Chapter 19: Class & Nezu!

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3rd Pov:

The first day of class had come to an end but now it was time for the students to get used to a normal schedule. The students all arrived in the homeroom class and took their seats. Some students still had questions from yesterday but no one had the guts to start asking questions. Aizawa-sensei walked into the room and didn't even have to say anything to get everyone quiet. They all were and some were starting at Izuku. 'He is going to be this year's problem child!' Aizawa thought. "Everyone comes to the front one at a time and do a basic introduction of yourself," Aizawa stated.

Soon, the students were all going through the introductions. We now hit Izuku's introduction! "Hello! I am Izuku Yagi and I grew up in this city but relocated to Tokyo after my mother's passing during my first year of middle school. I just recently moved back with my father since UA was starting! My quirk is called energy enchantment and I only activated it roughly before the start of middle school so please don't be surprised if I discover new aspects of my quirk at random! I only have 3 years under my belt with it but have gained very good control of enchanting my body with my quirk. Any questions!" Izuku asked. Some hands went up and Izuku knew he was going to have to answer. "Yes Asui?" he asked. "Call me Tsu, also isn't your quirk a lot like All Might's quirk?" she asked. 'Luckily I had an answer prepared for that!' "Yes, it is. However, his is classified as more strength enchantment while I was classified as an energy enchantment. When I was first starting out I had an energy that escaped my body when I used my quirk and only after I got more control did I stop wasting energy. Also, I can enhance more than my strength like All Might. I can enhance my reflexes and other body functions as well." Izuku stated. This seemed to make people happy. Todoroki asked a question. "Why are you limited to 25%?" he asked. "I am only limited in situations that I can't provide Nezu-sensei a logical reason for me going above 25% because as I get into a higher % I could kill someone far more easily. If I did that 100% throw like I wanted to I would have blown all the windows and cracked the building walls and maybe knocked some down depending on how strong the building is. I know most normal buildings would be wiped out and I could clear an entire few blocks with a 100% kick or punch." I stated and everyone paled at what I was going to do that day. They now understood why I was limited to 25%! 

Soon they went through other people's introductions and Izuku was a bit surprised at the calm introduction done by Bakugo. He still has a slight attitude but overall he isn't like the past version from middle school. 'Guess you have changed but that doesn't mean my body or me have forgotten the past.' Izuku thought.

Soon homeroom came to an end and it was time for the first class. It was at that point Izuku gathered his things and got up to leave. Some were confused about what he was doing and Kirishima asked him what he was doing. "Midoribro, what are you doing? We have English class?" he asked. Izuku looked around and noticed everyone was looking at him except Iida who had a good idea what Izuku was doing. "Ah... I'm not in these classes. I tested out of all my first-year classes and Nezu took me on as a private student. As such, I have all private lessons with Nezu where we do many other things." Izuku stated as he walked out the door as Present Mic came in looking confused about where he was going. Izuku showed him his schedule and Mic just paled. 

"Welp! He's dead! No one really ever lives through Nezu's private lessons! If he does survive I'm not going anywhere near him since that means he's a dam lunatic like Nezu!" Mic muttered but everyone heard him. Everyone was a bit scared for Izuku and a bit worried about what he was really like if that was Mic's honest opinion! 

Soon Izuku arrived in Nezu's office where Izuku found Nezu making tea.

Soon Izuku arrived in Nezu's office where Izuku found Nezu making tea

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Izuku Pov:

"Come sit down Izuku and have some tea," Nezu stated. As I walked over and sat down he jumped up on the couch. "So Uncle Nezu, what are we going to be working on?" I asked him. He just grinned and looked at me. "We are going to have you do an analysis for both class 1-A & 1-B so that they have a professional review of their current standing. I'll provide access to the entrance exam and recordings of their training as they go so you can get a progressing paper going. After each class does a battle trial or two then we will give them the papers." Nezu stated. He then pulled out a high tech laptop/tablet for me. 

The computer was encrypted with high security so no one but me and Nezu could get into it

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The computer was encrypted with high security so no one but me and Nezu could get into it. The device collapsed into itself and became only like one black stick that I could pull apart and the screen came out and stiffened. I could write on the screen with a stylish pen and put all my notes on it. Nezu also provided me a watch that had a connection to the tablet as well so I could pull files upon it and dictate my notes via my watch or make calls via it. 

"Also, let's move over to the office for you and me that we will do a lot of our work in," Nezu said as he leads me down a few doors between the staff room and his office. The office was not fancy but it was functional. it had a desk with a computer and a bookcase behind it. It also had a sitting area for several people off to the site with a meeting table. It did also have a small kitchen area on one wall area with a fridge, microwave, and countertop cooktop.

Nezu told me that since he and I would likely spend a lot of time in this office together we had a kitchen area so we could prepare meals or I could store pre-made meals for myself and other food that I want to keep

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Nezu told me that since he and I would likely spend a lot of time in this office together we had a kitchen area so we could prepare meals or I could store pre-made meals for myself and other food that I want to keep. Nezu also said that the school would stock the fridge with most normal things that a fridge had like drinks, eggs, fruit, etc... so that I could cook on the stovetop if I want to.

As such, I sat the tablet down and set up all the computers to be accessed only by myself and Nezu. I had already brought a flash drive with all my notes from before since I started to do everything digital once Nezu started to teach me code. As such, I had already a library of notes on heroes, villains, and former students. Nezu did include some reading material that I would be using for his lessons on the bookshelf and would add anything we might need later or I could add stuff.

After we set up everything he sends me the files of the students on 1-A and 1-B. I had also requested files from anyone that was still aiming for the hero course that failed to pass the test so I could provide them some notes as well beforehand so they could try to train for the festival. Nezu liked this idea and suggested a few students he thought had the best chance at passing the festival, to begin with. One student was a kid with a brainwashing quirk named Hitoshi Shinso. 'Interesting... he could be good to get into the hero course since that would be an amazing quirk for an underground hero.' I thought. I already wasn't liking the Mineta kid in my class since he has said a lot of perverted stuff towards the girls in the class and wasn't really a fit for the hero course in my mind. I had expressed my concerns to Nezu and he said to keep an eye on him and report anything to him and to fill out the reports like a mission report since I did have my Provisional License. 

As such, that is how I spent most of my time in the morning before I went to lunch. Some people asked me what the lessons were like with Nezu and I told them some of what it was like in the past. I didn't mention the private office I had now to do my work though. I don't want people bothering me inside it. After lunch, I headed back to my office and got to work on the papers for the classes since the first heroic lesson wasn't until later in the week.

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