Chapter 3

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Noya's POV

I yawned, letting out a small groan as I stretched. Asahi was still asleep. He was probably still tired after I dragged him out of the house for cake last night. Do I want cake. Or do I wanna be pet. I took a few moments to think before deciding cake was more important. So I wiggled out of Asahi's grip and wandered to the kitchen. He was lecturing me about eating to many sweets again while we were decorating the cake last night, but I couldn't help myself sometimes.

I hopped onto the counter, contently eating some cake when Asahi wandered down tiredly. He walked over to me with a tiny smile. I parted my legs and let him walk up to the counter and in front of me, letting my legs wrap around his waist.

"Morning Asahiii." I said, licking some frosting from my lips. Asahi smiled slightly, kissing the tip of my nose while gently scratching the base of my ears which almost always got me to purr.

"Really, cake for breakfast..?" He said with a tiny smile. I giggled and shrugged, setting my empty plate aside and reaching up to wrap my arms around his neck. Once I was latched onto him, Asahi carefully pulled away from the counter and put an arm around me while he got things out to make coffee.

"Do you have school today?" I asked, Asahi nodding. I pouted slightly, nuzzling my face into his neck. I hated when he had classes. He would be gone all day and smell like other people from his classes. Asahi kissed my forehead as I climbed off of him since he had to get changed for the day. I waited quietly for him at the door, staring out the window while I waited.

"Alright Noya. I'll be back later, okay?" Asahi said, approaching behind me. I gave him a sad look, but he just smiled gently and gave me a soft kiss before walking out the door. I watched out the window quietly, my tail slowing down until it just hung between my legs.

It isn't like I thought Asahi would ever cheat on me or anything. But. Sometimes, well, a lot of times, I was scared he'd meet someone else. Someone who was normal. I always wanted to marry Asahi, but what if he didn't want to be married to a neko? We weren't meant to marry anyone. We were meant to be used as either maids or used only for sex.

And I didn't know any other Nekos to talk too. All of our friends were normal people. And I was thankful for them because none of them acted any different around me just because of my ears or tail. But sometimes I wondered if having someone else like me would be nice.

I shoved the negative thoughts aside, trying to not think about them. But now I was just sad and wanted Asahi here to cuddle. The closest I had to him here was his stuff, so I wandered to our room. Before anything, I wandered around and cleaned up so the floor was clear. Once the floor was cleared, I dragged the blanket off the bed and the pillows that Asahi would use.

I dragged them to the corner of the room, laying the blanket out and being careful how I would fold and bunch it up to make a nesting spot. Even with the pillows, it wasn't full enough. So, I wandered to the closet and grabbed some of Asahi's sweaters, shirts, and hoodies. I'd put them back, probably.. I dragged the clothes over to the nest and arranged them closely together before finally being content with my work.

I pulled my own shirt off and pulled one of my boyfriend's hoodies on before climbing into my nest. It wasn't nearly as good as Asahi actually being here, but I guess it would do until he got home. I curled up quietly, my tail tucked up by me and my ears flattened while I stared at the wall until passing out.

Time Skip: Asahi's POV
I yawned, stepping into the apartment and looking around for any signs of Noya. He wasn't in the kitchen making a mess of anything. So, maybe for once he was in our room getting work done. Something nice about our work was that it could be done at home. Especially nice for Noya since I knew he had some insecurities about his cat-like features.

"Noya?" I called out, opening our bedroom door carefully. I smiled faintly to see him fast asleep in a little nest he made in the corner of our room. Of course he wasn't working. He'd get it done a day before the deadline. But, as long as he got it done, I didn't care how else he spent his free time. As quietly as I could, I walked over and sat down in front of the nest. Made entirely out of my things.

"Noya, I'm home." I said, leaning forward and scratching behind his ears. I watched with a tiny smile as my boyfriend woke up, yawning before smiling excitedly. I have no idea how he wakes up so quickly like that.

"Asahi! Come cuddle." He said, trying to pull me into the nest he made.

"Why don't we cuddle on the bed?" I asked, Noya just shaking his head. I was a bit worried about cuddling in his nest. I mean, Noya was really light, so he hardly made a dent in it while all curled up in it. But I was a lot bigger, what if I accidentally messed it up and he got upset.

Well, either way, Noya wasn't going to give up so I scooted into his little nest and laid on my side and curled up. Noya being quick to nestle against my stomach and chest while purring loudly.

"Hey Asahi?"


"Would you ever want kids??"


"Uh huh."

"Well, I wouldn't mind having children. I think it'd be nice to have at least one."


"Yeah, what about you?"

"I want one." Noya said affirmatively. I smiled faintly, pulling him closer and kissing the top of his head. I wonder what'd it be like to have kids and a family with Noya. Well, I was certain about one thing. I was certain it'd be amazing.

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