Chapter 30

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Two Week Time Skip: Asahi's POV
I sighed tiredly, setting down the last box from the car. I couldn't exactly afford a moving truck, so we ended up going back and forth several times to get everything. I watched Katsumi and Takeo chase after Noya who was carrying Aku. Noya was going to help the kids unpack their things while I would get our things.

"You got everything?"

"Yeah. Thanks for keeping the spot open for us.. are you sure the kids won't bother you and Daichi?" I asked, my high school friend, Suga, shaking his head.

"Not at all. I love kids! Besides, a little late. You got all your stuff moved out." Suga said with a small laugh. I nodded as he helped me unpack things and clean up the boxes and bubble wrap. We sat down to rest on the couch, Suga bumping my arm.

"Hey, I'm sorry about Aku. I think it's awful how some people treat Nekos like they're just some, animal. You shouldn't even treat animals like that." Suga said with a huff. I smiled faintly, nodding in complete agreement.

"I agree.. I feel bad for Noya. But hopefully with some extra space and we're away from where, well, you know.. he'll do better." I mumbled, Suga nodding when Katsumi and Takeo ran over and crashing into my and Suga's laps. Suga laughed, cuddling Katsumi as she giggled.

"Dad, daddy said he needs some help." Katsumi said. I quickly set Takeo next to Suga and rushed off down the hall. Noya was sitting on the bed while holding Aku.

"Is something wrong Noya?"

"Can you put these up. I can't reach." He said, pointing to a few little boxes of toys. I laughed, nodding and putting them up for him. Noya laid back on the bed tiredly with Aku silently cuddling on his chest. I walked over, sitting by Noya's head and gently running my fingers through his hair.

"You doing okay baby?"

"Yeah. I'm just tired..."

"Why don't you rest. We don't need to unpack everything in one day." I said, Noya rolling onto his side with Aku cuddling into his chest. The two fell asleep quickly, making me smile. I found a blanket in one of the boxes and put it over them, kissing each of their heads before walking back to where Suga was. Both kids looking and acting like little angels.

"What did you do to them?" I asked with a small smile, Suga smiling and shrugging as each kid looked at me innocently.

"Whatever are you talking about? They're just little angels." Suga said, putting an arm around each kid and hugging them. I smiled, sitting down tiredly when the door opened. Katsumi and Takeo got up and ran over to Daichi was.

"Woah, careful you two." Daichi said with a smile, using one hand to ruffle their hair.

"Hey Daichi."

"You look beat. Where's Noya?"

"He's asleep."

"Ah. Well. I got dinner. Anchovies for you guys." He said, looking down at my children who both smiled. Cliche or not, yes, they liked fish more than the average person. Daichi set the pizzas in the kitchen, giving Takeo and Katsumi each a slice as the two sat on the floor to eat. Daichi offered me some but I wasn't hungry. He walked over and sat on Suga's other side, each of them eating as I yawned.

"Asahi if you're tired you can go rest too."

"Oh I don't want to leave you two with Katsumi and Takeo."

"I don't mind watching them!" Suga said happily. I made sure he was certain before thanking them and walking off. Suga and Daichi share a room. I'd share a room with Noya. And all 3 kids would share a room. So I went to the room Noya and I would share and fell onto the bed before falling asleep.

Noya's POV
I yawned, glancing down at Aku who was awake and tugging boredly  at my shirt.

"Hi baby... hey if you wanted something you could've woken me up." I mumbled, Aku shaking his head as I got up slowly. I could smell food, so I wandered in that direction. Suga greeted me and pointed to the kitchen.

"There's pizza in there for you two if you're hungry." He said. I nodded and wandered into the kitchen. I took two slices and warmed them in the microwave before sitting at the table. Aku decided to eat only the anchovies, cheese and meat off of his and avoid the crust.

I smiled faintly as I ate mine. I can't blame him. I used to want to do that to my pizza but I grew to like the crust. After we ate, I wiped the sauce off my son's hand and face before wandering where Suga, Daichi, Katsumi, and Takeo all were.

"What are you all up to??" I asked with a tiny yawn. Suga smiled as Daichi seemed to be napping on the floor, Katsumi curled up on one side of him and Takeo curled up on the other.

"They were playing and then crashed."

"...Daichi too huh?"

"Yep, Daichi too." Suga said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes as Suga got up and asked to hold Aku. I glanced at Aku who didn't seem to mind before giving him over to Suga. I sat down and picked up the other two and laid them on the couch while Suga seemed to have fun carrying around Aku.

"Hey Suga? Have you and Daichi ever thought about having kids?"

"We've talked about. But we weren't sure yet."

"Oh. Well, I think you guys would be really good parents."

"You and Asahi aren't doing too bad yourselves."


"I mean it Noya. And 3 kids are a lot to handle."

"Well, you and Asahi just rest. Daichi and I will take care of these 3 for the evening."

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