Chapter 32: Bakugo & Students POV

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Bakugo's POV:

I was sitting in a chair... I was tied up. Why? Why am I tied up? I was trying to regain my memories of what happened because my body was in pain. Soon... I remembered what happened. The bus on its way back to UA was attacked... then I remembered they were looking for Izuku... they wanted him! However, since he wasn't there they needed someone to draw him in and they somehow knew of our past?!

As I was waking up I saw that I wasn't alone in the room. There were other people with me. When I looked up and figured out who was with me I had to admit to myself I was a bit scared... the room was full of the league members!

 the room was full of the league members!

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"Ahh.. you are awake! Good! Good! Welcome to the league of villains bar! We would try to convince you to join us but I doubt you will! You are here as bait for one Izuku Yagi the son of All Might!" stated Shigaraki. I was confused about what he meant by the son of All Might and they noticed. "Ah.. seems you don't know yet. He is the son of All Might. He was adopted after his mother died based on what we found out. Though that isn't the reason we are after him. My master wants him because he is the last of a legacy that needs to be killed off before he causes problems for us in the future. Can't let a new symbol of peace be born!" Shigaraki stated with venom in his voice. 

Soon though I noticed the TV had turned to a television channel and it had the UA teachers on at a press conference. It sounded like they were talking about me and the League. Some reporters were asking why I was targeted and the school admitted that I was taken to lure in another student but wouldn't comment about who it was. They asked if I had a future after being held by the league and the school defended me without even blinking an eye saying that I would overcome this experience with the help of the school.

 Class 1-A Pov:

Many of the students in class 1-A were coming up with a very stupid plan. They had been talking about it since the kidnapping of Bakugo. The idea was to hunt down his location and go save him since the Heroes were taking too long in their view. The way they were going to do this was because one of the nomu's in the bus attack had a tracker placed on it by Yaoyorozu. Meaning they had the location of at least that nomu. The class hoped that they could find the factory and find Bakugo in it and just grab him and run. Most of the class was apart of this plan and those that didn't want it to happen still were going to go to try and keep everyone in line. However, none of them realized how impactful their presence would be and how much regret they would come to have at the end of it.

The class could be seen walking through the street and they were all in disguises. They froze when someone called out about its people from UA. They turned around and saw what the person was talking about. They saw their teacher, principal Nezu, and Vlad King on a stage talking about the attack and the kidnapping of Bakugo. The media was digging into the kidnapping and the school was taking a hit. The students felt pissed at the attacks on their school. However, they pushed forward and soon arrived at their target.

The students were leaning up against a building that Yaoyorozu had led them to

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The students were leaning up against a building that Yaoyorozu had led them to. It should contain the Nomu and hopefully Bakugo as well. As a few of them climbed onto each other to look into the window they saw the sheer number of Nomu's inside the building. "Guys... I don't see Bakugo.." stated Ashido who was looking into the window. 

They were disappointed and were about to leave when the roof was kicked off and part of the building torn away revealing a lot of heroes. "Oh, shit... they were launching the raid during the press conference! We need to get out of her---" Kirishima stated but was cut off by a large sound. The heroes had just gotten blown away by a man in a suit. They even saw All Might has been knocked away into a building. 'DID ALL MIGHT JUST GET SENT FLYING' everyone thought. 

Bakugo Pov:

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Bakugo Pov:

As the villains were talking about the heroes being bashed there was a knock on the door. Then someone said they were delivering a pizza. 'Wait.. that voice is!' I thought as the wall was blown down revealing a lot of heroes and Izuku! (Replace All Might with Izuku!)

 that voice is!' I thought as the wall was blown down revealing a lot of heroes and Izuku! (Replace All Might with Izuku!)

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The dam hands villain attempted to get the warp gate to bring more nomu's but it didn't work. Izuku started to talk to the villains and told them it was over. One hero named Edgeshot had knocked Kurogiri out cold while Gran Torino who was the old guy that Izuku trains with a lot bounced in and revealed most of the villain's true identities. The old man asked where someone named All For One was and Shigaraki just screamed and complained. Suddenly as Izuku was about to grab me a portal opened and transferred nomu's into the room and outside. Everything became chaos. 

Izuku went back to trying to grab me but portals opened and teleported all of the villains and myself out of the room and to a new location. The portal was weird unlike the one done by the warp gate user. Soon I saw the destruction in front of me. It was horrible. I saw all of the heroes on the ground and in the distance, I could see All Might coming out of a building. "Ah, how nice of you to join us Bakugo. I'm afraid your use is coming to an end and I will soon win this war and conquer japan since the last two people that can stop me will die today." stated the floating villain whose voice caused so much fear in me. All Might came charging and tried to grab me but was sent flying back by the villain. "Now. Now. Now. All Might. You can't take the kid until Dekiru is here. I want to end this 200-year old war after all." The villain said. 'What is this with a 200-year old war?' I thought. Soon I could hear a yell from the air as I saw Izuku come flying in and landing a kick on the villain's arm and send the villain back and himself back as well. 

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