Chapter 3: Hell Training Pt 1.

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3rd Pov:

Izuku woke up early and talked to his mother about the new training and diet that All Might gave him without telling her about the villain attack or All Might. She agreed to start changing his diet to fit the plan. As such, that is how Izuku found himself on a beach at 6 am on Monday morning. The school was currently out since they were in summer break before he started middle school. As such, he had roughly four months before he started middle school again.

* Remember at this point Izuku doesn't know about OFA like in the story. As such, this is a test to see if he can carry out the cleaning without knowing the reward.*

All Might arrive with a truck and was in his skinny form

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All Might arrive with a truck and was in his skinny form. "Hello, Young Midoriya! Also, just remember to call me Toshinori Yagi in this form." All Might stated. "Hello, Yagi. Thank you again for helping me do physical training. I've done a lot on my own but I think this will be better to have someone with more knowledge guide me!" Izuku said with a fist pump. This piqued All Might's attention. 'What physical training has he done? He looks skinny?' thought All Might. All Might thought this because Izuku was still wearing baggy clothing! As such, when Izuku took his shirt off so it didn't get soaked in sweat All Might saw all of the muscles! 'DEAR GOD HE WAS HIDING A LOT!'  thought All Might.

"Young Midoriya, what training have you done before now?" All Might asked. Then Izuku went into talking about his makeshift gym equipment in the forest near his home and how he trained in Taekwondo and Krav Maga by self-studying it. He talked about how he trained his body from a young age due to his plans to be a quirkless hero and also talked about training his mind and his journals a bit. 'If he becomes my successor I need to retouch on the journals and his education because I think he is smarter than his current classes are challenging him at. Maybe Nezu might... NOPE! stop that thought!' All Might thought before scaring himself with the Nezu thought. 

Soon they got to work on what Izuku would be doing. "Young Midoriya, if you want to hear the offer I have for you then you need to clean the beach section that I have marked off in 10 months. If you can't or give up then the offer won't be talked about and we will need to end our training together. What I will offer you would change your plans for your life and I need someone with a will to never giving up to take on the challenge. Will you meet my challenge or will you fail. Also, I will be truthful here and now. If you fail at doing this then I suggest you give up on heroics as well since you will face far harsher things than this beach. Do you understand!?" All Might stated without his smile on his face. Izuku only looked up at him and said with determination in his voice, "I will prove myself to you and everyone that I can become a hero and achieve my dream of being a light for all those forgotten in this world!" Izuku roared back at All Might!

-- 1ST Month -- 

Izuku started the American dream plan and went to work. He started on small things that he could reach and worked his way up to moving larger objects. Since he already had some basic muscle built it allowed him to work faster on the smaller items in his area quickly. He also worked on training his muscles by lifting weights that All Might provided on the beach.

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