Chapter 30: Mall & Camp Trip!

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3rd POV:

Izuku and his friends decided to hang out at the mall. They wanted to spend some time getting a few things since the camp trip would be coming up in two weeks. The camping trip was going to be 2 weeks long and would allow them to train their quirks and try to create new moves for the upcoming provisional license exam that UA wanted the first years to complete. Though only Izuku knew about that. While they would be taking the provisional exam, Izuku would be given an attempt at his full hero license since they wanted him to have it before All Might retired. He would still attend UA for the remaining years but it would allow him to be placed on the ranking like other heroes and start to take over Might Tower officially which will help ease the public and their fears after they lose the symbol of peace.

Soon the mall trip was going great. However, fate seemed to have it out for Izuku. Izuku and his friends ran into the other classmates as well and they all decided to hang out together. As they were going they broke off into groups to get their things. 

Izuku ended up by himself since Uraraka got flustered and left him

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Izuku ended up by himself since Uraraka got flustered and left him... 'I know she has a crush on me but I'm sorry.. I don't like you like that...' I thought. As Izuku was walking around by himself he ran into someone he didn't want to meet. It was Shigaraki. Izuku saw him walking through the mall. He texted Nezu quickly that he saw Shigaraki at the mall and was following him from a distance. As Izuku was following him he noticed Shigaraki go into a cafe. Izuku decided to walk into the cafe as well and sat at a seat near him but far enough that he could attack without getting hit by the decay quirk.

"Hello, Hero. I'm glad you followed me as I wanted." Shigaraki stated. Izuku knew he screwed up at that point. "What do you want?" Izuku asked. Shigaraki just looked at Izuku and smiled. "My master wants me to warn you that your time is coming. He will soon make his move and end the war for good." Shigaraki said as he got up and walked out and into a portal. Izuku's blood had gone cold. He just received a declaration of war from AFO. AFO knew he had OFA and now it was his turn to fight to the death.

After about 10 more minutes the mall was swarmed with police and Nezu arrived as well. They had gotten the UA students together. They were confused about what was happening and then saw Izuku walking overlooking a bit pale. "I'm assuming Shigaraki already left by your face?" Nezu asked and the students froze a bit after hearing the U.S.J attacker was here. They looked at Izuku who didn't answer. He nodded his head and motioned for Nezu to follow him. The detective had arrived as well and followed them both outside of the class hearing range.

Izuku Pov:

"Shigaraki was here to drop a message off. AFO knows I'm the 9th and he wanted his apprentice to come to deliver his declaration of war against me. They wanted to warn me that AFO will come after me soon and he will end the 200-year war. I think we should relocate the training camp to a different site at the last minute so they have a lower chance of finding it. We should also consider taking more heroes in the event he decides to attack. There's also the risk of me going and him coming to attack." I stated. Nezu was also worried about these concerns as well. It was decided then that I wouldn't attend the camp to try to mitigate the risk of AFO himself attacking the camp. They would also send Ectoplasm on the trip so he could use his clones as well as some local heroes would be stained close by and would check in on a schedule. 

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

The changes to the schedule were made and announced to the students. There were all sad that Izuku wouldn't be attending the camp with them but he said it was fine. Izuku was set to just train with Gran Torino on campus during the time instead. They would also be preparing for the final fight as well. 

The day of the trip came and the students of 1-A & 1-B set off to the camp. Izuku stayed at the school and did his work and trained with Gran Tornio. Overall, All Might and Izuku also did some training since Izuku refused to let his father fight AFO by himself. "I refuse to let you die like the other users. If someone is fighting AFO then it will be us together and not alone. That is what all the past users did. They fought alone and they died." Izuku stated to his father when they were meeting with Nezu, Gran Tornio, and the Detective. All Might attempted to object to that but Izuku wasn't going to have it. "If you don't let me come willingly I can just arrive on-site without a plan since I do have my provisional license remember. So we either plan it out or we don't and I still show up!" Izuku said while slamming his hand on the table. He refused to see his father dead. After that, All Might gave up even though he wasn't happy with it.

-- Time Skip --

3rd Pov:

Soon though news came from the camp. It had been attacked regardless. A vanguard action squad from the league of villains had attacked the bus of students and staff from the camp on their return trip and they had taken Bakugo from the bus. The villains left a message to be delivered. "Let's see if Dekiru will come to save his childhood abuser from us?" stated one of the villains. The reports stated that there were a few villains that attacked them but didn't see Shigiaraki or AFO. As such, they knew that the moment Izuku found Bakugo it was going to be a trap for him.

The students wanted answers about what the villains meant about Bakugo being an abuser. Izuku could tell Kirishima had a good idea of what they meant. He even spoke up and said it was something from Izuku's and Bakbro's past that only they should reveal. Izuku decided to tell the truth of his past. As such after about an hour of talking about it and showing the scars, he finished. "Now, don't start treating him bad. I made sure he was given a chance to become a hero and not have his life destroyed since the teachers were really the ones that were at fault. He didn't have people that guided him. Do I forgive him, not really since he was my best friend who I saw as a brother. However, I won't hate him. I can not forgive him but also not hate him either. I just know I can't be friends like we used to be. If anything it will be close allies and basic friendship of knowing and working together and that's it." Izuku said as some students were pissed at Bakugo. Izuku also explained that even with his path Bakugo deserved to still be saved and he would go do it even if it's a trap. 

Shinso had asked the right question though since Izuku and he has become close friends after Izuku told him about his past a bit after Shinso was bullied that day. "Izuku... Why are the villains after you so much?" He asked. Izuku just groaned... "It's going to come out sooner or later but the villains have a mastermind behind them that is more or less immortal and has been around since the dawn of quirks. This mastermind hates my father who is All Might. He also hates me because I'm connected to a legacy that he's been trying to kill off for the past 200 years as well." Izuku said. The class was shocked by the truth. Izuku told just enough to not reveal OFA as well.

Some asked why he said someone else was his father when All Might was. "Ah.. I still said All Might was my father back then as well. You just didn't know it. Toshinori Yagi is All Might civilian name. You didn't really think his actual name was All Might do you?" Izuku asked and some rubbed their necks... 'WOW!' Izuku thought. Some asked if he was biological or adopted and Izuku confirmed again that he told the truth about being adopted. "Yea, I'm adopted. Our quirks have some similar things but as shown lately I've learned how to use a floating/flying aspect of my quirk. So they are different but have some similarities and NO SHOTO I'M NOT A SECRET LOVE CHILD!" Izuku said while yelling the last part at his friend Shoto with who he has become close friends. Izuku could see the theory notebook in his hands. 

Soon the conversations came to an end as Izuku had to attend a staff meeting where they were starting to plan out the search for Bakugo and the attack plan. A lot of heroes would be called in for this mission and it would be destructive. 

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