Chapter 8: Bakugo's & Funeral

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3rd Pov:

It's been about 2 hours since Inko passed away. The doctors have already completed everything they needed to do. All that was left was to call anyone to say final goodbyes and then they would prepare her for the funeral and have her transferred to the funeral service company. Toshi asked Izuku if he needed anything before he went to the hotel which was close by. The lawyer for Inko and Toshi were meeting right now at the hotel to finish all the paperwork and would have the guardianship transferred within the hour and everything legal wise completed. The will was also already read to Izuku and Toshi which just stated everything they already knew.  "No, I don't need anything. I'm going to have the staff give the Bakugo's a call so I don't have to." Izuku said and Toshi got his things and left for the hotel.

It was about 1 hour later when the Bakugo's came into the building. Mitsuki ran over to Izuku and hugged him. "Izuku... we... we got the call from the staff... Please tell me it isn't true..." she asked with tears on her face. Izuku just pointed at the door and told her that she was inside. "She wanted me to call you before I had the body taken to be prepared," Izuku said with a sad tone. Masaru guided Mitsuki into the room and they closed the door. Katuski stood there looking at Izuku. "Can I help you?" Izuku asked. Bakugo just kept staring at Izuku before he spoke up. "Why aren't you crying?" he asked.  Izuku was confused.. he had run out of tears already from all the crying. "I've run out of tears. I've cried for days since we found out." Izuku said. "How long have you known and not told us? We would have wanted to talk to her one more time!?" Katuski asked with anger in his voice. Izuku was annoyed at that point but kept his emotions in check. "Mom found out last week. It wasn't caught in time. So there wasn't anything to be done." Izuku said. Bakugo still looked angry. "Still doesn't explain why you didn't tell us? Why didn't you tell me she was dying." He asked. At this point, Izuku was done. "Why would I tell someone who isn't connected to our family? You and I haven't been friends since we were 4 Bakugo. As such, you had no right knowing anything about my mother. If my mother wanted to tell your mother before she passed then that was her decision not to." Izuku stated. Bakugo looked shocked for a second that Izuku didn't call him Kacchan. Izuku decided to say a bit more. "Also, you don't get to call my mother aunty when you have suicide baited me several times. So please, tell me how you have any right to know about my mother's death when it doesn't concern you?" Izuku stated with a bit of venom in his voice. 

Bakugo didn't talk. "If you want to say any last words please go inside and do it since the doctors will come to retrieve her body soon," Izuku stated. Bakugo walked into the room and about 30 minutes later they all came out. "Izuku, sweety do you know when the funeral will be and Masaru and I talked and we can take you in as well so you don't end up in the system," Mitsuki stated. Izuku was happy that she offered it but didn't need it. Katsuki didn't look thrilled at him living with them either. "Mrs. Bakugo it's a nice offer but I don't need you to take me in. Mom already made arrangements for someone to take me. They are a family friend that can care for me and I know already. Also, there isn't going to be a funeral at mom's request. I'm going to watch her be buried and that will be it. She did tell me to provide you the location after she is buried but there won't be a ceremony." Izuku stated. The Bakugos were shocked at this and were even more shocked that Izuku called her Mrs. Bakugo. "Who are you staying with?" she asked but Izuku told her that he wanted to keep that private. Katsuki looked like he wanted to murder Izuku. "Why won't you tell my mom where you are going de-Izuku?" Bakugo  Katsuki asked. "Bakugo, it's a matter I wish to keep private. As such, I request you stay out of it." Izuku stated leaving no room to argue. The parents were even more shocked that Izuku didn't call Katsuki kacchan. They were confused about what was going on. Soon though the doctor came over and asked Izuku if they could prepare the body. Izuku gave the okay and got up to leave. 

Katsuki wasn't done though. "OI Deku! Where the hell do you think your going you quirkless piece of shit!" he stated which shocked his parents that he would say something like that. "Ohh showing your true colors in front of your parents Bakugo? Also, I'm not quirkless anymore. I'm a late bloomer and my quirk came in near the end of summer break. Luckily for me, mom was able to see the quirk before it was too late." Izuku said while activating his quirk for a few moments. The Bakugo family was shocked! Izuku had a quirk! Bakugo was just stunned and he wanted answers! However, Izuku refused to give any as he walked away leaving them their alone.

-- Time Skip -- 

The funeral soon happened and Izuku finished grieving the best he could. He would respect her wishes of not staying stuck on her death for too long and push forward to the future. Izuku had sent the location of the grave to the Bakugo's via mail. Izuku loved the location she was buried. Toshi was able to purchase a spot that sat right under a cherry blossom tree and it looked amazing during the season.

As such, Izuku's final attachment in this city came to an end and it was time for him to move forward and go to Tokyo with his new father

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As such, Izuku's final attachment in this city came to an end and it was time for him to move forward and go to Tokyo with his new father. He was now Izuku Yagi and he was the proud 9th wielder of OFA. On the last day in the town, while he was at his mother's grave, he figured out a way to use OFA more efficiently. As he was standing under the cherry blossom tree Izuku realized that he was only using OFA in a single part of his body. He then thought of his body like the tree where the roots went into the ground and pulled water (OFA) and then spread the entire water across its body to survive (Full Cowl). He then attempted to activate OFA across his body and he was able to. He then found out how much % he could use in this new form. He found out he could use 45% which was higher than the 25% in just one arm. The reason for this is because if it's all in one arm the kickback is focused on one body part where if it's across the body, it can handle more stress. Izuku walked away from his mother's grave happy that day and pushed forward towards his future.

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