Chapter 4

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Noya's POV
I paced around impatiently, waiting for Asahi to finish getting changed. One of our friends, well, kind of friends, told us that he rescued a neko, and a male one too. And I really really wanted to meet him. Finally, Asahi walked down and I ran over, grabbing his hand and trying to drag him to the door.

"Woah, Noya calm down..!"

"I want to meet this other neko as soon as possible thoughhh!"

"I know but can I at least put my jacket and shoes on?" He asked with a small laugh. I blushed slightly, letting go of his hand so he could finish getting ready. While Asahi was busy zipping his jacket up, I jumped onto his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist so I could keep myself up right while I did Asahi's hair for him since he normally wore it in a bun and it was down. Partially because I knew that he liked me messing with his hair, and partially to not waste more time.

"Okay are you ready?" I asked excitedly, letting my tail wag. Almost like a dog's. Asahi laughed slightly as I hopped off his back.

"Yes NOW I'm ready."

Hinata's POV
"Hinata. Hey where'd you go." I huffed to myself, peaking out the cracks of the door of the closet I was hiding in. He wouldn't find me in here surely. He sighed heavily, walking out of the room and grumbling to himself. Once I heard the door shut, I let out a tiny breath of relief and let myself relax in the pile of clothes underneath me. I wasn't too happy with how dark it was in here, but I'd put up with it to keep hidden.

I heard some voices by the front door, holding my breath when the door to the room opened again. I sunk down more into the clothing pile to try and stay hidden. But the closet door was pulled open.

"Hi!" I looked up at the new voice, seeing another boy looking at me. But he had ears and a tail too. I stared at him for a few moments, him staring back at me before I smiled and tackled him. We both let out playful growls as we crashed into the floor, the slightly smaller neko biting my arm. Not enough to hurt but enough to signify he won. I whined as we pulled away.

"I'm Noya!" He said with a smile. I returned the smile, letting my ears perk up.

"I'm Hinata." I said, turning when the door opened. I saw the man who had bought me walk in, another, wow really really tall, man walk in next to him. I sat down, my ears pressing flat against my head and my tail making its way between my legs submissively. I glanced at Noya who just smiled and got up, hopping onto the taller man. What was he doing..! We aren't allowed to do tha-

"Hinata, this is my boyfriend, Asahi." Eh???? Boyfriend?? I slowly lifted my head, looking up at Asahi. He smiled at me with a hello, but I just put my head down again. Noya said something to the two guys before climbing off of his boyfriend. The two men left and closed the door, leaving just Noya and I. Once I was sure they were gone, my ears popped back up and my tail swayed. Noya smiled and wandered over, sitting on the floor with me.

"Why are you dating him?" I asked curiously, Noya tilting his head.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we aren't allowed to do that..! They're our masters." I said, Noya shaking his head.

"He isn't my master, he's my boyfriend and I love him." He said with a smile. I shook my head, not understanding at all what he was thinking.

"Doesn't he punish you though?"

"Not at all!"


"Mhm. I've been with him since I was little."

"Oh, I see."

"So. Did you just come here today??"

"Mhm. My master bought me today."

"Does he make you call him 'master'?"

"Well, he hasn't told me to do that, but I was trained too." I said, Noya looking a bit sad for me.

"Well, his name is Kageyama. And he's really nice. I think you should come talk to him and Asahi with me!"


"Come on." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I sighed slightly, tucking my tail between my legs as we left the room and found the two men sitting and talking. They both turned when they heard Noya and I walking over. Noya let go of my hand and curled up into Asahi's lap. Asahi just smiled, giving Noya a kiss. The gesture shocked me. They weren't having sex, but he kissed him.

"You can come over and sit too." Kageyama said. I slowly nodded, making my way over slowly. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but sat down on Kageyama's other side. He looked at me before going back to what he was saying. Noya leaned over and looked at me with a smile wile I curiously watched Kageyama. I was expecting to be punished for hiding from him, but instead he absently reached over and pet my head.

My body stiffened at the contact before slowly relaxing. I've never felt something this nice before. I was shocked at myself when I began purring, but I couldn't stop. I let my eyes close as I moved onto my hands and knees, rubbing my cheek against Kageyama's shoulder while he pet me. I opened my eyes when Noya purred too, seeing his boyfriend carefully scratching the base of his ears.

Kageyama glanced at me before looking back at the couple. He moved his hand to my ears, petting them gently at first before mimicking how Asahi was scratching Noya's ears. My purring only got louder as I unconsciously made my way into Kageyama's lap. Instead of being swatted away or yelled at, I just kept receiving the affectionate petting. I guess not all humans were so mean.

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