Chapter 25: Sports Festival Training & Stain!?

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3rd Pov:

Izuku was working in his office over the days that the classes were dismissed. He had finished the papers and had given them to Nezu. He also finished some for the general studies students that Nezu recommended. Nezu said he would ensure that it was given to the students when class starts back up. They will be told that it is from an analysis who was training at the school and did some practice off videos from the entrance exam and that they got picked to receive one and were approved and cleared by the school for its valid information. This way they could see if the student applies any of the knowledge from the papers as well and will be able to see how determined they are to get into the hero course.

The day for classes to restart has arrived! As such, it was time for all the students to return as well! The students of 1-A were still amazed at the level of power Izuku has and the fact that he has a provisional license already. Their homeroom teacher walked in and talked to them about the upcoming event. Some asked if it was smart to hold the festival so soon after the U.S.J attack. Aizawa-sensei just said it was a decision by the board of directors. Something about showing strength and that we weren't fearful of them. 'Bull shit. It's more about the money they earn from that event. The students would have some trauma from the event so the showing strength and not fearful thing is bullshit...' Izuku thought. Soon Aizawa finished talking and Izuku decided he wanted to head to his office early to get to work on some things and he also had a request for Nezu.

"Aizawa-Sensei. Mind if I head to my office early since you don't have anything else for us. I got some stuff to work on for Nezu." I asked him and he just approved it. I said later to everyone else and that I would see them around lunch. As I dropped my stuff at my office I then headed over to Nezu's with the tablet. I've noticed a trend in a villain's path and wanted to attempt to stop them. However, getting approved for this may prove troublesome. 

I knocked on Nezu's door and he let me in. "Hello, Izuku. What can I do for you?" He asked. "Well, several things. I finished all the analysis and you have them correct?" I asked and he nodded and said they will be given out at the end of the day for all of the students. Then here came the important question. "I don't want to take part in the festival. Multiple reasons for this. First, is I'm doing a work-study with you and I plan to ask dad to do a work-study at his agency since we plan for me to take it over in the future. Though I know Sir Nighteye would find out about me like that though I'm willing to give that up. The third reason is I want approval to hunt down a villain which I've figured out their trend for and I want to do it during the sports festival." I stated. He then agreed with most of my reasons and then asked what villain it was. 

"The Hero Killer: Stain," I said and he looked like he was about to drop his teacup for a second. He looked at me and asked if I was kidding. "I'm not. I want to put a stop to him. He's going around killing heroes and making them martyrs. I agree with some of his views but his method isn't the correct way. Also, with the League of Villains on the rise with AFO behind them, we need to stop Stain from growing more powerful with the people." I stated to him and he couldn't really disagree with me. "I would ask Gran Torino do come with me and hunt him down since he would be fast-moving and could likely stay out of Stains attacks. However, this would be done under your work-study. As such, I need your approval." I asked him. He then called All Might to come to the office and when he got there Nezu then called Gran Tornio. "Hello everyone. I'm here with all of you since Izuku has a really big request and I want all of your views. Gran Torino, you would be involved as a mentor on the field and would help directly with this. Izuku wants to skip the sports festival which I'm willing to agree with easily since he works under me and would work under All Might later on at his agency. The problem is the villain he wants to hunt down is Stain the hero killer. He's figured out his pattern and wants to stop him so the League can't use it to grow stronger and he wants you, Gran Torino, to come to join him on the field and help stop Stain." Nezu said and Toshi looked shocked at his sons' request. Gran Torino asked Izuku how strong he felt that he could take stain. Izuku said he felt he had a 70% chance at winning based on the information they currently had and felt their chances were 80% if Gran Tornio came. 

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