Chapter 10

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Few Month's Time Skip: Asahi's POV
I yawned, waking up slowly. Noya was already awake and taking care of Katsumi. I've been worried about Noya and his, almost obsession with Katsumi. Not that I think he shouldn't be super involved, but he's neglecting his own health and well-being.



"Did you eat any breakfast?"

"No, I'm okay." He said, gently massaging Katsumi's ears. I've tried to let Noya have his way, but he was looking a bit worse for wear and it was concerning me.

"Noya. I think we should let Hinata and Kageyama babysit Katsumi." I said, Noya looking alarmed.

"What! No way."

"Both of them have met Katsumi, and they both like her, and Katsumi seems to like them. Well, at least Hinata. And you need a day to rest." I said, Noya shaking his head. I didn't want to act or seem harsh, but I repeated it again firmly. Noya growled slightly before looking down at our daughter.

"...Not a whole day. 1 hour.." He said quietly. That wasn't NEARLY enough time for him to rest. But if he was willing to do that, then I'd take it. I called Kageyama and explained it to him. And it wasn't too long until they arrived and took Katsumi along with a spare bottle and some supplies in case. I thanked the two and watched them go, shutting and locking the door behind them. Noya seemed extremely anxious, pacing around nonstop until finally sitting by the door and staring out the window.

"Noya.. she'll be okay with them."

"I know but, I'd feel better if she was here." He said with a deep sigh. I picked him up, my boyfriend trying to get out of my grip to go back to staring out the window. I could feel how malnourished Noya was getting. And he constantly looked tired from little to no sleep. I would try to help him with Katsumi, especially when she'd wake up at nights crying, but he'd never let me.

"Asahi put me down..!"

"You said to let them have our daughter for an hour, we're gonna use the hour to take care of you."

"I said I'm fine!"

"Noya." I said, Noya giving in and just letting me carry him to the restroom. I sat him down on the floor while I ran a warm bath. I let Noya undress while I went and got some change of clothes. After I took my clothes off as well, I picked my boyfriend up and carefully stepped into the tub with him. Noya's whole body felt tense, so I was gently pouring the water over his skin and using my hands to try and massage him. Finally, Noya seemed to relax and even purr.

"Feel better, love..?"

"...I guess so." Noya mumbled, letting his eyes close as he snuggled into my chest. I nodded, pressing soft little kisses to his skin. After the bath, I took Noya to the kitchen and made sure he ate something. With a warm bath and now my clothes on him and a full stomach, Noya started to look really sleepy.

"You can take a nap, you must be tired." I said gently, picking my boyfriend up yet again.

"No.. I need to be awake when... Kageyama and Hinata.. drop Katsumi off.." He mumbled, already starting to drift off. Once he fell asleep, I felt content and took him to our room. Being extra careful to not wake him up, I laid down with my boyfriend in my arms to make sure he'd feel rested.

Hinata's POV
I smiled happily, curled up in a nest that I made quite a long time ago in Kageyama's room. I thought Kageyama would've gotten mad at me over it, but he never did and he let me keep it there. Katsumi was fast asleep in my arms. She was sooo adorable. She looked just like Noya and Asahi, but a girl of course!

"Hinata, are you in here?"

"Over here!" I said happily, Kageyama opening the bedroom door. He looked down at me with a small smile.

"Asahi texted me. He asked if we could keep the kid longer."

"Can we??"

"Of course we can. I'm just letting you know."

"Oh! Thank you!" I said, Kageyama walking back off as I hummed quietly to myself. My tail thumped gently against the blankets and pillows that my nest was made up of. Noya told me that I should talk to Kageyama about going to a doctor to see if it was at all possible for me to have a baby too. But I was still to scared. And I know it's ridiculous but, I almost would rather think that I couldn't than have it confirmed I can't.. I'd feel awful...

But. I also wanted a baby so bad. After the first time I saw Katsumi, I knew that I wanted my own little baby girl or boy. And, I think it'd be all the better if she or he was also Kageyama's. It's been months since I've been here, and Kageyama is so kind to me. And, he's kissed me some but we've never gone all the way. He told me that he didn't want to make me after finding me from my breeder. And I really appreciated it, but also, I couldn't help but sometimes wanting to go all the way with him.

I picked the baby girl up and climbed out of the nest and wandered out of the room to go find Kageyama. Finally, I found him sitting on the couch watching some movie. When he became aware of my presence, he paused the movie and looked over at me.

"Hey. Is something wrong?" He asked as I sat down next to him.

"No. Well, I kinda.. wanted to talk to you about something."

"What is it?"

"Um.. so. Would you be willing to take me to the doctor..?"

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Well.. under normal circumstances... male, and some female, nekos are taken to doctors to get their reproductive organs removed. But. My breeder never did that. And so... I was wondering if... if I could go see if it'd ever be possible for me to have a baby, like Noya...?" I asked, feeling embarrassed. Kageyama looked at me a bit surprised before smiling slightly and giving me a small kiss.

"Alright. I'll make you an appointment. Who knows, maybe we could have a child of our own."

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