Chapter 2: Last Year of Elementary & Skeleton!?

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3rd Pov:

It was the last year of elementary school and they would soon head towards their middle school lives. Izuku would soon turn 11 in the coming year and his body would still have more scars across his body from the horrible treatment that he has received from growing up than his own stupid and reckless training equipment that is barely holding itself together in a forest! Izuku was sitting in his classroom doing his normal routine since he had long surpassed this level of education. Even though his grades wouldn't show it since the teachers don't like the fact that a quirkless brat is doing better than their quirked star student (Bakugo). As such, Izuku was stuck just sitting in the classroom doing some notes in his hero journals for the future when the class came to an end. 

The bell ranged and Bakugo and his followers came up to Izuku. Bakugo slammed his hand onto Izuku's desk and screamed in Izuku's face asking him why he was writing in a stupid journal about heroics when he would never become one! "Dam DEKU! Learn your dam place and give it up. You will never get into a hero school. They don't even let quirkless people in! They know how worthless you people are!" Bakugo stated. Izuku just kept himself calm even though some tears went down his face. Even though he was used to this treatment by now the words and physical violence still hurt. He was just a child and it still hurt! "UA actually removed that rule just last year! So that means I can attempt for it!" Izuku stated without stuttering out. Bakugo didn't like this show of disobedience and just grabbed the book and blew it up and tossed it out of the window. 

"Listen up you dam Deku!" Bakugo said as he placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder and burned it with his quirk." Don't even think about it you weak piece of shit!" Bakugo stated and went towards the door. Izuku thought he was done but he wasn't... it was fate for Izuku to learn on this day that his former friend he knew as Kacchan is nowhere alive inside this Bakugo Katuski. Bakugo stopped at the door and looked back at Izuku. "OI! I know a way for you to get a quirk if you want to be a hero so badly!" Bakugo said and Izuku looked up wondering what he was talking about. "If you want quirk so badly then go up to the roof and take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life!" stated Bakugo with venom in his eyes. The followers were just silent. They helped bully Izuku but even for them, the suicide baiting was too far for even them! If Izuku did it then Bakugo's life was over!

Bakugo walked out the door and didn't even turn back. Izuku was left alone in the room frozen. His former childhood friend who his mother thinks as a nephew had just told him to kill himself.... Izuku didn't know what to do but his body just started walking on autopilot to get his book from outside. Soon Izuku found it on the ground and it was burnt and a bit damaged.

"Idiot! If I did it then you would get thrown in jail! The laws don't protect you anymore and everything you are doing is criminal now!" Izuku muttered under his breath

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"Idiot! If I did it then you would get thrown in jail! The laws don't protect you anymore and everything you are doing is criminal now!" Izuku muttered under his breath. He soon started to walk away and decided to take a longer way home today since he wanted to calm himself down before he faced his mother. 'Can't let mom know what Bakugo just said to me. It would destroy her. She already has to put up with my existence...' Izuku thought while walking down the road.

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