Chapter 4: Enter Inko Midoriya & Future Plans

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All Might Pov:

Izuku had convinced me to meet his mother and tell her everything! I was a bit nervous since this could make or break Izuku becoming my successor and I needed to tell her anything she wanted to know and ensure that she approved of this newfound connection between Izuku and me or else I got to start from ground zero and lose my connection with Izuku! I've grown really dam close to the boy over these 6ish months that I've been around him. 'Was this how Nana felt when he started to train me?' I thought as I walked up to the door with Izuku and knocked on it. Soon someone came to the door and it looked like a female version of Izuku. 'Dam, they look so much alike.' I thought. She noticed Izuku and asked why he didn't just come in when she noticed me. 

3rd Pov:

"Oh hello! Sorry, I didn't notice you." Inko said to the person standing next to her son. "Mom, can he come in, we have something we want to talk to you about," Izuku asked his mother and she looked worried but let them both in. Soon they found themselves sitting on the couch in the living room as Inko was making tea for everyone.

All Might had a suit on that could expand with his transformations and shrink back down to his smaller form

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All Might had a suit on that could expand with his transformations and shrink back down to his smaller form. He had his friend David shields make it so he didn't need to wear baggy clothes all the time. Sometimes he forgot to wear it and would wear his baggy clothing though. "Thank you for letting me in Mrs. Midoriya." All Might stated. She just told him it was no problem and then asked what they needed to talk about. "Mrs. Midoriya, I need to be honest with you. I've been training your son for the past few months and I've made an offer to your son. Your son will only accept if you are informed of this decision. As such, I'm here to reveal several national security secrets that I need your promise to keep silent about." All Might said which worried Inko about what her son got involved in. "What exactly did my son get involved in that it's related to several national secrets?" Inko asked worriedly. All Might then transformed into his buff form and said his tagline. "Have no fear, for I am here!" he said and held his form for a few minutes before dropping it. "Hello, Mrs. Midoriya, I am Yagi Thoshiorni or you may know me as All Might." All Might stated. Inko was just shocked and then looked at her son who just rubbed her back and nodded his head confirming it was true. "Okay.... that was surprising.... what exactly does this have to do with my son All Might?" Inko asked a bit shocked but still a bit worried. 

All Might then explained the offer he made to Izuku and Izuku's condition that she be told about the quirk. He explained how Izuku had saved him and told him his dream of being a hero even if he was quirkless and then talked about the challenge that All Might had set for Izuku to complete. "Mrs. Midoriya, your son went plus ultra and cleaned outside of the marked area and has done enough to have cleared the marked area in 5 months. If he keeps at it the garbage beach will be fully cleaned in the 10 month period which is far better than I requested. Your son has the determination and will to be the 9th user of OFA. As such, will you please give me your blessings to take your son under my wing as my successor?" All Might asked and bowed his head. Inko was surprised and shocked at all the new information she learned but still had some questions. A quirk like OFA doesn't exist without having its enemies. 

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