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August 5th
Dear Delia,
I MISSED YOU SO MUCH! I'm sorry I wasn't able to send a letter all summer. But we finally found a house and moved in. I HAVE MY OWN ROOM. There's a daybed under the window. I even have my own bathroom. (I included pictures with the letter). We didn't move too far from our other house, so Dennis and I get to stay at our schools.

There's SO MUCH I have to tell you

1-Babysitting was a smart (and fun) idea. I made over $2000 watching kids. My mom helped me open a bank account and I'm saving up.

2-I started shaving my legs last week. Diamond helped, but I think I'm getting good at it on my own. I love how soft my legs are.

3-You know that guy Diamond hooked up with at a college party I told you about? Yeah... they're dating now. His name is Riley.

4-I have my driver's permit now. My grandfather taught me how to drive over the summer.

5-My parents' divorce finalized. My mom's throwing a "Good Riddance" party this weekend and inviting her new friends and neighbors.

I want to know all about your summer. How's your job? Do you like working at the movie theater? And your dad... is he getting better? Are you still living at home? I can't believe school starts soon.

Are you excited for sophomore year?

Love, Dimitri

DEAR D (pen pal edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now