Chapter 27

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Noya's POV

I hummed quietly to myself while making some breakfast. Aku woke up just in time. I felt him latch onto my leg, making me smile faintly.

"Morning.. hungry?" I asked, Aku nodding as I picked him up and set him at the table to eat. 

"So, where do you wanna go today huh?" I asked, sitting with my son.

"Mmm, park!" He said with his mouth full. I nodded, wiping his mouth with a napkin whenever he'd make a mess. After he was done eating, I cleaned up quickly and helped him get ready before heading out. 

It was a pretty nice day, so a trip to the park would be nice. And I haven't been there in a long while. It has a nice view of a lake and a fountain that I'm sure Aku would like to go see. I held his hand as we walked, Aku seeming very excited since he was mostly hopping next to me instead of walking.

People would think his behavior is cute until they noticed his ears and tail. Aku must've noticed as well because soon he stopped and reached up for me. I sighed gently and picked him up, kissing his cheek.

"You okay?"

"Uh huh.."

"Don't worry about what other people are thinking."


"You're different than everyone else. But that just makes you special, and unique. Just like me, and just like your big brother and sister." I said, Aku smiling and uncurling his tail and letting it sway. 

Katsumi and Takeo go through the same shame of being nekos. And I understand their embarrassment. Even when I was a young adult, I would still get embarrassed when people would stare or comment. But the world was full of crappy people.

Finally we reached the park. I set Aku down and took him to the fountain first, giving him a few pennies to toss into it like other kids. Then I took him to where the view of the lake is. Aku smiled happily, looking out over the water when my phone buzzed.

I reached in my pocket, seeing a text from Asahi. I took a quick moment to respond before putting my phone away.

"Alright, let's- Aku??? Aku..!" Where did he go..????!! I looked away for less than a minute..! 

"AKU!" I shouted when suddenly there was an ear-piercing noise. That wasn't any normal noise though. It was a pet training whistle. I bolted off in the direction of the noise, laying my ears back to try and avoid hearing the noise. 

Finally the awful, dizzying noise stopped and instead I heard crying through a buzz in my ears. I followed the noise until I found Aku crying.

"Aku..! There you are.." I said, running over to get him. He seemed startled as I picked him up. I looked around but no one was here. I shook off the questions and sat in the grass, holding Aku close to me.

"Hey are you okay??" I asked, but he didn't seem to hear me. He kept twitching his ears and grabbing at them.

"Aku??" I tried again, but louder. Aku whined in response. He probably had an awful ringing in his ear too but I knew it would subside, as long as he could still hear me, the exposure wasn't too close. I got up, turning to take him home when I heard someone behind me.

"Hi kitty."

My whole body went cold and suddenly I felt like I couldn't move. Finally, I slowly turned, seeing Aku's father stand there. He smiled at me, causing my breathing and heartbeat to rapidly increase.

"W..what are you doing here..."

"This is a wonderful place to find lost nekos I can take. Just like him who wander off."

"...Then why did you not take him."

"You think I don't recognize my own son? How could I not. He inherited many of my genes, he only has an ear and tail because of you."

"...S-stay away from me and my son."

"Mm. I know you'd be maternal towards him. Even if he reminds you of every. single. minute." He said with a smile. I backed away while Aku hung onto me tightly, still fussing with his ears.

"..S-so why not take him. Why hurt him..? What did you do..!"

"I can't take you back. Not now. I know that man you're with. And he'll make sure I don't. And I'm not interested in another concussion. As for what I did, how do you know I did anything?"

"..Go away."

"I wish you the best of luck. I do hope you figure out what's troubling your son, kitty." He said. He left quietly, my body finally allowing me to move as I rushed towards home. On the way home, Aku's hearing seemed to clear up a bit. 

Once we were home, I went to my room and climbed into my nest with Aku in my arms. His hearing seemed to come back to normal and he just seemed a bit, off.

"Aku.. what did that man do??"

"I don't know I heard a really really bad noise. And then I don't remember until you came." He said, making me sigh. At least his hearing didn't get damaged, but he was close enough to the noise for it to stun him. It was hard to stun adults with pet whistles, but little kids were more prone to it.

I was worried. Why would that man have to stun Aku.. what'd he do. I know it had to be him. 

"Alright. We're going to take you to the doctor in the morning." I said, grabbing my phone to make an appointment. If nothing else, I wanted his ears to get checked for any damage. I hated those pet whistles. They aren't humane. But since when does that matter.. 

I also left Asahi a message over what happened. He responded and seemed really worried, saying he'd get home as soon as he could. Thankfully, it wasn't long until Asahi arrived. He spent some time with Aku while I took Katsumi and Takeo to bed. 

Asahi and I both put Aku to bed together before heading to our own room. Asahi pulled me into his arms as I leaned into his chest. I had hoped to never see that man again. And to never hear his voice.. But right now, I was worried about Aku. 

Did he really just want to distress Aku by using a pet whistle? Or did he do something.. but I checked and Aku doesn't seem to have any bruises or marks on him that I could see. And he doesn't remember what happened.. Maybe he was just playing one of his mind games to make me scared and nothing was wrong-

Aku screamed out and cried. Asahi and I got up quickly, running to his room where he was crying. I picked him up, his body shaking and he looked in terrible pain. Asahi looked just as worried as I walked past him.

"Stay here with Katsumi and Takeo.. I'm taking Aku to the hospital."

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