Chapter 31

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Suga's POV
I smiled to myself, cleaning up until the 3 kids, plus my Daichi, woke up. I was carry Aku while Daichi slowly got up, stretching since he was probably sore from passing out on the ground. Honestly, the last time he fell asleep on the ground was after 4 hours on the ground of he and I having se-

"where's Noya and Asahi?" Daichi asked half awake. I smiled slightly and said they both were resting together. Daichi nodded as Katsumi and Takeo wandered about together. All the kids still seemed tired. And moving would be tiring to anyone. Maybe I could get them to bed. Daichi helped me take all the little ones to their rooms, and thankfully they were all still sleepy and ended up piling on each other before going back to sleep.

Well, Aku was kind of out of the pile since is brother and sister didn't want to hurt their little brother. But they all looked so cute and cozy. And their cat-like features honestly made it all the cuter. After making sure they were okay, Daichi and I went to our room. I watched Daichi sigh and walk over to the bed before I tackled him myself. He gasped as we both fell onto the bed, making me giggle.

"Suga what are you doing?" He asked with a small smile. I just shrugged, kissing him passionately. He chuckled faintly, wrapping his arms around my waist and then placing his hands on my butt and squeezing. I purposefully let out a moan to try and get Daichi excited, and from the feeling of something beginning to poke my stomach it was working like a charm.

"Daichiiii, wanna do it?" I asked with a smile. Daichi laughed faintly with a raised brow.

"How is your sex drive so high babe?"

"Well look at who fucks me. Anyone would be driven mad by you. But, you and I know that you're only mine." I said with a smirk. Almost everyone who knew us assumed that Daichi would be the over dominating one in our relationship. But when it came to us in bed, I was the one in charge. And Daichi knew it. I couldn't be innocent all the time, after all. Everyone has to have their fun.

Daichi smiled slightly as I kissed him, running my hands down his well toned body. He let out some soft hums of pleasure as I rocked my hips. I kissed down his neck when Daichi suddenly grabbed my hips to stop me.

"Babe... it isn't just us anymore. There are kids in the room next to us and roommates across from us.."

"They're all asleep, knocked out cold~ And besides, you and I know that I'm not the one who makes that much noise." I said with a smile. Daichi blushing as I waited for a response. He gave in to my request and told me to at least lock the door. I did as he said before walking back over to him. He and I were quick to discard our clothes and toss them aside.

Daichi and I were already rather hard, and I needed next to no preparation since he and I had done it so much yesterday before we knew everyone would arrive. I instructed Daichi to lay down before seating myself over him. I gave him a kiss and aligned him with myself.

"Don't be to loud." I said with a wink, Daichi huffing slightly at me as I slowly sunk myself onto Daichi. I let out a satisfied moan at being filled and Daichi strangled a slight groan at the feeling of himself being enveloped by me. I just rocked my hips a bit for a rather long time. Daichi tried to grab my hips but I smacked his hands away with a smile.


"No touching."


"No buts." I said, continuing to just tease the living daylights out of the gorgeous man underneath me. He tried thrusting his hips up, causing me to gasp in surprise. I huffed at him, displeased about this before smirking to myself. I gently grabbed Daichi's hand, lacing our fingers and kissing him lovingly. Daichi was so distracted by the loving touches that he groaned in pleasure when I suddenly raised my hips and dropped myself back down his length.

"F-Fuck, don't do that Suga..!"

"Isn't this what you wanted?" I asked innocently, pulling myself to sit back up as I bounced up and down. I held back my own quiet moans, Daichi biting his lip to not groan to loudly. As much as I wanted to make noise or to hear Daichi, he was right, we had like 3 young kids in the room next to us and it would be a little rude to wake Asahi and Noya by having sex.

I continued to move up and down until we were both close. I let Daichi's hands grip my thighs, surely hard enough to leave bruises on me. But I loved when he'd hold me so tightly, it showed me he was drowning in the pleasure like I was. I choked back a moan as I ended up coming first. I stopped my movements, feeling all sensitive, but Daichi hand't finished yet.

"P-Please baby.. let me come in you."

"Mmm... I don't know.." I said in thought. Daichi squeezed my thighs some more with a huff.

"Please baby.. please."

"Aw, since you ask so well." I said, feeling satisfied with his pleases. I resumed my movements, over stimulating myself. My body wanted to collapse but I kept going until I felt Daichi fill me even more. We both caught our breath as I laid on his chest, mumbling we need to go shower. Daichi nodded and said we'd shower in a few moments.

We took the afterglow to cuddle and just feel each other and how much we love each other. I kissed Daichi gently before humming.

"Hey Daichi?"


"I want a baby."

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