Chapter 5: Hell Training Pt 2. & Bonding

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3rd Pov:

It was now the 6th month of training. Izuku had gone back to cleaning the beach since All Might wanted to wait on giving the quirk to him until after he had finished cleaning it fully. "Izuku, the power you are receiving will be even greater than what I currently use. Each time OFA passes it gains more and more strength. I received it at a far weaker point than I currently can use. You will get a far stronger version than I did. As such, we need as much muscle on you before I hand it over. Once the beach is cleared we will transfer it and try to train. I'm expecting a few broken bones but between you and me we should be able to figure it out. If not, I'll call my mentor who trained me after my master died since he knows a lot of OFA as well and is a good teacher." All Might stated after finishing the dinner that night he met Inko.  As such, Izuku was back on the beach.

The training was also increased in different areas. All Might had Izuku increasing the number of sets he did and provided Inko money for all the food budget. She attempted to reject it but All Might wouldn't have it. "I'm going to take care of Izuku anyway I can. If giving you money for his large eating habits that he will have now helps then I will do it." He stated. Soon Inko gave in to the money since All Might made another point that he earns far more than he will ever spend. 

With it being the 6th month of training, it also meant that it was time for Izuku to start going back to school. It was time for him to start his middle school classes. Izuku dreaded this since it would just mean going back to the bullies. Izuku had open up more and more to All Might since he found out that he was quirkless as well. Izuku wanted to compare his current suffering to All Mights and see if it just has gotten worst overtime for the quirkless people and it turned out it did! One day while they were eating ice cream at a parlor shop near the beach. Izuku decided to ask Toshi (All Might had Izuku start calling him this when in skinny form.) about his quirkless past.

"Toshi, what was growing up like for you?" Izuku asked

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"Toshi, what was growing up like for you?" Izuku asked. All Might looked over and knew this question would come sooner or later. "Izuku I can't say it's like your life growing up. Quirkless people were more common but still rare back when I grew up. I didn't even realize how bad it got according to the statistics I recently looked up. I'm sorry I never did anything." All Might said while putting his hand on Izuku's back. Izuku at that point knew that it has gotten worse for his generation. "So I guess you never got suicide baited or grades sabotaged by the teachers and beat up day in and day out," Izuku stated with sorrow filled tone. The moment Izuku said what he did, All Might face paled. He knew the numbers he saw in the reports but Izuku just confirmed his fears. "No.. I wasn't. The worst it got for me was verbal bullying and some physical. I did get beat up here and there but not day in and day out." All Might said. "Could you tell me more about your current life Izuku so I know how to better help you emotionally? I can do the physical easily but I need you to let me in so I can better help on the emotional scars and trauma that life has given you." All Might asked Izuku while hugging him. Izuku then started to talk about how his doctor visit went and how his former best friend turned on him. "I used to call him Kacchan, but I stopped in private and only did it to him and others that my mother would find out from. I knew she had a harder life due to me. People distanced themselves from her after Hisashi left and she only had Aunty left. As such, I never told her since I didn't want her to be alone because of me." Izuku said. He then talked about the nickname that he was given DEKU and how teachers would call him by that and everyone else would unless they were in front of outsiders. "You know, that sounds a lot like Dekiru! Meaning you can do it! I think taking Dekiru as a hero name would be an amazing idea and help take back some of the issues from Deku." All Might suggested which made Izuku smile and hug closer to All Might. Izuku then talked about how people would beat him up and their quirks on him day in and day out and how the medical staff would hide it by healing it. "Even though they healed it, the scars are still there. My body is littered with them." Izuku said with some tears coming down his eyes. All Might wanted to see the scars but knew it might be too much currently. 

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