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6 months ago~

It was a Monday morning and Yeonjun walked into class, back pack flung over his shoulder and a bored look on his face.

Although not popular Yeonjun was known to be quite the stylist his fashion sense was exquisite even when he wore a simple outfit he looked breathtaking. And his hair was dyed a new colour every few months. And as of right now it was blue. All though he didn't know it yet blue is Soobin's favourite colour.

"You're late Choi" mr.Kim spoke out once he entered the room.

"Sorry sir I was just-

"I don't give a damn about your excuses now go sit down"

"Yes sir" Yeonjun looked around the classroom to find only a few seats left. Oh great next to the silent kids. He walked over eyes hovering when they landed on a boy with natural black hair his head was down and he was writing in his book. His nose was scrunched up and Yeonjun guessed that was his concentration face. It made him smile at the cuteness. So he decided to sit down beside him.

He dropped his bag on the desk alarming the boy beside him causing him to flinch slightly.

"Oh sorry ha" Yeonjun giggled before reaching into his back and digging out his equipment.

Meantime soobin was freaking out. His crush of 3 years is sat beside him! He spoke to him!! He acknowledged him!! He knows he exists!!

Yeonjun finished fishing through his bag and placed it on the ground.

"Not much of a talker huh?" Yeonjun spoke again.

Soobin blushed then looked down at the desk while shaking his head slightly.

"Cute" Yeonjun whispered

but soobin heard it and a small smile made its way onto his face.

Soobin turned his head as he heard rustling to his side. His eyes widened when he saw Yeonjun just happily munching on a packet of biscuits.

"You're not supposed to eat in class" soobin finally spoke up quietly.

Yeonjun moved his vision off the board and into Soobin's eyes. "Oh sorry I should have offered my bad ha you want some?" He tilted the packet towards soobin.

"No no I'm okay thanks I just mean you shouldn't be eating what if you get caught" soobin whispered.

"Ah it will be fine so what if I get caught"

"I don't want you getting into trouble" soobin responded then mentally hit himself moron he's probably weirded out now you just met chill.

Yeonjun smiled. "Oh okay but only because you're so damn adorable" so he put the pack back into his bag and zipped them away.

"I'm Yeonjun by the way" he held his hand out.

"Soobin" he took yeonjuns hand and shook it.

And he couldn't keep the blush off his face the whole lesson.


Soobin walked out of lesson only to be called from behind once he entered the hallway.

"Hey soobin" Yeonjun called out.

"Oh yes Yeonjun?" Soobin was surprised.
why is he talking to me outside of lesson!!

"Walk with me to the cafeteria?" He asked.

"O-okay" soobin smiled. Blushing once again.

The walk was silent after that, both of them thinking of what to say but not wanting to sound stupid.

They reach the cafeteria and soobin finally opened his mouth to speak.

"So you-

"YEONJUN-AH!! COME SIT!!" A voice called out.

"I'll see you later soobin" Yeonjun bid his ado and waved to soobin as he walked in the opposite direction.

"Yh...bye.." soobin answered quietly after Yeonjun was already gone.

He got out of his daze and walked over to his table where his bestfriend heuningkai sat waiting for him.


"Shhh be quiet...BUT YES IT WAS!!

EEEKKKKK!!!" They both squealed this time.

"how the hell did this happen!!" Kai asked desperately wanting to know the details.

"Well he was la-

"SOOBINNIEE HYUNG WAS THAT YEONJUN HYUNG YOU WERE JUST WALKING WITH!!!" taehyun hopped on the table chairs slamming his lunch tray down.

"Shhhh he's telling us the deets!" Kai shushed him.

"Ooo tea" taehyun faced soobin giving him his full attention.

"So as I was saying he was late to class and there were only a few seats left and HE CHOSE THE SEAT NEXT TO ME!! and then he spoke to me!! And then next thing I know he asked me to walk to the cafeteria with him!!" Soobin explained.

Kai and taehyun looked at each other than grabbed each other's hands and squealed.

"What are they so happy about why is taehyun grabbing his hand like that" beomgyu tightened his grip on his fork.

"Woah chill that fork did nothing to you" Yeonjun joked.

Beomgyu looked down at fork and released his grip. "Ugh sorry seeing them so close just makes me jealous sometimes"

"They're just friends okay taehyun likes you not him" Yeonjun reassured his friend.

Yeonjun looked over that their table focusing on the person who's back was turned to him.

He's seen that back before.

He knows that back.

"Hey beomgyu? Is soobin friends with taehyun?"

"Yh he an kai are his bestfriends" beongyu answered.

"So how come I've never seen him before?"

"He doesn't really get out much he's quite shy. Why are you asking so many questions about him?"

"I'm not I just I was sat with him In class today and I had no clue who he was and now here I find out he's best friends with my bestfriends boyfriend" Yeonjun rushed out.

"Okayyyy" beomgyu turned around to each his sandwich while Yeonjun kept staring for a moment longer until his eyes met taehyun's and then he quickly turned around.

"Yeonjun hyung was just checking you out" taehyun giggles.

"What!" Soobin turned round to meet yeonjuns back.

Soobin sighed and turned around shaking his head.

"All y'all do is lie"


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Until next time x

I'm no good at goodbyes/yeonbin Where stories live. Discover now