Chapter 23: U.S.J Aftermath & Questions!

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3rd Pov:

The class and teachers were all leaving the U.S.J. They were all checked out and Eraserhead was sent to Recovery Girl. Izuku only had a light cut across his head and had it cleaned up on site. He told the medics that he would go to Recovery Girl later. As such, all the students were transported back to campus while Izuku stayed behind to talk to Nezu. 

"Nezu... we need to have a meeting with the detective. He needs to start searching for you know who since I'm confident it's him." Izuku said as he walked up to Nezu. Toshi was already sent back to campus since he ran out of time. He was with Eraserhead while they waited for Nezu and Izuku to return. Nezu was a bit scared if AFO did return. It meant so many dangers and unknown factors that normal villains didn't have. Soon after giving orders out to his staff and talking to the police. Nezu and Izuku headed back to the school to talk to Toshi and the detective who was taking students' statements. 

After a bit of a drive, they arrived and entered the nurse's office. Eraserhead had already left to the homeroom to talk to the students since he was healed for the most part. He didn't take much damage except some decay across his arm. They found Toshi in the room as Izuku walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm so sorry son. I wasted my time and you were forced into a life and death fight because I wasn't there to deal with it." Toshi stated as he hugged Izuku. Izuku just told him to not waste his time again but didn't blame him for the U.S.J. "Luckily I was on-site or we might have had people dead if they didn't have someone to fight the Nomu..." Izuku said. He really didn't want to think about AFO being alive but they had to act as if he was. "Dad.... he's alive.... the nomu shouldn't be possible. It might be an old creature he made but we need to act and assume that he is alive and running around behind the scenes. I'm a bit scared..." Izuku said as a tear went down his face. He didn't think he would be fighting a 200-year-old monster that has killed everyone before him and his dad. "No matter what. I won't let him get you. I will die before I let him get to you. Do you understand me?" Toshi stated as he hugged Izuku. Soon the detective came in and got their statements. He was also afraid of the fact that AFO might have returned. 

"Nezu... I'm going to stop by the class before the staff meeting. I would like to join it if you would let me since this involves AFO. I know I need to answer some questions for the class but I'm going to keep a lot of things hidden still. They don't need  to get involved in the AFO stuff." Izuku said. Nezu approved of this and said the meeting would be in about 15 minutes so he needed to hurry. 

Soon Izuku found himself in front of his class and he could hear his teacher talking to some of them. He opened the door and saw that they all stared at him. "No need to stare. I'm not going anywhere." Izuku stated.

Izuku Pov:

As I wanted into the classroom, Aizawa just went into his sleeping bag and told me to take over answering their questions since I seemed to know a lot of whats going on. "So questions?" I asked. Hands went flying up. I pointed to Asui and she asked why their teacher didn't try to force him to leave. "Ah.. I request you keep this silent but I have a provisional license already. There were many reasons but Nezu recommended me for the exam before I came to UA. I got it in the middle of my last middle school year." I stated. A lot of them were shocked at this statement. Todoroki raised his hand and asked a question. "Why did All Might call you Dekiru?" I answered that it was my hero's name. "My hero name is Hero of Grace: Dekiru. As such, if I'm in my suit you can call me by my hero name since I got my license." I stated. Some asked what I meant by my message to All Might and Nezu that I gave Iida. "I'm going to decline at answering that one. I will tell you this right now. No good will come from looking into that message. Only death awaits those that do. So don't get involved in something you will regret later on." I stated with a cold tone. Some looked freaked out at my meaning. Bakugo raised his hand. "You seem really close to All Might. Why?" He asked... 'Dammit... I guess I will reveal it here.' "Let me make a call real quick," I stated.

I pulled my phone and texted nezu about revealing All Might as my father. He said he was on his way. Soon about 2 minutes later Nezu came in. "Okay, students. Here are NDA's you need to sign if you want any more answers from us about Izuku. If you don't want to sign leave the room now. If you want more answers then sign it." Nezu said. They all took a moment to read them and signed them. "Now remember, if you reveal anything you will be arrested and expelled and we will come after everything you and your family owns!" Nezu said with a cheerful smile. 

He waited as I answered them since he checked them for all and showed that they all signed. "Okay... to be truthful Bakugo. You all know my mother died during my first year of middle school. What isn't known is that roughly before middle school I had met a man by the name of Toshinori Yagi who works at the All Might agency. He helped train me in physical conditioning since I had plans to be a quirkless hero and we grew close to each other. Later on, my quirk activated and All Might helped train my quirk since my quirk showed some similarities to his as Tsu pointed out before. All Might knew I wanted to go to UA so we became close via our training for me being a hero. He also got involved in my discrimination cases against my old schools because I was still quirkless at the time before my quirk came in. They also brought in a police detective and Nezu who loves to destroy schools like my old ones. Soon Nezu took me on as a personal student as well after the school case. That is why All Might is close to me since I know him via my adoptive father who works at Might Tower. I won't be surprised if you see my father in UA since he does a lot of communication for UA and the Might Tower agency since All Might now lives here and not in Tokyo anymore." I stated. Nezu just had a smile on his face at my truth without lying since none of what I said was a lie. It was 100% truth, I just didn't state that I knew All Might because he is my father and owns Might Tower. 'God the lessons with Nezu on manipulation work so well!' I thought. 

The class was shocked. Bakugo was even more shocked that I had made such connections. He always wondered where I went after my mother died but now he knew most of the truth. Soon they asked a few more questions before Nezu cut us off. "Sorry to stop you here. However, we have a staff meeting and Izuku is needed in it since he was in the main fight and does work for me as an analysis which I've believe he has told you all already. As such, you are all free to go home for the day. Classes will be canceled for the rest of the week. See you all Monday!" Nezu said as he got on my shoulder and we left the room.

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