Chapter 27: Talking with Stain & Truths revealed!

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3rd Pov:

The sports festival came to an end and the winners were given their medals by All Might who was getting worried that he hasn't heard any news from his son or Gran Torino. No news even came out about Stain yet either. As such, the staff was getting worried. Unknown to them Izuku was getting scared at the possible information he had just found out and he was also getting pissed if his theory turned out to be true.

Izuku Pov:

About 2 hours before the end of the sports festival Izuku and Gran Torino had just arrived at the villain hospital where Stain was being held. Detective Tsukauchi had arrived a few minutes before due to how Izuku sounded. He knew Izuku was on the hunt for stain but didn't know what was going on. He only heard that Stain got caught but no other details. He figured Izuku and Gran Torino had defeated him. However, now he was concerned. Gran Tornio asked what was the big deal and why they needed to talk to Stain so quickly. Izuku wasn't explaining anything. His face just showed so much worry on it that Gran Torino was concerned. 

Soon they got into the room that Stain was recovering in. The detective got them permission to enter and that is how they all found themselves in the room. "I didn't expect to see you here kid. Why are you here?" Stain asked interested in why the kid looked so worried. "Stain, this is detective Tsukauchi who's quirk is lie detector. I need you to talk about your meeting with the LOV when they failed to recruit you. You said something that concerned me and might save a lot of people. Please help us." Izuku asked and everyone was shocked that Izuku had just asked the person he just defeated for help!

Stain was really shocked but happy that the kid wasn't here to gloat which was the first thought that came to his mind. He thought that the kid wasn't a true hero like he thought but the kid just surprised him by asking for help in saving people. "Sure kid... you just keep proving yourself as a true hero in my eyes so I'll answer the questions you need." Stain stated which shocked Gran Torino and the detective since they didn't think he would. 'Well good job kid!' Gran Torino thought.

Soon Izuku asked the question that scared them all! "Stain. UA believes we have a mole at the school. We believe it's a student. You mentioned a midget pervert that was at the Leagues base when they tried to recruit you. Can you please describe him for me in the best detail you can?" Izuku asked. Izuku also pulled up a picture on his watch that was connected to the school files. Stain gave a description and confirmed that it was the person Izuku showed in the photo which ranged up as truth for the detective. They asked for more information and anything they could think of but he didn't see much in the building since they warped him. He did know that there was a voice from a TV that Shigaraki called master. All three of them thought the same thing. 'All For One'. 

-- Time Skip --

Izuku, Gran Torino, and the Detective made their way to UA. The festive would be ending any moment now and the students would return to their class before being dismissed. It was at that moment they needed to strike. Izuku texted Nezu. "Gran Tornio and the Detective are on our way to the school. We know who the mole is!" Izuku texted. Nezu just texted that he would be ready with ectoplasm and a few teachers. He asked what class and Izuku texted 1-A. Nezu said he wouldn't alert Aizawa since the mole might get alerted.

After about 20 minutes they arrived at UA since they had already left before Izuku texted Nezu. They were walking into the school and noticed all the students had just arrived back from the festival. Some classes were already let go but the hero classes would take a few minutes. Nezu, All Might, Ectoplasm, Snipe, and Midnight were waiting for them at Nezu's office. "I'll ask about the stain mission after this. Who is our mole?" Nezu asked. Izuku stated pervert midget and everyone knew right away. "We got confirmation from stain using the detective's quirk that he saw Mineta at the LOV's base. Unless someone was transformed as him, he is the mole. I suggest questioning every single student if they are connected to a villain group or the LOV I know you need permission from a guardian to question a minor but you don't if they are willing to offer to answer a question. Give them an option to answer the question. If they don't we know we need to look into them regardless." Izuku said and Nezu liked the plan.

Soon they arrived at 1-A. Snipe, Midnight entered the back door with a few clones, and Nezu, Gran Torino, the Detective, and Izuku entered the front door without knocking. Aizawa looked pissed at whoever came in but looked confused when he saw the number of staff and who all came in. "Minoru Mineta you are under arrest and will be questioned for your involvement with the league of villains. We have confirmed from sources that place you in contact with them." stated the detective. Ectoplasm clones walked up to Mineta and grabbed him and placed quirk-canceling cuffs on him. Everyone was shocked! The room was silent as a few staff members escorted him to a meeting room to be questioned and his parents were called. 

Nezu then looked at everyone else. "We are wanting to question everyone else as well for possible involvement. This is a voluntary question you can answer or decline to answer. This detective has a lie detector quirk and you just have to answer yes or no to the question when he points to you. You do have the right to reject this and request your parents be present for any questions that we ask you. If you want to reject this please raise your hand right now and you will be taken to a separate room to wait for your parents." Nezu asked. Everyone knew though that if they rejected they would come under suspicion of being a traitor. 

As such, they all answered and all cleared. "Good means only one bad apple in this class. Now! Izuku what happened on the mission to find all this information out. I know you were hunting stain but dear god!" Nezu asked confused about how all this happened. Izuku just scratched his neck at that question. "Long story but I ran into Ingenium on my hunt and we traded information to alert each other. He sent the alert and we arrived before Stain finished him off. Gran Torino got him out of there and soon a battle for 30 minutes took place. It was hard since I had to limit the power I used or I would tear buildings down. I soon defeated stain as Gran Torino arrived back and he made a comment about not wanting to kill me since the LOV have a grudge against me and want me dead now. I realized what the comment meant after he was taken away and then we went and questioned him and then got here. Also, have you heard about Ingenium? I know he suffered a slash to the chest and was bleeding out but I haven't gotten time to hear about him." Izuku asked after explaining everything in front of the class. Nezu said Ingenium would be fine. He made it to the hospital on time and would make a full recovery. He would be back on the job in about 1 month. Tenya just got up and hugged Izuku and thanked him for saving his brother. Izuku just hugged back and then everyone exploded at the information Izuku had dumped and moved on from quickly. 

Some were asking what he was made of to go against STAIN! Some were calling him crazy. Others just clapped at his good job. "Ah. Nezu. I think we should work with the police and put a statement out that stain helped us against the League of Villains. It would help cut down on people that would join them since stain did have a lot of followers!" Izuku stated and Nezu agreed with the idea. Soon they would release the notice and would end up deterring some villains that they wouldn't know of from joining the league. Not all but still some. 

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