with chips just like dogs or cats through a little shot. So it'd be quick. That's why Aku's father had to distract him with a stun from the pet whistle

Asahi: That's why Aku was in pain, he got shocked?

Me: Yeah. I've been shocked before from collars and it hurts like hell. I can't imagine an implant since I guess they're even more intense. And he's only 4... 

Asahi: Is he alright?

Me: I don't know yet. The doctors are doing tests. So I have to wait.

Asahi: Do you need me to bring you anything? You've been there for a few hours now

Me: No I'm okay. Are Katsumi and Takeo okay?

Asahi: Yeah, they're worried about Aku too

Me: Stay with them, I'll keep you updated

I put my phone away, staring at the clock quietly when finally a nurse returned Aku. He was asleep in the little bed. The nurse said the doctor would be back with results before leaving.

Yeah right he'll be back when he feels like it.. I got up, scooting my chair closer to Aku and sitting by him. It felt like ages but the doctor did return.

"Alright, so we took some tests. Internally everything looks okay, none of his tissue or organs look burned. We gave him something to help him sleep, but before we did, we had him do a few physical tests. He's having some trouble moving his legs properly which can be from the shock, it could have caused muscle spasms which in turn can cause tearing."

"Will it go away..?"

"It can. Sometimes it can go away, sometimes it's permanent. We won't know for a while."

"How long would it take to go away?"

"It could take a few weeks."

"...Right. Would something like physical therapy help?"

"It could, but for now he shouldn't strain the muscles, mostly in his calves. He doesn't seem to have any tearing at the moment, but strain could cause it."

"Right.. anything else?"

"Apart from the muscles in his legs, he very fortunately seems okay. There can be symptoms that later develop however, though most are rare. But I unfortunately am not aware how rare they are in nekos."

"Symptoms like what??"

"Seizures, hearing loss, cardiac arrests, muscle use loss.." He listed off. I bit my lip anxiously. I wasn't sure how common or rare any of those would be in nekos either.. and I hope it was rare. 

Next Day

I carried Aku into the house, Katsumi and Takeo running over and asking me what happened. Asahi walked over, asking the two to calm down and not bother me or Aku too much now. Both kids looked worried but listened and ran off to go destroy their room while I sat on the couch with Aku in my lap.

"How is everything..?" Asahi asked, gently running his fingers through Aku's hair. I explained what that doctor told me last night. Asahi nodded, looking at our son who was sleeping quietly in my arms.

"Why would he do this, Asahi..."

"I don't know Noya.. He could've done it just to hurt you. He could've done it because he enjoys having power over someone.." Asahi said gently. He was right, neither of us knew why he did this. And why he'd do it to his own flesh and blood made him all the more twisted. 

What made me angry was that what he did was perfectly legal too. Even if I reported this to anyone, it'd be brushed off because the very things that hurt Aku were sold openly in stores. Anyone could buy a pet whistle. Breeders and trainers could buy chips as long as they had a license showing their credentials. Shock collars were advertised in varied colors and designs... 

Asahi kissed my cheek gently and told me I should go rest since I was up all night at the hospital. Even though I was tired. I didn't want to sleep. I wanted Aku's father dead.

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