Chapter 9

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Asahi's POV

Finally we were back home. No complications with Katsumi and no complications with Noya. Noya wouldn't let go of our daughter, carrying her around as I put down his overnight bag from the hospital. 

"Noya, you've been awake for like 24 hours. You need to sleep." I said, feeling worried. Noya sighed slightly but agreed. Instead of giving me Katsumi, I watched as he carried her off to our room. I followed him quietly, bringing in the crib that I had put together for our baby.

"Here, you can set her in here and rest. I'll leave it by the bed." I said, but Noya just shook his head and laid in the bed and rested Katsumi on his chest. It was alright if he wanted her to be here with him.. but I think it'd be better if he had the room to spread out and get a proper sleep. I walked over and tried to pick Katsumi up, but Noya wrapped his arms around her and hissed at me.

I looked at him shocked, pulling my hands away. That was the first time he's ever hissed before. Noya just rolled onto his side and curled up, putting Katsumi in the little spot in front of him before he mumbled to himself and got off the bed. Taking himself and our daughter to his nest in the corner of the room and laying down with her there.

I sighed and gave up, letting him let Katsumi sleep on him. I just made sure he was cozy in his nest before walking off. Noya was probably going to be hungry when he woke up. He didn't really eat anything but ice while we were in the hospital. So, I waited a while before making his favorite. 

After the food was done, I poked my head into our room to see Noya was awake and feeding Katsumi. The sight made me smile faintly, Noya glancing over at me.

"Hey, I made dinner for you when you're done."

"Thank you. But, I'm not hungry."

"You aren't?"

"Uh uh."

"You should eat something, Noya." I said, my boyfriend just shrugging and saying he might get something later. I sighed, eating some of what I had made myself before returning to our room. I watched Noya cradling our baby before I asked to hold her. Noya looking a little hesitant.

He eventually gave her over to me, but kept his eyes on me the whole time. I found Katsumi's ears adorable, and her little tail. It reminded me of Noya, for obvious reasons. I gave the tip of her nose a little kiss before Noya asked for me to give her back. I gave Katsumi back, Noya curling up in his nest before gently petting his head.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and put away the leftover food okay? If you get hungry, just call alright?"


Noya's POV

Asahi walked out of the room quietly while I looked at my daughter. Her eyes were closed peacefully as she slept. I pulled her closer, mumbling so that only she'd be able to hear, as if she'd understand.

"Don't worry. I promise that you're not going to have to go what I went through. You're gonna have nothing to be afraid of." I said quietly, kissing her cheeks and moving her into one arm so I could gently massage her ears to get them to sit and perk right. 

After a bit, I managed to get out of my nest and back onto the normal bed. Katsumi let out a little yawn in her sleep. I took a peak in her mouth when she did. She had slightly bigger fangs than I would've thought for a newborn, but every Neko varied. All it meant was that she was most likely going to be a good, strong girl when she grew up.

My phone on the nightstand buzzed and lit up. I took a glance, seeing that it was Kageyama. Well, actually it looked like it was Hinata. Hinata wasn't given a phone just because he got really really upset over trying to use it, but Kageyama gave him his phone to text or call me whenever he wanted to.

Kageyama: NOYAAAA

Me: Yes?

Kageyama: Kageyama told me that Asahi said you finally have your baby?"

Me: Mhm. We just Brought her home today

Kageyama: Awwwww, a little girl!  Whats her name?

Me: Katsumi

Kageyama: Will I be able to come see her soon?

Me: I don't know. I want her to be settled and with me only for a little while

Kageyama: I understand! I wish I could have a baby.. I didn't even get my organs removed, my breeder just damaged them

Me: How bad?

Kageyama: Pretty bad

Me: Well, have you spoken to Kageyama about it? Maybe he could take you to a doctor

Kageyama: Im too scared to ask him. And besides, it happened when I was smaller, so Im just assuming that Im infertile because of what my breeder did

Me: But what if its still possible? Then you'd be able to have a baby too

Kageyama: I dunno.. 

Me: Well its up to you Hinata

Kageyama: I'll think about it! Lemme know when I'll be able to come see Katsumi okay?

Me: I will

I put aside my phone and resumed cradling my baby with both arms instead of one. Hinata and I made good friends as soon as we met each other, but we never really did discuss the possibility of HIM getting pregnant since I already was. We just focused a lot on that. 

I feel bad. Most breeders just surgically remove the organs, but, I guess there are some who are a lot rougher. Poor Hinata must've had one of those bad ones. Well, hopefully he'll talk to Kageyama about it and go see a doctor and get some tests done. No idea how Kageyama feels about having a baby, but if nothing else, I know that Hinata would have enough protective and loving instincts for his own baby to take care of it without any help. And so do I. 

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