1. Parallelism

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"I'm not asking; I'm demanding."

"Mother!" My voice feels at the hint of cracking; my tears were just waiting their turn to spill.

"Disgrace." She clenched her jaw as her nose wrinkled in hatred. "You might want to reexamine your choices. If you ever want to be welcomed back in this home, at least."

"I've crossed reconsideration out of my list already." I half-whispered. My voice was hoarse after all these weeks of yelling back. "If I were ever to have kids, I would never put them in this position." I spat and turned on my heel, not glancing back at her manipulative reaction.

I was trying my best to pull it together, but I couldn't. I couldn't pretend anymore. As I sprinted towards the streets that felt more like home than my actual house, I let out an ear-piercing cry that even gave me a sense of coolness down my spine.


"Another victim? You think I enjoy playing your little game?" I never imagined the day I would be finally standing up to him.

"I don't expect you to, but things need to get done." He took a seat, leaning back on the black leather chair. As for me, I refused to sit down.

"And it's always me you turn to when you need your dirty work done."

"I'm glad you've figured out that's the ritual. I'm just trying to show you the loyalty our family holds for each other-"

"Loyalty? Loyalty? Do you want to speak to me about allegiance? Let me guess. You've taught me love as well?"

"Draco, I love-"

"Please, don't say those three stupid words."

He swallowed greedily, completely taken aback for once. For once, I got to see that look plastered on his face. His eyebrows narrowly raised, his mouth slowly twitching in disbelief.

And just like that, my feet took me somewhere I never initially planned to head to. I guess they had another plan of their own, once again.

I stormed out of the manor, hoping I had anywhere to go. The streets, I thought. The streets felt more like a home than this place ever did; anything did.

The thunders attacked the greenish land with zig-zag manners, something my emotions related to; an irregular shape.

Dropping my body down on the concrete cement, my back unexpectedly perked up at the sound of a girl releasing a puncturing, sharp scream. And not knowing whatever sentiment she was suffering, not understanding the hidden motive behind her sob, suddenly, I didn't feel alone anymore.

Villain, D. MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now