Chapter 12: Bakugo Problems

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3rd Pov:

It had been about 2 months since Izuku had left after his mother's death. The Bakugo's did attempt to look for him but couldn't find him since he had changed his name and they didn't know what it was. Katsuki was pissed off at the DEKU since his parents had forced him into anger management and therapy to deal with his issues. However, it came too late since the knocking of karma had arrived for Bakugo and the schools.

It was a Tuesday afternoon when a knock on the door came. Mitsuki walked over to the door to see who it was and there stood the police. Mitsuki was confused about why the police were at their home. "Mitsuki Bakugo?" they asked. She confirmed. "We are here to arrest your son for numerous crimes that he had committed. This is apart of an investigation of illegal quirk usage, quirk discrimination, and many other things at his old elementary and Aldrea middle school. Is your son inside?" the police detective asked. She was just shocked and didn't answer. Soon the officers just made their way in by forcing themselves past her and she started to shout out for them to stop.

The others in the house heard her and came running and saw the police. "Bakugo Katuski. You are under arrest for illegal quirk usage, quirk discrimination, and many other crimes that you committed at your elementary school and at your middle school. You have the right..." they said as they read off his rights. Bakugo was just confused about what crimes he committed and then he realized they were talking about DEKU! Bakugo was pissed and started to rage that he didn't do anything wrong.

-- Time Skip --

The Bakugo's soon arrived at the police station with Katsuki being cuffed to a table with quirk cuffs on him. 'I can't feel my quirk! Is this how it feels to be quirkless?' thought Bakugo. However, he didn't realize that is only a small portion of the feeling of being quirkless. Soon a police detective came in and introduced himself as Detective Tsukauchi. "Hello, Bakugo's. I'm here to question Katsuki about his involvement in the crimes that went on at his elementary school and middle school. The main victim being one Izuku Midoriya." stated the detective. The parents were in shock that Katsuki had some sort of involvement in some sort of crimes that happened against Izuku... they wanted to know what the hell was going on. The detective started to read off some crimes that were committed. 

"We have many different crimes but most can be grouped together in, Illegal quirk usage, verbal and physical bullying, destruction of property, and Suicide baiting. What do you have to say for yourself Bakugo Katsuki?" Detective Tsukauchi asked. All of the Bakugo's were dead silent. The parents couldn't believe that their son could do all of that and Katsuki was in his own mind which was inraged because Deku had gone to the police about what he did! 'That dam DEKU doesn't know his dam place!' thought Katsuki. The detective asked the question again and Katsuki started yelling that the dam quirkless Deku needed to be taught his place. His parents were terrified of what they have missed all of these years. suddenly the interaction between them and Izuku in the hospice care center started to make sense. Izuku didn't want to come to their home because Katsuki was in their home. He knew he wouldn't be safe with them... 

"The dam Deku deserved to be put in his place! What I did was right! The teachers even encouraged me to do it!" Bakugo stated. The parents were just getting more and more terrified and Mitsuki started to cry. This caught Katsuki's attention at his mother crying. She hardly ever cried... 'What... why is she crying...' he thought as his mind came to a halt. Regardless of how it appears he didn't hate his mother when he called her old hag. He loved her and his father and he couldn't understand at that moment why they were crying. Even his father who normally lets his mother control the conversation and house looked horrible. "Why are you crying? What I did was right!? The teachers encouraged it! They never stopped us!?" Katsuki stated because he was really confused about what was wrong. His parents just hugged him and said it wasn't and that they were sorry that they never noticed and couldn't correct him on his behavior. "Son... it wasn't right... it was so wrong... Izuku didn't deserve that nor did you deserve the teachers allowing it or encouraging it..." Mitsuki said as she hugged her son.

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