Chapter 16: Final Year of Middle School & Provisional Exam?

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3rd Pov:

It was now Izuku's final year of middle school and Izuku and Iida have both become close friends. Iida has calmed down and mellowed out on all of his following the rules 24/7 thinking but is still a ruler follower at least half of the time. Izuku just finds it funny most of the time when Iida does something because of how he moves his arms. As Izuku was sitting in his classroom he was thinking back on his past and current situation. 'It's a big difference but still the same somewhat.' Izuku thought. He missed his mother and would always miss his mother but he was glad that he had Toshi as his father because of how much he cared for him. Toshi has been getting healthier as the years have gone by and isn't straight skin and bones like he used to. Recovery Girl had thanked Izuku for getting him to put on weight since she was always concerned. Izuku had even asked her for some ideas on foods that Toshi could eat and how to better increase his health. They did figure out that Toshi could take supplement IV's that were packed with a high level of nutrients that Toshi needs for his body outside of the current food Izuku was getting him to eat. As such, Izuku learned some medical knowledge from Recovery Girl and was certified as an EMT since he passed the required tests. This gave him enough knowledge to perform the IV's himself at home with Toshi. As such, Izuku setup an IV stand and the needed medical equipment in the kitchen and would force Toshi to take the IV each morning while they ate breakfast. This had helped Toshi's body put a bit more weight on since he was getting the other stuff that Izuku couldn't just feed him due to a lack of a stomach. Overall, Toshi's time limit hasn't decreased at all since he had passed OFA to Izuku. Recovery Girl theory is that due to the improvement in his body's health it has added some time onto his limit which he had eaten away at due to giving the quirk up. This has left him at a similar time limit without any noticeable changes in his power. She thinks that they should start seeing a decrease near the middle of Izuku's first year in UA.

As such, Izuku was proud of his results in getting Toshi to be healthier. Toshi didn't complain since he didn't cough blood as much every single day. Nezu kept up with Izuku's education and Izuku had finished testing out of any first-year academic classes for UA and has tested out a few for his second year. As such, if they kept this pace Izuku should have half of his second year of UA completed by graduation time which will allow nezu to focuses on the rest of UA's education during Izuku's first year with other subjects of their choice. Nezu and  Izuku just had grins on their face at that idea and Toshi just felt a cold shiver go down his spine each time Izuku and Nezu were together.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

It was the middle of the year and Izuku arrived home to find Nezu, Gran Torino, Recovery Girl, and Toshi all sitting at the table enjoying their time. Izuku was shocked to find them all there but was happy nonetheless since he has become close to each of them and calls them family. "Hello Uncle Nezu, Grandpa Tornio, Grandma Chiyo. How are you three doing?" Izuku asked as he hugged his father. Izuku at first wanted to call Nezu grandpa but knew not to when he saw the glint in his eyes when he started to. It promised pain and suffering! As such, Izuku switched to Uncle Nezu which made Nezu happy. Izuku has also picked up Nezu's tea habits and learned how to make tea from Nezu. It's also unknown to anyone else besides Nezu and Izuku that they are so close that Nezu lets Izuku touch him and hug him. However, Izuku only does this in private so no one else finds out since he knew that Nezu didn't like other humans touching him except to shake his hand. They had talked about their similar pasts and had grown close after that day.

"We had an offer for you. You can reject or accept it. Decisions yours to make." Gran Torino stated. Izuku was interested in what they wanted to talk about and soon they explained. They wanted Izuku to take the provisional exam and be recommend by Nezu and All Might for the exam.  If he passed it would be kept on the down-low so others didn't find out unless needed. The idea was so that if someone attacked Izuku or someone near him he could defend himself or them. "No this doesn't mean go out and do hero work. This means that if an emergency happens you can back up heroes and/or defend people around you. You are not meant to go find trouble!" Toshi stated in a strong tone that left no room to argue or find a logical loophole. 

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