Chapter 6

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Noya's POV

"Noya?" I heard my boyfriend call gently in case I was asleep. I smiled excitedly and poked my head out the door and said I was in our room. It was only a few moments until he opened our bedroom door and caught me when I jumped into his arms. I giggled at his expression when he held onto me.

"N-Noya, are you not wearing anything on underneath this-?"

"Nope." I said with a slight grin. All I was wearing was one of Asahi's older shirts. And I mean, it was long enough to cover me actually. 

"How did class go?" I asked casually as he carried me to the bed.

"We got our grades back."


"100%." He said with a small smile. I smiled widely and threw my arms around his neck.

"See?? I knew that you would ace it!"

"You always have faith in me huh?"

"Of course I do. Nowwww, I have a gift for you~" I said with a purr. By the way I was wiggling my hips on his lap, my boyfriend seemed to have caught on. I slid off his lap and between his legs, watching him and his face go red as I undid his jeans.


"Shhh, I'm giving you your gift." I said, pulling his member out and gave it a few licks. I tried to not use my tongue TOO much since my tongue was also rougher and more textured than a normal humans. So, I was scared it would hurt. But, when Asahi let out a groan, maybe it didn't.

After a bit, I opened my mouth, and very very mindful about my tiny fangs, bobbed my head down. Asahi bit his lip, shyly tangling his hand into my hair with his fingers brushing against my ears. Once he was hard, I pulled away and licked my lips. Swiftly, I pulled the shirt off over my head and got onto my boyfriend's lap. I positioned myself over him, Asahi grabbing my hips to keep me from sinking down yet.


"I'm prepped, don't worry you overgrown giant." I said with a laugh. Asahi shook his head with a blush.

"N-No, I mean, we need protection." He said. I was beginning to feel impatient. My heat was already hitting me full blown. The only reason I could control myself like this so far was because of some medicine Asahi would buy me. I knew that we should be careful. Mostly because there was a possibility I could get pregnant. 

All Nekos were born with reproductive organs like that, but the male ones would get them removed surgically when they reached a certain age. But, since I ran away, I still had mine and Asahi never made me get them removed.

"But I want your babies~" I said with a purr, grinning to myself when my words seemed to go straight to Asahi's already hard member.

"But Noya..!"

"Do you not want to have babies with me..?" I asked, partially teasing but also serious. I mean, I really really wanted to have my own kittens, and it'd be all the better if they were also Asahi's. And I knew that people would do stuff like get married first, but to me and my natural instincts, all that mattered was that I found someone to mate with me.

"Noya, of course I want to have a family with you.. But don't you think we're a little young?"


"But, neither of us, you know, know a lot about parenting or anything."

"Are you forgetting who you're talking to." I asked, Asahi laughing slightly. He and I knew that I already had natural paternal instincts, and there was absolutely no doubt in my mind Asahi would be a great dad too.

"What about marriage?" Asahi asked, making me tilt my head.

"What about it."

"Well, wouldn't you want to be married first??"

"I don't get humans and being married before having kids. I love you and want a family with you." I said with a pout. Asahi looked extremely hesitant but said nothing more, which means that he was giving me my request. I smiled, giving him a deep kiss.

"You sure Asahi??"

"If you're sure, Noya.. I love you, and would love to have a family with you. And I think if you want to get started a little earlier, than we'll do it together." He said with a gentle smile, kissing me back lovingly. And I knew he meant it. This wasn't 100% impulse. He and I have discussed having children in the past.

I wiggled my hips a bit until I was slowly sinking myself onto my boyfriend. Both of us groaned, Asahi's grip on my hips tightening and helping support me so my legs wouldn't get too weak and I'd hurt myself. 

"A-Ah... why are you so big.. I feel like you're bigger this time..!" I whined as I fully seated myself on him. Asahi looked like he was trying to muster every ounce of self control he had.

"D-Does it hurt.. Do you want me to pull out?" He asked with a small huff, yet at the same time an overly worried look.

"Don't you dare..!" I said, squeezing my eyes shut to try and get used to his size. Asahi and I haven't had sex a lot, mostly because he was always so scared that he was gonna hurt me. And it did hurt a little. He always made me feel so incredibly full and I swear I could feel him hit my uterus...

After a few more moments, I rocked my hips which drew out groans from both of us. I grabbed onto Asahi, wrapping my arms around his neck for support and began moving up and down. My ears went flat and my tail wrapped around my boyfriend's arm in pure pleasure.

It didn't take too long for both of us to hit our climaxes. I cried out when Asahi came inside of me. It felt so incredibly hot inside.. We both took some time to catch our breaths, and Asahi was gently kissing my neck and shoulders while I slowly was coming back to my senses.

"Are you okay Noya? Did it hurt? Do you wa-"

"Oh hush." I said, lazily kissing him. He smiled faintly as I slumped into his chest with a yawn.

"Bath?" I asked sleepily, purring when he gently pet my ears and tail. Asahi nodded, carefully lifting me off of him. I clung onto him as we went into the bathroom. I still felt all lightheaded and in a happy daze with the thought of possibly having Asahi's children.

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