Chapter 13

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Asahi's POV
I checked the time. It's been well over an hour.. Where was Noya? I tried calling and texting him, but he hasn't answered. I heard Katsumi cry from her room, so I got up and went to her crib.

"Are you okay baby girl.." I mumbled, picking her up carefully and holding her close. I was worried about Noya. He normally wasn't late and there was no way he would've gone elsewhere for an extra hour and a half without telling me. I double checked my phone, but nothing. I took in a breath, deciding I'd head to the store he would have gone to. Of course, I took Katsumi with me since I couldn't just leave her.

Along the way, I saw several grocery bags on the pavement knocked over. Maybe someone dropped them..? I walked over to look at the groceries, worried when I saw it was all stuff from the shopping list that Noya took with him... I rushed down the road to the store, asking a few cashiers if Noya was here. Some of them shrugged but others said that there was a Neko boy here earlier.

I prayed that Noya was okay, but considering he was here and then his bags were left in the streets didn't exactly comfort the thought. I paced around outside, not sure what to do before just contacting the police about it. The officers seemed a bit unconcerned since I told them that Noya was a neko. One of them even commenting and saying that neko pets go missing all the time and I should just buy a new one.

That was probably one of the few times I've ever felt my blood boil with anger. I held my baby daughter in my arms securely as I walked right up to the officer who made the comment. He looked up at me, trying to not look worried but I was easily much, much taller than him.

"He is not a pet. He is my boyfriend, my family, and my daughter's father. And he is missing." I said angrily, the officer gulping slightly before taking some steps back.

"O-okay sir. We'll go to the store and take a look at their security footage and look for him, okay?" He said with a slight smile. I scowled at him before nodding, leaving my own address and number in case they find anything before heading home. It wasn't that I don't trust them to not look now. But I couldn't sleep unless I searched too.. I needed to know where my love was.

Noya's POV
"You're clearly untrained." The man said as he tugged at my leash. I hissed at him, earning a smack to the face.

"Well, it's alright. I love a challenge. And untrained and stubborn ones like you are the most fun to break in. And you could hold a lot of resale value." He said as I growled at him. My cheek was stinging but I ignored it and bit his hand. Hard enough to draw blood from my fangs. The man pulled his hand away, examining the little wound before looking at me angrily.

"You're such a disobedient kitty." He said, wrapping his hand in a bandage before grabbing me and holding me against his bed. He tightened up the collar and shortened the chain so I was kind of forced to be sitting up on my knees while facing the headboard.

I turned my head the best I could when he went over to a drawer. My eyes widened when I saw him pulled out a little bottle of something along with a needle. I started tugging at the chain some more to try and get out as the man walked over.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt you or the baby. It'll send you into a fake heat."


"I'm not like my fellow trainers. I try to not discipline my pets with violence, instead, you're going to learn how to beg properly. Like a good boy." He said, drawing some of the liquid out. I whimpered, looking away when he slowly injected this stuff into my arm. 

It didn't take very long until my body started to heat up terribly like I was in heat. The tight shorts the man put on me felt even tighter as I unconsciously wiggled my hips and tail. The man kneeled behind me, pressing his body against my back and his hands gripping my hips to hold them steady.

"Shh. Be good and this punishment won't be too bad." He said, pulling my shorts down to my thighs. I felt him start to push something inside of me, making me moan.

"P-please don't..." I said quietly. Even in a hazy mindset, I only wanted Asahi to do anything like this with me. The man kissed one of my ears and whatever he was using was fully inside of me. I let out a breath and grit my teeth when the man put a small pet ring over my member.

"There, now you will need my permission to come." He said with a smile. I pressed my forehead against the headboard, grabbing the top of it for dear life when the toy inside of me began to vibrate. My back arched and my tail wrapped around the man's arms as I rocked my hips and moaned.

"All you need to do is ask me politely. And address me properly." The man said, giving my other ear a kiss. As much as I wanted him to let me come and get me out of this uncomfy position, I kept my mouth shut. The man just shrugged and got off the bed and headed to the door.

"If that is your decision. I will check on you later."

4 Hours Later

I was crying, the feeling of constantly being denied release was hurting and the toy was making my body hurt from oversensitivity. I probably sounded like I was dying, constant gasps and cries leaving my mouth for the past, I don't even know how long. I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hello kitty. Are you ready to listen?" The man said, checking up on me again. Unable to hardly speak, I nodded my head. He walked over, sitting next to me and grabbing the base of the toy, shifting it around which made me cry out more in pain.

"Go ahead kitty, say it."

"Please... please let me come.. I-I'm sorry...!"

"Mm.. "I'm sorry" what."

"I'm sorry master!" I cried out, the man finally loosening the pet ring around my member as I came. The toy finally being pulled out of me and the chain was returned to a longer length. I collapsed onto the bed, my entire body feeling a painful numbness as the man leaned down and kissed my cheek.

"Good boy."

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